Powdery mildew is unconditionally in the top three among the most common fungal diseases of currants. And all because it is almost impossible to avoid the ubiquitous disease in the garden. So we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the treatment in advance, and we have already learned the most effective methods of struggle!
What is powdery mildew?
This is a fungus that has several different pathogens at once. It develops not only on currants, but also on almost all crops, without exception. The leaves wither, the shoots die, the inflorescences do not form ovaries, the fruits rot, the winter hardiness of the shrub decreases.
Reasons for the appearance
The powdery mildew fungus prefers the first hot days of summer, when the spores finally wake up after winter. It spreads through direct contact, wind or water droplets. Currants suffer more with changes in humidity, after improper pruning or due to an excess of nitrogen.
How to recognize a disease
Powdery mildew symptoms are quite consistent with its name. The leaves are covered with white and, as it were, a mealy bloom - these are myceliums. It disperses in spots and gradually spreads to shoots and fruits.
Most often, powdery mildew is first noticeable on the lower leaves, and already rises from there. Later, small drops appear on the spots, and then they completely turn brown. In currants, shoots are bent and leaf plates become smaller.
Chemicals: how to treat?
Although powdery mildew easily disperses through currants, fungicides effectively cope with it. Any specialized drug will do, so here are a few of the most common and effective ones!
Copper sulfate
It is the main remedy for currant powdery mildew and can be used neat. You will need 100 g per bucket of water, and the finished liquid can be used for irrigation.
Iron sulfate can also be used to destroy powdery mildew. But its concentration should be higher - up to 300 g per bucket, but otherwise the rules of application are the same.
Bordeaux liquid
This is the most versatile drug that every gardener must have in his arsenal. It helps not only against powdery mildew, but also against a number of other fungi, diseases and parasites.
The broad spectrum fungicide is suitable for all types of crops and is rain resistant. But it must be used at least 3-4 weeks before harvest.
An effective and versatile fungicide that stops the development and spread of spores. You only need 2 ml per bucket, but check the instructions first. Topaz is used prophylactically at the beginning of the season, and then as needed.
The drug with a mild effect is gentle, but at the same time gives a good result. For convenience, it comes in liquid, powder or paste form.
The fungicide has an average toxicity to humans, but it is safe for bees. In addition to the destruction of powdery mildew, Bayleton well increases the immunity and resistance of currants to stress.
The drug is very good for berry bushes, and is also suitable for prevention and treatment. The first treatment must be done before flowering, and the last one after picking the currants.
Folk remedies: how to fight?
If you do not want to treat the garden with chemical pesticides or powdery mildew has just appeared, then you can get by with folk recipes. We tell you a few of the most effective for currants!
Pour half a glass of ash with a liter of boiling water, let it brew for 2 days, add a little soap. You can process currants at intervals of a week as many times as needed.
Potassium permanganate
Add 5 g of potassium permanganate to a bucket of water and spray the currants as the disease progresses. Such a solution will not destroy powdery mildew, but will stop its spread.
Pour half a bucket of green manure and garden weeds with hot water to the edge of the container and mix. The solution should be infused for a couple of days and begin to ferment, and then strain it and spray the currants.
Baking soda
A solution of regular baking soda is not very effective for treatment, but it will be a good prevention. You need 2 tablespoons for a bucket of water. and a little grated soap so that a film remains after spraying. This product can be used up to 5-6 times a season.
Soda ash
For a liter of liquid, you only need an incomplete teaspoon of soda ash and the same amount of soap. Mix the solution well and sprinkle the currants twice with a week break.
Dilute 10 ml of pharmacy iodine in a bucket of water and use the solution for processing currant leaves. If the powdery mildew has spread, then you can slightly increase the concentration.
Pour a third of the mullein bucket to the brim with cold water and store in a dark place for 3 days. In order for the medicine to infuse faster, it must be stirred periodically. Filter the solution, dilute 1:10 with clean water and use immediately for evening treatment.
Fermented milk whey
Serum from kefir or sour milk is diluted with water 1:10 and stirred thoroughly. That's all - the solution is already ready for use against powdery mildew!
Prevention of powdery mildew on currants
Fungal spores winter safely in old leaves, so at the end of the season you should always remove plant debris. Carry out rejuvenating pruning on time and carefully, because it temporarily reduces the immunity of plants. When planting, do not plant the bushes too close so that they will not be crowded in the future.
Apply nitrogen fertilizers at the time recommended by the manufacturer and strictly according to the dosage. An excess of them also contributes to the development of powdery mildew, especially during budding. But the durability of currants is increased by planned feeding with potassium and phosphorus.
All affected and frozen shoots on currants must be cut out. At the beginning of the season, before flowering and after harvest, carry out a scheduled spraying with fungicides.