Berry plantations are always very sensitive to external conditions. Strawberry leaves are as delicate as its fruits, and it is on them that all diseases and mistakes in care affect. Today we will tell you why they turn yellow and dry. After all, the sooner you determine the cause, the higher the chances of a favorable outcome!
Main reasons
Most often, there are several reasons why strawberry leaves turn yellow, so they need to be addressed in a comprehensive manner. These are violations of care, the wrong choice of a place for planting, heat or long rains. Like other berries, strawberries can be sore and attract numerous garden pests.
Strawberry leaves turn yellow evenly
If the leaf plate gradually turns yellow from the tip or evenly changes color, most likely it is due to improper care. If you find out the cause of the problem in time and eliminate it, then the strawberries will soon recover on their own.
- Strawberries do not tolerate completely open areas, so that the leaves can turn yellow due to a banal sunburn. Take cover by noon;
- If the strawberry lacks moisture, then the leaves dry out from heat, dehydration and poor absorption of nutrients at the same time;
- Strawberries can turn yellow due to weakened immunity, which happens with regular evening watering. So the earth does not dry out until the temperature drops and the berry freezes;
- Very often, strawberry leaves turn yellow due to a lack of magnesium, which directly affects photosynthesis. In this case, the spots may gradually turn brown or purple;
- During active growth, nitrogen is required, which directly affects the formation of green mass;
- Leaves turn yellow between green veins when infected with infectious or non-infectious chlorosis. In this case, the yellowness takes on an almost lemon tint;
- If the root system is damaged during excavation, the strawberries will turn yellow and wither until they fully recover.
Yellow spots on strawberry leaves
Leaves turn yellow with spots, chaotic fragments and intricate patterns due to fungi and diseases. It is important to take action as quickly as possible here because infections can spread easily throughout the garden.
- If the spots on the leaves are covered with a whitish bloom, this is real or downy mildew. Treatment with fungicides is imperative;
- If the leaves look like they are covered with a yellow mosaic pattern, it could be a mosaic virus. Unfortunately, it is incurable and damaged strawberry bushes need to be destroyed as soon as possible;
- Take a good look at the bushes for unnoticed colonies of aphids, ticks or pennies. They drink juices from the plant, and also carry diseases and infections;
- Strawberries will regularly turn yellow and sore if you water them with cold water and do not loosen the beds after watering.
Strawberry leaves turn yellow in the greenhouse
When growing berries in a greenhouse, there are fewer problems with care, because it is easier to maintain temperature and humidity in a greenhouse. At the same time, all fungi and diseases in such favorable conditions multiply almost at lightning speed!
- You need to adjust the temperature regime even before disembarking. If the ground is too warm and the air is cool, the strawberries will turn yellow due to such a difference;
- It is important not to increase the humidity in excess of the norm, because the leaves will begin to turn yellow, soften and rot;
- The greenhouse must be ventilated, otherwise the strawberries will wither from the heat and lack of air;
- The soil in the greenhouse is depleted more quickly, so it needs to be changed periodically and carefully follow the fertilization schedule.
Strawberry leaves curl and dry
Also, the leaves of strawberries are deformed, curled and gradually dry out when affected by diseases.Or the plant is critically lacking in nutrients and needs complex feeding.
- Rust leaves yellow-orange spots on the leaves, which gradually turn brown and brown;
- Late blight wilting leads to the fact that the leaves wither from the bottom up until the strawberry dies completely;
- All kinds of spots - fungal diseases of various origins - lead to the same consequences. Fortunately, most of them are treated in the same way: you need to remove the damaged parts, treat the cuts with charcoal and use a fungicide according to the instructions;
- When the leaves dry at the edges, and then crumble, this is a potassium deficiency.
Strawberry leaves turn yellow after planting
In this case, the problem is most often in the wrong choice of place, because strawberries are sensitive to the soil and the neighborhood. Such nuances must be taken into account long before planting seedlings.
- If the soil is too acidic, then the leaves turn yellow spots. Therefore, before planting strawberries, the soil must be prepared six months in advance and, if necessary, deoxidized;
- It is important to observe crop rotation on the site and not to grow the same crops for years in one place. Strawberries are likely to turn yellow in former potato, nightshade or aster beds;
- If the strawberry is near a raspberry or a flower bed with tulips, the problem may be that its leaves are being eaten by a weevil;
- If the planting is too thick, the leaves will also wither because they lack nutrients. Leave a distance between the bushes at least 25 cm;
- If there was at least one infected seedling during planting, then the entire plantation may turn yellow in the future. For example, this is how viral xanthosis spreads.