Types and varieties of roses: photos, names and descriptions (catalog)

Types and varieties of roses: photos, names and descriptions (catalog)

The queen of the garden is amazing and diverse, because there are hundreds of her varieties. For convenience, all of them were classified into several large categories, combined by size, type and specifics of growth. We tell you about the types and varieties of roses with photos, names and descriptions!

1. Park roses

This category includes the ancient decorative species that have long been used to decorate parks and gardens. They hardly get sick, are not capricious at all and tolerate winter well on the street.

Havenly Pink

The medium-sized variety grows up to 1-1.2 m, does not suffer from fungus and is not afraid of frosts down to -25 degrees. In one season, Havenly Pink releases double pink flowers several times.

Havenly Pink - Types and varieties of park roses


The name of the variety fully reflects its essence, because it ideally complements the image of the goddess of the hunt. There are tough shoots with coarse thorns, and luxurious volumetric buds of an elegant creamy color.

Artemis - Types and varieties of park roses

Commander Baroper

The decorative variety has two significant advantages at once - increased frost resistance and beautiful striped petals. The bush grows up to about 1.5 m, quite unpretentious, but susceptible to disease.

Comandan Baroper - Types and varieties of park roses

Ruban Rouge

The bright scarlet buds of Ruban Rouge are easy to recognize from afar, not only by their rich color, but also by the original aroma of wild berries. The variety is not afraid of pests, and cut flowers delight with beauty for a long time.

Ruban Rouge - Types and varieties of park roses


This is one of the most fragrant park roses, and at the same time it is very tall, up to 2.5 m. Westerland has an unusual orange shade of buds, but delicate shoots must be tied up.

Westerland - Types and varieties of park roses

2. Shrub roses

These are large, powerful bushes that grow intensively in all directions. They are quite unpretentious and can even be wild, but they bloom once a season.

Spirit Of Freedom

The variety has an unusual lilac hue, which is rarely found in garden roses. The buds are very resilient, with a large number of petals collected in a voluminous bowl.

Spirit Of Freedom - Types and varieties of spray roses

Cardinal Richelieu

The beautiful French rose is prized for the double-sided color of the petals - purple and pink. Due to this, large flowers up to 10 cm seem even larger and more textured.

Cardinal Richelieu - Types and varieties of spray roses

Albrighton Rambler

The musky bush rose is distinguished by its snow-white flowering and large buds up to 5 cm in diameter. The flowers have an unusual shape - as if there is a small button in the center.

Albrighton Rambler - Types and varieties of spray roses

Lily Marlene

The classic large rose of deep red color can bloom all summer. The compact bush of Lily Marlene almost does not get sick, it grows quickly and decorates any site.

Lily Marlene - Types and varieties of spray roses


The unusual name hides the same unusual color scheme. The petals of the Bonanza bush rose have a rich golden hue, which smoothly turns into a bright copper edge.

Bonanza - Types and varieties of spray roses

3. Ground cover roses

These include creeping shrubs, whose shoots can easily stretch up to several meters and form a dense flowering carpet. They have rather small, but very diverse flowers that adorn slopes and areas.


One of the most popular ground cover varieties is loved for its increased terry. During flowering, large buds gradually change color from red to cherry.

Hello - Types and varieties of ground cover roses


Among all ground cover roses, Scarlet adapts best to any conditions. The bushes are very small, so that against their background, red double flowers seem huge.

Scarlet - Types and varieties of ground cover roses


Delicate white flowers with a pink center are collected in fragrant inflorescences up to 20 pieces. They are small, but very voluminous and terry, and the shiny green leaves only emphasize this airiness.

Swanee - Types and varieties of ground cover roses


Touching white-pink flowers are collected in large clusters of several dozen in each. Fairy seedlings are completely unpretentious, quickly take root and actively grow, creating real thickets.

Fairy - Types and varieties of ground cover roses


The Ballerina has unusual simple flowers that beginners do not even perceive as roses.But the variety grows well, blooms continuously and for a long time, is not afraid of frost, drought and disease.

