Types and varieties of lilies: photos, names and descriptions

Types and varieties of lilies: photos, names and descriptions

Delicate and graceful lily looks majestic and exotic. However, it does well in gardens and is almost hassle-free if you choose the right variety. Today we will tell you more about the types and varieties of lilies with photos, names and descriptions so that you never have to get confused in them again!

1. Aaron

A delicate Asian variety blooms with large white double flowers. Aaron lilies are medium in size - up to 80 cm in height, and bloom in the first half of summer.

Aaron - Types and varieties of lilies

2. Pearl Prince

One of the tallest garden hybrids stretches up to 2 m and produces flowers up to 25 cm in diameter. One such lily blooms up to 30 buds, which looks unusually bright.

Pearl Prince - Types and varieties of lilies

3. Shocking

The spectacular hybrid is resistant to frost and does not require shelter, even at -30 degrees. Lily petals of a delicate creamy color with red spots and stains.

Shocking - Types and varieties of lilies

4. Nove Cento

A bright yellow variety with a greenish tint, it is appreciated precisely for its rich colors. Although the Nove Cento lily is not very tall, the flowers open up to 16 cm in diameter and delight the whole July.

Nove Cento - Types and varieties of lilies

5. Triumphant

An interesting property of the Triumfator variety is its giant flowers with a relatively small size. The lily stretches up to 1 m, but its white-pink buds open 25 cm in summer.

Triumphant - Types and varieties of lilies

6. Dolce End Gabbana

The variety got its eminent name due to its amazing beauty of wavy petals. Dolce End Gabbana is different from other pink lilies and immediately attracts attention.

Dolce End Gabbana - Types and varieties of lilies

7. Mapira

Another Asian variety of lilies that are valued for their unusual colors. Mapira flowers shimmer with all shades of burgundy, and from a distance seem to be generally black.

Mapira - Types and varieties of lilies

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8. White Triumph

Lily belongs to long-flowered due to the characteristic shape of elongated buds. In the second half of summer, White Triumph blooms with large snow-white flowers with a greenish tint.

White Triumph - Types and varieties of lilies

9. Boogie Woogie

A fairly tall hybrid easily grows up to 1.5 m. This lily is prized for its delicate and romantic color, in which noble gold is gently mixed with a touching blush.

Boogie Woogie - Types and varieties of lilies

10. Mystery Dream

One of the most unusual varieties of lilies is notable for the original form of double flowers that bloom in the second half of summer. The petals are of a yellow-light green shade with brown specks.

Mystery Dream - Types and varieties of lilies

11. Miss Fairy

A very tall lily grows above 2 m, but its flowers are not so large - up to 17 cm. However, they are distinguished by an amazing crimson or fuchsia color with dark spots and a white border.

Miss Fairy - Types and varieties of lilies

12. Slates Morning

The popular curly lily combines a myriad of shades, from white and yellowish to pink and purple. Its spotted petals are almost impossible to confuse with any other varieties.

Slates Morning - Types and varieties of lilies

13. Double Sense

A bright red lily with a white center looks very impressive with its double petals. Double Sense is a rather small Asian variety, about 60 cm tall.

Double Sense - Types and varieties of lilies

Perennial flowers for a summer residence: photo with names (catalog)

14. Black Charm

Luxurious black lily is a decorative hybrid with large flowers. It is relatively unpretentious, but needs shelter for the winter and prefers acidified soil.

Black Charm - Types and varieties of lilies

15. Apollo

One of the most beautiful varieties of lilies in the world, it also has an amazing aroma. Her flowers are not too large - up to 12 cm in diameter, but in a group they look simply luxurious.

Apollo - Types and varieties of lilies

16. Lionheart

From a distance, it may seem that the petals of large lilies resemble a banana peel. The yellow tips gradually merge into the dark, black-purple center of the Lion's Heart.

Lionheart - Types and varieties of lilies

17. Lollipop

The relatively short lilies are notable for their wide-open flowers, which seem to stretch towards the sun. The petals have a delicate creamy shade with casual red strokes.

Lollipop - Types and varieties of lilies

18. Lake Tulare

The petals of the American hybrid are bent back so much that beginners even doubt if it is a lily.The white center with a yellow stripe merges into bright pink ends with crimson dots.

Lake Tular - Types and varieties of lilies

19. Marlene

This hybrid Asian lily is loved by florists and decorators around the world. It is tall, up to 1.2 m, with large pale pink flowers 15 cm in diameter. One plant can produce up to hundreds of buds - a rare property of certain varieties.

Marlene - Types and varieties of lilies

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20. Golden Splendor

A tubular lily with long tube flowers is prized for its bright yellow color. In the shape of a bud, it looks more like a drooping bell on a medium-sized stem.

Golden Splendor - Types and varieties of lilies

21. African Queen

The name of the variety fully reflects its essence, because it seems that all shades of the desert are intertwined in the African Queen colors. Large flowers are collected in racemose inflorescences in several pieces, and the shoots grow up to 1.4 m.

African Queen - Types and varieties of lilies

22. Red Twin

One of the most beautiful varieties among red lilies impresses with the size of double flowers - up to 16 cm. With all its exotic beauty, the Red Twin easily tolerates frosts and does not need winter shelter.

Red Twin - Types and varieties of lilies

23. Pink Perfection

Among the pink varieties, Pink Perfection stands out for its delicate shade with a lilac tint. It is a tubular lily, so its bud resembles a drooping bell.

Pink Perfection - Types and varieties of lilies

24. Salmon Star

The oriental hybrid with a delicate salmon color is actually very large and impressive. The shoots of Salmon Star grow up to 2 m, and the corrugated fragrant flowers open at least 20 cm.

Salmon Star - Types and varieties of lilies

25. Lady Alice

The decorative tiger hybrid resembles a real fairy-tale flower thanks to its spectacular white and orange colors. Lily Lady Alice easily grows up to 1.5 m, and the flowers are turbid in shape.

Lady Alice - Types and varieties of lilies

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