A luxurious garden that blooms throughout the season is the dream of many flower growers. At first glance, it seems that this is too difficult, but in fact, you only need to choose the right species and varieties. From the point of view of care, perennials are much more practical, because they are not so capricious and do not need to be planted again every year. We tell you about the most popular, beautiful and unpretentious perennial flowers for a summer residence!
1. Snowdrops
Among primroses, snowdrops still occupy one of the first places, because they are associated with spring and the onset of warmth! They are not afraid of frost, and they confidently make their way out of the ground as soon as the snow begins to melt. After flowering, the ground part of the snowdrops dies off, but the root system is reliably protected by the earth until next year.

2. Proleski
Pleski hide among the trees and fill the garden with a unique aroma. They do not need to be planted every year, but you will have to control the population - the flowers multiply very quickly without outside help. Pleski thrive on any soil of any quality.

3. Periwinkle
In addition to the fact that periwinkle is a perennial, it is also evergreen, so it will wonderfully decorate the site. Flowering begins in early spring, but some single flowers appear even in the middle of summer. Periwinkle is unpretentious, but needs regular pinching for healthy development.

4. Forget-me-nots
Like the woodlands, forget-me-nots are undeservedly underestimated in summer cottage gardening. Beautiful delicate plants are easily propagated by seeds and delight with small bright flowers of a beautiful blue hue. Forget-me-nots bloom towards the end of spring and are very fond of plentiful regular watering.

5. Arnica
Arnica is a simple, unpretentious and familiar to almost all gardeners perennial. Bright, small flowers like plenty of sun, acidic soil, and regular watering. Arnica is best combined with the same small and colorful species in other shades.

6. Cornflowers
Cornflowers are a frequent visitor to summer cottages, and for good reason. Only now, not everyone knows that in fact there are many varieties of different shapes, sizes and shades. They are grouped into two large categories, which determines the specificity of the cultivation and the timing of flowering.

7. Pansies
The second name of the popular garden flower is viola, and they can also come in many different shades. The most popular of these are white, yellow and blue, but there are even dark, almost black or spotted varieties. For pansies to bloom for years, it is enough to choose a sunny elevation, where excess moisture does not accumulate.

8. Perennial poppy
The perennial poppy is a beautiful oriental flower that has inspired artists and poets for years. Years of selection made it possible to bring out dozens of frost-resistant varieties of amazing shapes and shades. Look for jagged and terry poppies, orange, purple and white hybrids.

9. Gentian
Delicate blue bells of gentian look as if they have descended from the pages of an old Russian fairy tale. It is a mountain flower that adorns alpine slides amazingly. The gentian does not need to be repotted all the time, but dry shoots will have to be removed regularly.

10. Dicenter
The spectacular and graceful dicentra is appreciated by flower growers for its unusual appearance. It is unlike any other perennial flower and delightfully complements flower beds, mixboards and borders. For all its exotic appearance, the dicenter is absolutely unpretentious.

11. Daffodils
There is an opinion that daffodils on the site are too boring and trite. But most often, inexperienced growers who are not familiar with the whole varietal variety of spring perennial think so. Pay attention to double, multi-flowered, crown and cyclamen varieties.

12. Hyacinths
Hyacinths are another summer cottage perennial, which is appreciated for its lush unusual panicle inflorescences. He has a very interesting shape of the flowers themselves, and the shades can be literally any. Hyacinths feel best in warm regions, because they do not survive too severe frosts and gusts of wind.

13. Gladioli
Beautiful gentle gladioli are incredibly popular in our latitudes, and everyone has probably seen them at least once in their life. In fact, the number of varieties and hybrids reaches 10 thousand, so a whole flower carpet can be planted from gladioli. They need more light and rich nutrient soil.

14. Irises
Irises are one of the most hardy perennials in the country, with which it is almost impossible to go wrong. They can be in almost any shade, including multi-color hybrid varieties. Each species has its own unique aroma, and planting can be practiced throughout the year.