Ballerina - Types and varieties of ground cover roses

Periwinkle (60 photos): varieties, care and cultivation

4. Climbing roses

Such roses grow in large and long shoots-lashes, which definitely need support. If groundcover is good for horizontal surfaces, then climbing is used in vertical gardening.

Rosarium Utersen

The old German variety is known all over the world for its abundant densely doubled flowering. Strong and thick lashes grow by 3 m, and up to 5 pink flowers grow on each shoot.

Rosarium Utersen - Types and varieties of climbing roses

Ilse Krohn Superior

The delicate white variety is prized for its large flowers, reliability and predictability. It needs several years to grow, and then it does not cause trouble at all, almost does not get sick and is not afraid of rain.

Ilse Krohn Superior - Types and varieties of climbing roses

Pierre de Ronsard

The sophisticated French variety branches perfectly, hardly breaks and is not too prickly. Dense double flowers are painted in a delicate pink shade, which gradually fades into white.

Pierre de Ronsard - Types and varieties of climbing roses

American Pillar

A fast-growing climbing variety, it gets along well in the south or north. It blooms very profusely with simple crimson flowers, collected in globular inflorescences, but blooms late.

American Pillar - Types and varieties of climbing roses


A luxurious red variety of roses is considered one of the best in terms of winter hardiness and size of flowers. He almost does not get sick, is completely unpretentious and blooms in lush crimson-fiery buds.

Flammentantz - Types and varieties of climbing roses

5. Repair roses

A feature of remontant varieties of roses is re-flowering, which occurs at the end of summer. Usually it is not as lush and plentiful as the first, but it is still very beautiful.

Georg Arends

Large buds resemble a pointed cone, and bloom with elastic, shiny flowers with satin petals. A rose with an unusual tart aroma re-blooms at the height of summer.

Georg Arends - Types and varieties of remontant roses


Large inflorescences, abundant flowering, bright pink buds up to 8 cm in diameter - all this is the Sangria rose. The flowers resemble two-tiered sockets and look perfect in group plantings.

Sangria - Types and varieties of remontant roses

George Dixon

Crimson double flowers with a red tint are very bright and showy. The rose bush grows high and its essential oils are widely used in perfumery.

George Dixon - Types and varieties of remontant roses

Eric Taberly

Like most remontant roses, it is a bushy variety with red, fragrant buds. With proper watering in southern regions, Eric Taberly can produce up to four waves of bloom.

Eric Taberly - Types and varieties of remontant roses

Frau Karl Druschki

The snow-white remontant rose sometimes takes on a pinkish tint, which makes it even softer. The variety can bloom until late autumn, and the blossoming buds remain until the cold weather.

Frau Karl Drushki - Types and varieties of remontant roses

Perennial flowers for a summer residence: photo with names (catalog)

6. Hybrid tea roses

These are artificially bred hybrids that combine the advantages of the best tea and remontant varieties. They can delight with abundant flowering until frost.


Amazing orange Miracle flowers bloom up to 8 cm in diameter and cast either gold or pink. The variety is very resistant to frost and disease, and can also give long continuous flowering.

Miracle - Types and varieties of hybrid tea roses

Augusta Louise

A bright pink variety with a coral center looks very noble and even aristocratic. Augusta Louise roses are very fragrant, profusely blooming and open up to 15 cm in diameter.

Augusta Louise - Types and varieties of hybrid tea roses


Buds with a bizarre emerald tint bloom in delicate creamy flowers. As it blooms, the Avalange rose slightly fades, but does not lose its charm.

Avalange - Types and varieties of hybrid tea roses

Blue Perfume

The original lavender shade instantly draws attention to the Blue Perfume variety. It blooms early, smells strong and gradually changes color as it blooms.

Blue Perfume - Types and varieties of hybrid tea roses

Gloria Day

Among the hybrid tea roses with an unusual shade, the orange-pink Gloria Day is confidently listed. Large flowers on short stems perfectly complement the flower beds.

