With the onset of warmth, it is always very interesting to observe the awakening nature. Admit it, you, too, sometimes catch yourself looking at the movements in the branches again and listening to the birdsong? Then this selection of popular birds of the Moscow region with photos and names especially for you. You no longer have to guess who this beautiful one flew by!
1. White stork
A well-deserved top 1 on this list, the stork nests on rooftops or poles. In the cold season, birds fly away to winter in India or Africa. On the edges of the wings of the white stork there is a black edging, which sometimes makes it seem that the back of the bird is black.
2. Jay
The graceful jay is notable for its unusual colors with a pinkish undertone and turquoise stripes. Jays live in forests and are renowned for their ability to imitate other birds and animals.
3. Blackbird
For all the outward nondescriptness of the thrush, its singing is one of the most melodious among the birds of the Moscow region. Rooks are distinguished by their sandy brown color and bright orange beak.
4. Kobchik
The miniature feline is actually a real predator! It is a tiny falcon with a strong beak and claws that preys on small rodents right on the fly.
5. Oriole
Oriole has collected all the best at once - a noticeable appearance and a pleasant voice. It is a nimble and active forest bird of yellow color with black feathers.
6. Capercaillie
Capercaillie belongs to chicken, and in terms of size and body structure it looks more like a turkey. The first thing attracted by its bright plumage. Capercaillies do not fly very well and prefer not to climb high.
7. Swan Mute
The same white swan, which we all know well, and which is listed in the Red Book with all its relatives. Thanks to its long neck, it easily nibbles algae from the bottom of water bodies.
8. Kingfisher
The kingfisher is very small but completely adorable with its yellow and blue coloration. They live near water bodies and feed on small fish - this is noticeable by their thin and long beak.
9. Waxwing
The waxwing is a bit like a sparrow because of its color. Her eyes seem to be surrounded by a black mask, and there are specks of brick color scattered under the tail and on the body.
10. Little owl
Compared to their congeners, house owls are rather small, and only seem harsh because of their large head and expressive gaze. They often settle near people - under the roof of sheds and other outbuildings.
11. Coot
The coot looks like a medium-sized black duck with an unusual white beak and a bump on top of it. This is a rare waterfowl with no membranes on its powerful legs, so it can move quickly on land.
12. Mallard
The mallard is very similar to the common duck, and it is indeed its direct ancestor. She also has pronounced differences between females and males: the drakes have iridescent green plumage.
13. Berkut
A large and dangerous predator from the hawk family, it can even attack deer! True, in reality, it often hunts rodents and hares. And its wingspan often reaches a fantastic 2.5 m.
14. White-tailed eagle
This large eagle is easily recognizable by its short white wedge-shaped tail. And also - in the characteristic eagle shape of a powerful yellow beak with a curved tip.
15. Crake
This bird has a bizarre elongated body shape, and it is also not very active. The corncrake lives in humid regions and prefers to travel on foot.
16. Finch
Chaffinch belongs to songbirds, and it may well compete even with a nightingale. He also has a very interesting color with a brown breast and a gray-greenish back.
17. Wagtail
Small wagtails got their name for a specific gait, during which the bird's tail trembles.More spectacular yellow wagtails, with a bright yellow-green color, also live in the Moscow region.
18. Grouse
The hazel grouse is often called a hare among birds because of its excellent hearing and sight, combined with caution and fearfulness. He also belongs to the chicken, so he is not very good at flying.
19. Green woodpecker
Though it would be more correct to say olive. Another curiosity of the Moscow region, it looks like an ordinary woodpecker, but a bizarre color. It is quite problematic to meet such a bird - they are very shy.
20. Moskovka
Moskovka is the closest relative of tits, but it is even smaller and predominantly grayish in color. Her head is adorned with a funny black crest.
21. Cuckoo
In size and constitution, the cuckoo resembles a magpie. You probably know that females do not incubate eggs on their own and toss them into other people's nests. So, this is the absolute truth!
22. Big Bittern
This rare bird is even listed in the regional Red Book. It lives in swamps and feeds on small fish with its powerful beak. The bird itself is small, but after the roaring sounds it makes, it's hard to believe.
23. Bullfinch
The bullfinch is instantly recognizable by its outstanding red breast, which stands out especially brightly in the snow in winter. Bullfinches adore berries and kidneys, which make up their diet.
24. Peregrine Falcon
This miniature falcon differs from its congeners in its expressive breast shape. It has an interesting black and gray color scheme that slightly resembles scales from a distance.
25. Gyrfalcon
The wingspan of this medium-sized falcon reaches 1.8 m. They have a motley gray-brown color and pointed wings. Interestingly, female gyrfalcones are larger than males.
26. Nightingale
Melodic nightingales are quite common in all regions of the Moscow region. The songbird is easy to hear, but difficult to notice because they are very small and very inconspicuous in color.
27. Raven
The noble ravens have so much in common with the common city ravens. This is one of the smartest birds, and also a real long-liver that can live for more than 70 years.
28. Black-headed Gull
These seagulls are much smaller than their marine relatives, but otherwise hardly differ from them. They are noisy, live in flocks, nest right next to the water and feed on fish.
29. Burial ground
The burial ground belongs to the hawk and has a characteristic reddish-brown color. The wingspan often exceeds 2 m, and the burial grounds feed mainly on carrion, but they can also hunt on their own.
30. Rook
Another bird that is regularly confused with a raven, then with a crow. But the rook is really a close relative of the latter, only with a solid black color with a metallic sheen.