15. Crocuses
Another primrose makes its way to the sun at the same time as the snowdrops. Crocuses attract with their brightness and variety of varieties, so you can plant a whole flower bed from them. Crocuses do well in open areas, in shade under trees and in containers.

16. Daylilies
The name of daylilies fully reflects their main feature - large and expressive flowers of a characteristic shape. Long and sharp leaves give even more elegance. Daylily bushes are planted at a distance of about half a meter from each other, watered abundantly and mulched.

17. Adonis
A beautiful bright perennial blooms in late spring and pleases with lush flowering. Both sun and shade are suitable for him, and the main requirement is nutritious saturated soil. Keep in mind that adonis does not like frequent transplants, so immediately choose a place for several years in advance.

18. Alyssum
Alyssum is one of the most sun-loving perennials that can easily endure dry seasons. It is notable for its variety of varieties and rich color palette - especially white, pink and purple tones. Keep in mind that alyssum does not tolerate excessive watering and can rot.

19. Evening primrose
Primroses are small, low bushes with bright colorful flowers in all shades of the rainbow. The petals can be one-color or painted in several contrasting colors at once. And primroses are also unpretentious - they have enough nutritious soil and regular watering.

20. Pelargonium
Pelargonium is another neat compact bush with bright and lush inflorescences. It is very beautiful, and blooms for a long time: from the beginning of summer until the first serious frosts. Pelargonium does not need to be replanted every year, and in order for it to bloom well, it is enough to fertilize it with manure.

21. Asters
Asters are extremely unpretentious, and that is why they are appreciated in summer cottages. They are also very diverse and colorful, so you can experiment with varieties and combinations. There is a misconception that asters need to be planted again every year, but this is not the case.

22. Anemones
Large beautiful anemones with flowers up to 8 cm in diameter belong to anemones. There are so many different colored varieties that can be used for bouquets in the future. Consider that in the harsh northern regions it will be problematic to grow anemones as a perennial, but in the south of the country - just right.

23. Violets
Despite the fact that now there are many newer and more interesting alternatives, gardeners value violets primarily for the variety of varieties. Their appearance and colors are rather monotonous, but the flowering periods stretch from early spring to autumn. The same violets can be safely grown on the windowsill, in containers and on the balcony.

24. Astilba
Large and lush inflorescences of astilba are rarely found in mid-latitudes, and completely in vain. It does well in temperate climates and does not tolerate drought and excessive heat. Astilba grows without problems in one place up to twenty years and pleases with flowering throughout the season, if you combine the varieties correctly.

The unusual perennial is good with tall, bright racemose inflorescences in all shades of blue, purple and white. Delphinium easily tolerates frosty winters and does not need protective shelter. This is your choice if the soil in your area is too wet or even swampy in places.

26. Lupins
A very beautiful and interesting flower with paniculate inflorescences loves acidic soil and nitrogen fertilizers. This is a very beautiful perennial that looks equally impressive in multi-component compositions or solo in small groups.

27. Clematis
Bright large clematis with star flowers are appreciated for the highest winter hardiness and long flowering. They grow quickly, thrive in sandy or loamy soil, and love the sun. Clematis definitely need good drainage and frost protection for the winter.

28. Chrysanthemums
Many people know chrysanthemums as classic autumn bouquets, but not at all as a summer flower. And in vain, because there are so many beautiful and spectacular perennial varieties that bloom until the very frost. Chrysanthemum bouquets last for weeks after cutting, so you can decorate your home too.

29. Peonies
Due to the lush exotic beauty of peonies, inexperienced growers often find them very moody. But this is absolutely not the case: an unpretentious perennial has lived in one place for decades and does not cause trouble. The main thing is to monitor the humidity, leave a distance between the seedlings when planting and periodically rejuvenate the bushes.

30. Mallows
Mallows can be annual or perennial: the modern variety of breeding varieties allows you to choose. At dachas and in gardens, about thirty varieties are planted with a height of 30 to 120 cm. Sudanese perennial mallow, which is also called Black for its rich red-black color, is very popular.