Our skin cells are renewed every day, and over time, the old layer will have to give place to new tissues. It only sounds scary, but in fact, the process is so mundane that we don't even pay attention to it. But sometimes the skin cannot cope on its own and needs a little help. Then the facial peeling at home will come in handy for you!
What is it for?
Peeling, uneven skin surface, rash, closed comedones, increased fat content - these are only a small part of the problems that arise when the regeneration processes are disturbed. If the dying cells are not removed in time, they cover the healthy skin as if with a film. Naturally, this is harmful and fraught with consequences.
If your skin is dull, the number of clogged pores grows in front of your eyes, and acne suddenly begins to appear - these are sure signs that it is time to peel. It gently and effectively removes all dead skin cells, and the skin becomes soft, smooth and tender again.
Peeling improves the texture and appearance of the skin. The course of procedures helps to get rid of age spots, scars, acne marks. Excessive fatness goes away, the face seems more toned, blood vessels are strengthened and the blood supply to tissues improves. This is exactly that pleasant procedure, after which the result is visible instantly.
At home or in the salon: all the pros and cons
Peelings are of different types - superficial, middle and deep. We strongly do not recommend doing deep peels outside the salons, because this is almost a medical procedure. This is especially true of chemical peels, where, in case of a mistake, you risk getting a serious burn all over your face.
Median peels can be done gently at home, including with the use of equipment. There are household tools for vacuum cleaning and other similar procedures. Also included are abrasive or acidic cosmetics. The main thing here is to strictly observe the application technique and not do such cleaning more often than 1-2 times a month.
Superficial peeling is a gentle cosmetic procedure that is often part of our daily routine. Rolls, soft scrubs, light acids - all of this is a simple superficial exfoliation. It is easiest to do it at home, and there is often no point in going to a beautician on purpose.
Preparing the skin for peeling
Before peeling, the skin must be cleaned of cosmetics and any means. Use micellar water or your favorite foams, and then wash yourself well with clean water. It will not be superfluous to steam the skin a little - take a shower, use a heating agent, or sit for 5 minutes over a bowl of chamomile broth.
Home peeling recipes
If you have already decided to peel at home, we have compiled several safe but effective recipes for you. The main thing is not to overdo it!
Kefir peeling
The easiest homemade lactic acid recipe. Just apply plenty of kefir or sour milk on the skin, like a mask, and when it dries up, gently roll it up with wet fingers. Fermented milk peeling is best suited for delicate and sensitive skin.
Peeling with almonds and green tea
Quite a complex recipe, but with an amazing complex effect. Grind in a blender and mix 3 tsp. oatmeal, 3 tsp. crushed almonds, 1 tsp each milk and green tea, and 5 drops of lemon juice. Let the mixture sit for 15 minutes, then apply it on your face for another 15 minutes and wash at the end.
Oat peeling
This recipe is suitable for oily to combination skin. Grind the oatmeal in a blender a little coarser than for flour. Dilute it with water to the consistency of sour cream, apply to the skin, massage and leave for 10 minutes.Rinse off carefully with warm water.
Peeling with sea salt
If you have rather rough skin for which very light peels are ineffective - try this one. Grind 1 tbsp. sea salt, mix it with the same amount of milk and 2 tbsp. lemon and orange juice. Apply the liquid mass to the skin for 10 minutes and rinse.
Aspirin peeling
Ideal for problem skin prone to irritation and inflammation. Mix 3 crushed aspirin tablets with 1 tsp. lemon juice and apply on the skin in a thin layer. To rinse off, dip a cotton pad in a weak solution of soda (0.5 tsp in a glass of water), and at the very end, wash with cool water.
Strawberry peeling
Another delicate acid peeling, which is also very beautiful and fragrant. Mix 4 grated strawberries with 1 tsp. honey and 0.5 tsp. cosmetic oil (for example, almond oil). Apply for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water and be sure to use a moisturizer.
Honey peeling
If you are not allergic to honey, melt 2 tablespoons. in a water bath, cool to room temperature and mix with the juice of half a lemon and 1 tbsp. bran. Apply the mass on your face for 20 minutes, then give a light massage and wash thoroughly at the end. This is a good recipe for flaky skin.
Peeling with peroxide and badyag
This is already a mid-peel, so use it very carefully and strictly after the test on a small area. Mix 1 tablespoon each. peroxide with crushed badyagu, add a little water and apply on face for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water and use a moisturizer.
Skin care after home peeling
After peeling, try not to apply cosmetics on your face for at least 12 hours - let the skin breathe and rest. Use a moisturizer if your skin feels dry. When you go outside, be sure to apply a sanitary block, even if it's not summer already.
After a more abrasive exfoliation, it is useful to treat the skin with a soothing toner, use serums with vitamins E and C, or wash with chamomile. We recommend that you avoid high loads, saunas, swimming pools and other places where you actively strain and sweat for several days.
Useful Tips
To make your beauty rituals at home go without consequences, we share a few more secrets of successful facial peeling!
1. Do not peel if the skin is damaged, there are open wounds or acute inflammation.
2. Do not use abrasive particles that are too coarse, such as coarse coffee. Even if you like the result right away, they cause micro-trauma to the skin, and this is an infection and an eternal source of inflammation.
3. It will be useful for owners of oily and problem skin to combine light superficial peeling with ultrasonic cleaning.
4. Do not overuse peels in summer, because young cells are more vulnerable to ultraviolet light.
5. Any dermatological diseases - a reason to first consult a doctor, even before the most delicate home peeling.
6. Peeling will be most effective if done as a course. For example, from the beginning of autumn, every 1.5-2 weeks, so that there are 10 procedures in total.