Types and varieties of daylily: photos, names and descriptions

Types and varieties of daylily: photos, names and descriptions

Many people confuse daylily with a lily, and for good reason, because they really look alike. Only now, unlike a lily, it is a perennial with a developed large rhizome, several peduncles, at least a dozen buds and a much wider variety of forms. So that you no longer have to constantly get confused, we tell you about the varieties of daylily with photos, names and descriptions!

1. Janice Brown

Ruffled petals are dyed from milky to bright pink, with a greenish center. The funnel-shaped daylily prefers sunny areas and good drainage.

Janice Brown - Types and varieties of daylily

2. Children's Festival

The classic peach-orange daylily is one that is regularly confused with lilies because of its shape. Although the height of the stems rarely exceeds 50 cm, the buds open up to an impressive 15 cm.

Children's Festival - Types and varieties of daylily

3. Anzac

Red flowers with a yellow center do not smell at all, but they are very large - up to a record 18 cm. Flowering is not the longest for a daylily - on average, about 30 days.

Anzac - Types and varieties of daylily

4. Cherry Valentine

Large embossed flowers up to 15 cm in diameter become even more textured in the sun. The crimson heart-shaped center is complemented by the same crimson edging along the edge of the petals.

Cherry Valentine - Types and varieties of daylily

5. Knight Ambers

A rich crimson-crimson flower up to 13 cm in diameter casts purple in the sun and changes, depending on the lighting. The Night Ambers variety is not only very showy, but also very aromatic.

Night Ambers - Types and varieties of daylily

6. Crimson Pirate

The daylily cultivar Crimson Pirate is distinguished by its long and elongated slender petals. They are bright red in color with yellow stripes from the middle and occasional yellow strokes.

Crimson Pirate - Types and varieties of daylily

7. Venetian fringe

The name of the variety fully reflects the peculiarities of the shape of this daylily, the petals of which seem to be fringed. It is a large plant - up to 1 m in height and up to an impressive 19 cm in diameter of flowers.

Venetian fringe - Types and varieties of daylily

Periwinkle (60 photos): varieties, care and cultivation

8. Fire and Fog

Large flowers with scarlet petals and a yellow center open up to 15 cm in diameter. A big plus is that the Fire End Fog daylily can grow and bloom in partial shade.

Fire and Fog - Types and varieties of daylily

9. Little Missy

A low-growing variety with medium-sized flowers, an interesting shade that goes to grape purple. The tall and sturdy flower stalk of Little Missy extends strongly over the dense leaves.

Little Missy - Types and varieties of daylily

10. Diva Choice

This hybrid variety of daylily is notable for its expressive aroma and unusual colors. Diva Choice's bright pink petals end in yellow-green corrugated piping.

Diva Choice - Types and varieties of daylily

11. Sorry Mee

Small and modest Pardon Mee grows only up to 45 cm with flowers up to 7 cm in diameter. Moreover, they are very bright, deep red and funnel-shaped.

Sorry Mi - Types and varieties of daylily

12. Bestseller

The name of this daylily speaks for itself - it is really very popular. In particular, due to the fact that with regular maintenance, you can get the re-blooming of corrugated purple-lemon flowers.

Bestseller - Types and varieties of daylily

13. Burgundian love

The spectacular hybrid stands out for its very decorative petals and an unusual wine aroma. Daylily of deep burgundy color blooms in the second half of summer and blooms until the end.

Burgundy love - Types and varieties of daylily

Perennial flowers for a summer residence: photo with names (catalog)

14. Highland Lord

The rich scarlet color of the Highland Lord petals looks very impressive, which, depending on the lighting, acquires a wine tint. This daylily has not only flowers, but also narrow arcuate leaves resemble lilies.

Highland Lord - Types and varieties of daylily

15. Border Music

The delicate vanilla shade of the Border Music petals turns into a violet-crimson middle and edging. Up to 15 buds are collected on each peduncle, which open 15 cm in diameter.

Border Music - Types and varieties of daylily

16. Halls Pink

The tall, soft salmon variety is especially similar to the lily due to its narrower petals. Daylily Halls Pink is very unpretentious, but blooms most abundantly in the sun and with intensive watering.

Halls Pink - Types and varieties of daylily

17. Red Ram

Although Red Ram is a low-growing variety up to 40 cm high, it is covered with rather large scarlet flowers with straight stripes from the yellow middle. The variety is good for those who do not tolerate aromas well, because it does not smell at all.

Red Ram - Types and varieties of daylily

18. Summer Vine

Among the red-orange daylilies, the bright Summer Vine with an almost uniform color is very prominent. Despite its summer name, the variety is very frost-resistant, but needs additional feeding.

Summer Vine - Types and varieties of daylily

19. Get Jiggy

This is one of the most original daylily varieties due to its unusual color. The Get Jiggy flower up to 15 cm in diameter is a kaleidoscope of white, pink, crimson, purple, yellow and green.

Get Jiggy - Types and varieties of daylily

20. Berriliches

The medium-sized daylily is densely covered with large cherry flowers up to 15 cm in diameter. On the petals of the Berriliches, a purple spot and purple edging diverge, which give the variety a zest.

Berrilishes - Types and varieties of daylily

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21. Voodoo Dancer

A fancy decorative variety is difficult to confuse with other daylilies, because it has everything special: from shape to color. Surprisingly, at the same time, in good years, Voodoo Dancer allows you to achieve re-flowering.

Voodoo Dancer - Types and varieties of daylily

22. Big Smile

Very gentle and romantic Big Smile is distinguished by abundant flowering. Flowers up to 15 cm in a delicate creamy orange shade also resemble lilies, only the flowering lasts up to 2 months.

Big Smile - Types and varieties of daylily

23. Black Stockings

This daylily is often called "black" for its rich maroon color with contrasting bright yellow center. Black Stockings may seem exotic, but it is surprisingly resistant to frost and does not need shelter.

Black Stockings - Types and varieties of daylily

24. Blizzard Bay

Delicate, profusely flowering daylily forms very neat bushes with a dense rosette of narrow long leaves. Large cream-colored Blizzard Bay flowers are bordered with a yellow corrugated edge.

Blizzard Bay - Types and varieties of daylily

25. Little Anna Rose

The compact variety is miniaturized in all aspects: from a height of less than 50 cm to small delicate flowers up to 10 cm in diameter. The petals of Little Anna Rose are slightly double, with bright red veins on a delicate pink background.

Little Anna Rose - Types and varieties of daylily

26. Black Prince

Another maroon variety of daylily this time grows much higher - up to 1 m. Expressive yellow stripes radiate from the yellow core of the Black Prince, which can reach the edge of the petals.

Black Prince - Types and varieties of daylily

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