Gloria Day - Types and varieties of hybrid tea roses

7. Dwarf roses

Such roses are also called miniature, because they do not grow more than 40 cm. But among them there are many varieties of the brightest and most bizarre colors, such as purple and greenish.

Baby Bunting

The old Dutch variety is not so compact - up to 35 cm, with rather large carmine flowers. Roses bloom perfectly all season and are resistant to fungi and diseases.

Baby Bunting - Types and varieties of dwarf roses


A rare apricot shade helps the Hummingbird variety to stay in the top of the best for decades. Fragrant double flowers are collected in dense inflorescences of 5 pieces, but in the middle lane you cannot do without protection for the winter.

Hummingbird - Types and varieties of dwarf roses


The French decorative variety is interesting for its variegated yellow-red color, which is further emphasized by glossy shiny leaves. The curlers are repair roses, so re-flowering can be easily achieved.

Hair curlers - Types and varieties of dwarf roses

Gold Symphony

Large and yellow roses open up to 6 cm - very impressive for dwarf varieties. Gold Symphony will easily become the center of the composition in any flower bed, container or rabatka.

Gold Symphony - Types and varieties of dwarf roses


An ancient snow-white rose looks unusual in cool regions, because the buds begin to turn pink. Cinderella is highly decorative and blooms profusely, but is highly susceptible to black spot.

Cinderella - Types and varieties of dwarf roses

How to feed peonies in spring for lush flowering

8. Polyanthus roses

The varieties are good in group plantings, border landscaping and even in containers. And all because polyanthus roses bloom in small flowers, collected in lush inflorescences of several dozen pieces.

Lady Reading

The old variety is already a little less than a century old, and its elegance fully suits the image of an intelligent lady. The rose grows a little more than 1 m and blooms in red double flowers.

Lady Reading - Types and varieties of polyanthus roses


The fiery variety has collected all shades of yellow, orange and red. Large double flowers bloom up to 7 cm in diameter with a fairly compact bush.

Animo - Types and varieties of polyanthus roses

Wing Ding

There are so many bright and scarlet Wing Ding buds that the shoots bend under their weight. This is a remontant variety that can bloom again and pleases until real cold weather.

Wing Ding - Types and varieties of polyanthus roses

Garden scent

The domestic variety is very compact, therefore it is grown for rose gardens and alpine slides. The pink flowers cover the shoots so densely that the leaves are not visible at all.

Garden scent - Types and varieties of polyanthus roses

9. Floribunda roses

An extensive and very popular category includes breeding hybrids bred by crossing hybrid tea and polyanthus varieties. They have long and continuous flowering, fairly large flowers and increased resistance to adverse conditions.

The Brothers Grimm

Luxurious red-orange flowers stand out brightly on the erect shoots of the spreading bush. The variety tolerates frosts down to -25 degrees, is not afraid of rain and is resistant to fungus.

Brothers Grimm - Types and varieties of floribunda roses

Aspirin Rose

White roses with a pinkish tint can grow upward and outward, so they are grown both in containers and as a groundcover. Cup-shaped double flowers seem to be very voluminous and turn pink even more on cool days.

Aspirin Rose - Types and varieties of floribunda roses


It is impossible to remain indifferent to the most delicate peach shade of Pastella rose. The bush grows only up to 80 cm, but it is abundantly covered with densely double flowers up to 9 cm in diameter.

Pastella - Types and varieties of floribunda roses


Bright red buds generously cover a graceful compact bush up to 1 m high. The middle glows orange, due to which the Midsummer buds resemble real tongues of flame.

Midsummer - Types and varieties of floribunda roses

Arthur Bell

This variety of roses is loved for its unusual yellow color, active growth, impressive size and unpretentiousness. It requires well-drained soil and good lighting, and is otherwise not a hassle.

Arthur Bell - Types and varieties of floribunda roses

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