Cherry diseases: descriptions with photos and methods of treatment

Cherry diseases: descriptions with photos and methods of treatment

Diseases can become a serious obstacle on the way to the long-awaited cherry harvest. And the reasons are by no means always in improper care, because the infection can pass from neighboring trees or pests will bring it. Therefore, we recommend that you prepare in advance! We have collected for you descriptions of the most common cherry diseases with photos, and also share ways to treat them!

1. Coccomycosis

This is a fungus that affects the entire tree, but is primarily seen on the leaves. Most often, spores hibernate in fallen leaves near the trunk, which is why regular cleaning is so important. Red-orange spots begin to gradually rise from the lower branches upward, turn brown and are covered with bloom from the back side.

Breeders have developed varieties that are quite resistant to coccomycosis, so pay attention to varietal characteristics. When planting, avoid lowlands and wet soil, dig up the soil in time. Spray the cherries with a mild urea solution until the leaves fly off and with copper-containing products later. For treatment, the same medicinal products are used, Bordeaux liquid, fungicides Skor or Oxyhom.

Coccomycosis - Diseases of cherries, description with photos and treatment

2. Anthracnose

This is a fungus that first of all infects the fruits so that they rot. It is very easy to lose sight of the first symptoms because small pale spots appear on the berries. The rainy, hot season promotes an almost instantaneous spread of anthracnose.

Remove the carrion in time, dig up the soil and whiten the trunk with the lower branches. Always disinfect all gardening tools and use a garden varnish. For treatment, sprinkle cherries with Polyram or similar preparations three times with an interval of 1.5-2 weeks.

Anthracnose - Diseases of cherries, description with photos and treatment

Raspberry diseases: descriptions with photos and methods of treatment

3. Scab

The pathogen fungus hibernates in dry leaves, spreads in the warm season, and then mercilessly destroys the crop. The first symptom is yellow cracking spots on young leaves at the height of summer, when the temperature rises above 20 degrees.

It is almost impossible to avoid scab without preventive measures. If the trunks are white, immediately remove dry leaves and branches, and regularly introduce nitrogen and potassium supplements for immunity. For treatment, you will need multiple treatments with copper-containing fungicides, such as Cuprozan.

Scab - Diseases of cherries, description with photos and treatment

4. Moniliosis

This is a fungus that infects flowers, buds and young leaves during rains and cold snaps. At first it looks like the tree is just drying up. Many people mistakenly believe that cherries burn in the sun or because of a lack of moisture, but the problem is diametrically opposite.

For prevention, regularly thin out the crown, process the trunk with garden lime with copper sulfate, remove fallen leaves in time. For spraying, Bordeaux liquid and copper-based fungicides are used. But first you need to carefully cut and burn all damaged branches, and treat the sections with an antiseptic.

Moniliosis - Diseases of cherries, description with photos and treatment

Diseases of grapes: descriptions with photos and methods of treatment

5. Gomoz

If on the branches of cherries appear as if breasts of golden resin - this is a gum. The reasons can be very different - from an excess of moisture with fertilizers to mechanical damage to branches. That is why it is important to immediately treat the wounds with garden varnish, clay with mullein or copper solution.

Gomoz - Diseases of cherries, description with photos and treatment

6. Clasteriosis

This is one of the fungal spots found in humid and warm regions. It is easy to distinguish, because small spots dry out and fall out, leaving holes behind. Clasteriosis is mistakenly confused with damage or pests, but insects are usually visible visually.

In the most advanced cases, the same spots appear on the fruits, and the branches become covered with ulcers. Always remove damaged branches immediately, process the cuts with pitch and spray the cherries with copper sulfate twice a year. For treatment, the same medicinal preparations are used, but in an increased dosage.

Clasteriosis - Diseases of cherries, description with photos and treatment

Diseases of cucumbers: descriptions with photos and methods of treatment

7. Rust

Its name indicates the symptoms of rust - cherry leaves are covered with lumpy orange spots. This is the fungus most commonly carried by conifers, so avoid this kind of neighborhood. For prophylaxis in the fall, spray the trees with copper sulfate, and for treatment, use Skor, Hom or similar preparations.

Rust - Diseases of cherries, description with photos and treatment

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