The scrub cleanses the skin, perfectly removes natural grease and residues of styling products. It helps fight dandruff, exfoliates dead cells, and hair looks fresher longer. Tempting? Then we've put together 15 of the best homemade scalp scrub recipes for you!
1. Scrub with olive oil for dry hair
This recipe is suitable for owners of dry hair and dry scalp. Mix 2 tbsp. olive oil with the same amount of chopped sea salt. Massage your head with this mass for a few minutes before washing.
2. Scrub with coconut oil and vinegar for oily hair
If your scalp is too oily, coconut oil will nourish it, and acetic acid will regulate the secretion of its own fat. Mix 1 tbsp. coconut oil, a pinch of chopped sea salt and 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar. Apply the scrub along the partings, massage your head well and rinse.
3. Scrub with lavender for dry dandruff
If you have dry dandruff, mix 2 tablespoons each. chopped salt, lemon juice, lavender oil and chamomile tea. You can also use a decoction of calendula or nettle. Rub the mixture gently into the scalp and leave for 10 minutes, rinse with shampoo and rinse hair with the rest of the herbal infusion.
4. Scrub with tea tree oil for oily dandruff
Mix 1 tbsp. fine sea salt with the same amount of water and add 3 drops of tea tree oil. It has a rather pungent and specific aroma, but it is the best antiseptic and cure for oily dandruff.
5. Nourishing scrub with honey and sugar
Mix sugar, honey and milk (cream or sour cream) in a 3: 1: 2 ratio. If the consistency is uncomfortable, add more milk. The mixture nourishes the scalp well, but it needs to be washed thoroughly after a 5-minute massage.
6. Vitamin sea buckthorn scrub
It is a real vitamin bomb that improves blood circulation and stimulates hair growth. Mix 2 tbsp. grated sea buckthorn, the same amount of sugar and orange juice. Add 3 tbsp. your daily shampoo and wash your hair with a 3-minute massage.
7. Scrub with burdock oil for hair growth
The recipe strengthens the hair roots and stimulates the growth of new ones. Mix 2 tbsp. burdock oil with 1 tsp. finely ground sea salt. For freshness, add a couple of drops of lemon or cedarwood essential oil. After the massage, soak the mixture on your hair for 15 minutes, like a mask.
8. Cleansing scrub with baking soda
If you need deep cleansing, regular baking soda will do the best. Mix it with your everyday shampoo 1: 1, massage your head for just a minute and wash it right away. Do not overdo the scrub!
9. Medical scrub with aspirin
Aspirin heals wounds, relieves inflammation and irritation on sensitive skin. Grind 10 tablets into powder and dilute them with 10 tablespoons. water. Dissolve the mass until smooth and apply on the skin along the partings with a toothbrush for 2 minutes.
10. Refreshing scrub with soda and lemon
This scrub not only cleanses, but also strengthens the hair roots. Mix 1 tbsp. coconut oil with the juice of half a lemon, add 1 tsp each. soda and apple cider vinegar, and to soften - another 1 tsp. honey. Do not be afraid of the intense reaction of soda - and feel free to massage your head for 2-3 minutes. Then be sure to wash off the scrub.
11. Massage scrub with fruit pits
The advantage of this recipe is that the mixture can be kept on the hair and massaged into the scalp for up to 10 minutes. Grind grape, peach or apricot seeds in a coffee grinder and mix them with your favorite oil in equal proportions.
12. Lemon shine scrub
To keep your hair looking shiny and vibrant, use freshly squeezed lemon juice. Mix 2 tbsp. juice with the same amount of salt, and add olive oil for a comfortable consistency.Massage the scalp for 2 minutes, leave on the scrub for another 10 and rinse.
13. Fragrant coffee scrub
Mix 2 tbsp. finely ground coffee with its everyday balsam. If you need more intensive cleansing, add the same amount of chopped salt. Rub in the scrub for just 2 minutes and rinse. The recipe will delight you with a pleasant coffee aroma, but not suitable for too sensitive skin.
14. Soft coffee scrub with yolk
This recipe is softer and more nutritious. Mix 2 tsp. drunk coffee grounds, 1 tsp each honey and lemon juice and 1 egg yolk. Keep in mind that such a tool is not suitable for blondes, because it can be slightly dyed.
15. Delicate clay scrub
Clay is softer and finer than salt or coffee, so it cleans sensitive skin more gently. Any cosmetic clay from a pharmacy or store will do. Dilute it with water or chamomile broth to a comfortable consistency, massage your head, leave for 5-7 minutes and rinse.