10 ideas on how to make a laptop with your own hands

10 ideas on how to make a laptop with your own hands

The laptop is an interesting educational toy that is equally useful for both children and adults. In fact, it is a thematic interactive manual that helps children to recognize, organize and memorize information. The book or box contains countless pockets, pictures, crafts, notes and puzzles. And most importantly - you can easily make such a laptop with your own hands!

1. Cognitive laptop

The laptop encyclopedia is useful for older preschoolers for individual work. In fact, this is a full-fledged form of training and consolidation of information, so content and content are in the foreground. Use fun facts blocks, picture cards, quizzes, quizzes, riddles, Q&A, quizzes, puzzles, and match-up games.

Do-it-yourself cognitive laptop - how to make
Do-it-yourself cognitive laptop - how to make

2. Gaming laptop

These laptops are more of a toy than an encyclopedia, so focus on entertainment. Let all the information be as easy as possible - in jokes, riddles or poetry. Pick up more volumetric pieces, movable windows, sliding pockets and revolving circles.

Use jigsaw puzzles, simple adventure games, quest cards, small items in cloth bags and all kinds of guessing games. Make a laptop with proverbs, poems, tests, pictures and meanings to be matched. An interesting task is to compose a story from a picture or put the frames in order.

DIY gaming laptop - how to make
DIY gaming laptop - how to make

3. Festive laptop

A congratulatory laptop is a wonderful gift for a person whose tastes and interests are known to you. A thematic album with inserts, pictures, photographs, memorable knick-knacks and cute decorations will delight even adults. And you can also make it with your child as a gift for his friends: for example, with dresses and accessories for a friend's paper doll or with a friend's favorite cars and athletes.

DIY holiday laptop - how to make
DIY holiday laptop - how to make

4. Lapbook story

Another laptop that you can make with your own hands, not only for a child, but also with him is the story of his life. Let the kid decide on his own what he wants to put in the secret pockets. Make sections with photos, funny phrases, small crafts. Such an album will be a great memory for the whole family in 10, and in 20 years.

Do-it-yourself laptop story - how to make

5. A laptop for a small child

Initially, lapbooks were used by teachers to prepare children for school, but children under 5 years old may well play with such albums and explore the world. Only select the content by age: instead of cards with facts, introduce the baby to flowers, shapes, textures and simple moving elements.

Do-it-yourself laptop for a small child - how to make
Do-it-yourself laptop for a small child - how to make

6. Lapbook "about life"

All parents are concerned with how to teach the child not the most interesting, but vital things. These are the rules of the road, what to do if you get lost, how to communicate with strangers and how to act in other emergency situations. A laptop with beautiful pictures, interesting quizzes and humorous rhymes-tips is ideal for this.

A laptop about life with your own hands - how to make
A laptop about life with your own hands - how to make

7. Musical laptop

With the help of a laptop, young musicians will get to know sheet music, basic concepts and composers much easier and faster. You can visually compare the instruments in pictures, get used to the musical row, or even begin to master the arrangement of the keys. Composing your own music while playing is much more fun too!

DIY musical laptop - how to make
DIY musical laptop - how to make

8. Lapbook about animals and plants

The convenient structure of lapbooks allows you to more conveniently systematize knowledge about the world around you than any encyclopedia book. And all because all the pockets, sections and segments are collected here as clearly as possible. To make such a laptop with your own hands, use photos, cards, dried twigs and leaves, colorful stickers.

Do-it-yourself laptop about animals and plants - how to make
Do-it-yourself laptop about animals and plants - how to make

9. A laptop about a city or country

To introduce a child to the city or country where he lives, it is difficult to find a better way than a laptop.After all, historical reference books do not captivate all kids, but interactive entertainment with pictures, maps, interesting facts and different sections will be very useful. And when the child gets older, it's time to start exploring the world with laptops in other countries, capitals or main attractions.

Do-it-yourself laptop about a city or country - how to make
Do-it-yourself laptop about a city or country - how to make

10. Laptop about the book

If a child has a favorite fairy tale, story or writer, he will definitely be interested in learning something new in a thematic laptop. In addition to interesting facts, you can add a little interactivity: guesses, coloring pages, simple tests or questions. And some informative details - for example, references to other works.

A laptop about a book with your own hands - how to make
A laptop about a book with your own hands - how to make

Video: Lapbook on the topic "My favorite book"

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