Waxwing (60 photos): description of the bird, where it lives and what it eats

Waxwing (60 photos): description of the bird, where it lives and what it eats

The very bird in the image of which our ancestors created children's whistles is the waxwing. And at the same time, this species is still one of the least studied, so some of the habits of waxwings remain a mystery even for ornithologists. And yet, we tried to figure out the basic information!

general description

The waxwing is a charming songbird from the family of the same name. This is a direct relative of the common city sparrow, and they do have a lot in common.


The waxwing is small, about 65 g, but a bright bird. She has a silky gray-pink plumage with a funny crest. The wings are black and white, with bright yellow and red spots. A yellow stripe extends along the edge of the short tail.

The length of the waxwing body reaches a maximum of 23 cm. Males and females hardly differ from each other. Long pointed wings allow the bird to fly quickly and effectively, writing fantastic pirouettes. The shortened wide beak resembles the beak of a flycatcher.

The waxwing has short legs with rounded claws. Due to this, they perfectly move along the branches, but are poorly adapted to running on the ground. That is why it is almost impossible to meet them below. The black area around the eyes makes the bird appear to be wearing a mask.


Juveniles: differences

Young waxwings are completely gray-brown and do not yet have red spots on their wings. But the yellow ones are already there. Plumage becomes brighter by about 6 months after the first molt.

Juveniles: differences


The singing of the waxwing really resembles the sound of the pipe. But noisy whistling sounds do not seem melodic to everyone. From here came the second version of the origin of the name - from the word "waxing", loudly and unpleasantly screaming.


How long waxwings live

On average, waxwings live up to 13 years. At the same time, they change partners for breeding every year. Small chicks are considered independent after about 2.5 weeks.

How long waxwings live

Types of waxwings

There are only a few basic species that are also quite similar. According to different classifications - from 3 to 8, so this is not the most extensive family. We chose the most interesting varieties!

Common waxwing

The brightest, most numerous representative of the family with the most extensive geography. The easiest way to identify him is by that very yellow border on the wings and tail.

Common waxwing

Black waxwing

The males are blue-black with metallic highlights, while the females are gray. This is just one species with a pronounced difference between them.

Black waxwing

Amur waxwing

A small representative of the family with a calf up to 16 cm. It differs from an ordinary one only by a red stripe instead of a yellow and bluish tint of the tail.

Amur waxwing

Gray silk waxwing

A tropical inhabitant with inconspicuous gray plumage and a bright yellow belly. Deliberate unpretentiousness just makes it stand out among the multi-colored exotic birds.

Gray silk waxwing

American waxwing

He is also called cedar, according to his favorite place of residence. In addition to North America, the species is found in the UK and Scandinavia. Birds have a yellowish abdomen and a brown back.

American waxwing

Long-tailed waxwing

The main feature of this species is a long tail, which is easy to guess. Gray plumage smoothly turns to yellow on the head, abdomen and tail.

Long-tailed waxwing

Jay (50 photos): description of the bird, what it eats and where it lives


Waxwing loves the cold and the northern regions, so their lifestyle is appropriate. These are voracious birds that stray into groups of up to 50 individuals, but they gradually disintegrate in the process of migration.


The waxwing is common in the Northern Hemisphere. This is a forest bird that prefers coniferous and mixed forests for the most part, and especially forest tundra. In addition, waxwings nest in clearings and in the mountains.


The diet

Small birds feed on small insects, seeds, plant shoots and berries. They live in flocks and hunt in the same flocks right in flight. Near settlements, waxwings are especially attracted by mountain ash.

The diet


It is not a migratory species, but waxwings can move closer to warmth in search of food. In particular, they willingly winter in the south of Europe, in Turkey and in the Crimea. They travel in large groups and return by spring.


Birds of the Moscow Region: photos, names and descriptions (catalog)

Breeding waxwings

Most often, waxwings nest in woodlands, starting in May. They build bowl-shaped nests closer to the tops of old trees, using all the surrounding materials - branches, moss, grass. The nest is lined with needles, birch bark and lichen from the inside.

Pairs of waxwings nest close to each other, which is associated with the gregarious lifestyle. One clutch contains 4-6 bluish speckled eggs, of which chicks hatch after 2 weeks. Responsibilities are strictly distributed - the male gets food, and the female incubates the clutch. But the hatched chicks are already fed by both.

Breeding waxwings

Natural enemies

The waxworms have not been able to avoid the typical problems of small passerines. They are hunted by crows, magpies, hawks, owls and other large birds. In addition, weasels and martens are dangerous.

Natural enemies

Birds of the Leningrad Region: photos, names and descriptions (catalog)

Waxwing - bird photo

At first glance, the feathering of the waxwing is very effective in different shades in the light. And he does not have unsuccessful angles at all!

Waxwing - bird photo
Waxwing - bird photo
Waxwing - bird photo
Waxwing - bird photo
Waxwing - bird photo
Waxwing - bird photo
Waxwing - bird photo
Waxwing - bird photo
Waxwing - bird photo
Waxwing - bird photo
Waxwing - bird photo
Waxwing - bird photo
Waxwing - bird photo
Waxwing - bird photo
Waxwing - bird photo
Waxwing - bird photo
Waxwing - bird photo
Waxwing - bird photo
Waxwing - bird photo
Waxwing - bird photo
Waxwing - bird photo
Waxwing - bird photo
Waxwing - bird photo
Waxwing - bird photo
Waxwing - bird photo

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