Snack salads with sausage and croutons are equally appropriate to prepare for a festive table or just for a family dinner. Their recipes are quite varied, so be sure to take a few notes for yourself!
1. Salad with smoked sausage and croutons

In summer, it is better to add fresh cucumbers to this salad, and in winter, when fresh vegetables are expensive, pickled ones are quite suitable.
You will need: 180 g sausage, 150 g white bread croutons, 1 can of corn, 2 cucumbers, 4 hard-boiled chicken eggs, mayonnaise.
Preparation: Cut the sausage, eggs and cucumbers into cubes, sticks or strips as you like. Pour in the corn and season with mayonnaise. Sprinkle croutons over the salad.
2. Salad with boiled sausage, rice and croutons

Instead of boiled sausage, you can take ham or boiled pork, it will also turn out very tasty.
You will need: 1 glass of boiled rice, 140 g of boiled sausage, 50 g of semi-hard cheese, 2-3 tbsp. l. mayonnaise, a sprig of fresh dill, a handful of crackers.
Preparation: Finely chopped cheese and boiled sausage, rice, season with mayonnaise mixed with chopped dill. Sprinkle the prepared salad with croutons before eating.
3. Korean salad with sausage, croutons and carrots

The more types of sausages are added to the salad, the tastier it will turn out!
You will need: 1 can of red beans, 1 can of canned corn, 60 g each of boiled, raw smoked and cooked smoked sausages, 100 g of ham, 120 g of Korean carrots, 3 slices of white bread, thick homemade mayonnaise.
Preparation: Cut the sausage into cubes, add washed beans and corn without liquid, and Korean carrots. Season with homemade mayonnaise. Cut the crust from slices of bread, cut the crumb into cubes, fry in butter until golden brown and spread over the entire surface of the finished salad.
4. "Crispy" salad with ham and croutons

This salad is called a snack cake because it consists of several layers soaked in mayonnaise.
You will need: 250 g ham, 5 pickled cucumbers, 200 g boiled rice, 1 can of green peas, 3 hard-boiled eggs, 2 boiled carrots, 1 large onion, 50-60 g of hard cheese, Provencal mayonnaise, 50 g of bread.
Preparation: Pour boiling water over the onion cut into half rings to remove the bitterness. Cut cucumbers and ham into cubes, strips or cubes, grated cheese, eggs and carrots. Collect the salad in the culinary ring by placing it on a large flat plate, smear each tier with mayonnaise. Layer order: carrots, cucumbers, eggs, ham, onions, rice, green peas. Remove the ring, sprinkle the salad with cheese and oven-dried croutons.
5. Salad with boiled sausages and croutons

To make croutons, cut the bread into cubes, sauté in butter and sprinkle with dried garlic.
You will need: 3 boiled sausages, 1 carrot, 1 onion, 2 cucumbers (fresh or pickled), croutons, mayonnaise.
Preparation: Cut the onion into cubes, grate the carrots, fry in oil. Cut the sausages and cucumbers into thin strips, mix with fried vegetables, season with a little mayonnaise and sprinkle with croutons.
6. Salad with sausage, potatoes and croutons

Instead of potatoes, you can put boiled beans, boiled rice, or finely chopped cabbage in a salad.
You will need: 3 boiled potatoes, 200 g of doctor's sausage, 1 pack of crackers with bacon, 120 g of hard cheese, 1 small onion, 1 tbsp. l. mayonnaise.
Preparation: Save the onion in oil, transfer to a salad bowl with finely chopped sausage, potatoes and cheese, season with a spoonful of mayonnaise. Add croutons with bacon or any other flavor.
7. Quick salad with sausage, croutons and corn

It will take you no more than five minutes to prepare this salad!
You will need: 0.5 fork of Chinese cabbage, 1 can of corn, 1 onion, 1 pack of rye croutons with any taste, 220 g of cervelat sausage, 1 tsp. mustard, 3 tbsp. l. sour cream.
Preparation: Thinly chop the cabbage and onion, add the corn and diced cervelat. Mix sour cream with mustard, season with salt and ground pepper, mix together with croutons with the rest of the ingredients.
8. Layered salad with sausage, kiwi and croutons

Kiwi should be ripe, but not soft, then the salad will turn out to be very tasty.
You will need: 2 potatoes boiled in a peel, 200 g of boiled smoked sausage, 2 boiled eggs, 2 kiwi fruit, 1 onion, mayonnaise, 1 pack of crackers with salt, 50 g of walnuts.
Preparation: Collect the salad in layers, smearing it with mayonnaise: grated potatoes, half rings of onions (pre-pickled in lemon juice), finely chopped sausage and kiwi, grated eggs. Grease the top and sides of the salad with mayonnaise, and add chopped nuts and crackers at the moment when the salad is on the dining table.
9. Salad with hunting sausages and rye croutons

An excellent salad for friendly men's gatherings, it is very quick and easy to prepare it!
You will need: 5 hunting sausages or 150-200 g of smoked sausage, 4 chicken eggs, 3 pickled cucumbers, 1 can of canned corn, 1 bunch of green onions, 200 g of white bread, 1 tbsp. l. butter, mayonnaise with mustard for dressing.
Preparation: Cut hard-boiled eggs and pickled cucumbers into cubes, hunting sausages into thin slices, finely chop the onion, add corn and mix with mustard mayonnaise. Cut the bread into medium cubes, fry in a pan with butter, serve on a separate plate with the salad.
10. "Tomato" salad with sausage and croutons

Choose tasty and high-quality sausage for this salad, and it is better to make mayonnaise at home.
You will need: 3 large tomatoes, 1 processed cheese, 1 clove of garlic, 180 g of sausages (different types are possible), 2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise, 150 g croutons with Provencal herbs.
Preparation: Combine tomatoes, grated cheese, diced sausage in a salad bowl and season with mayonnaise. You can buy crackers ready-made, but it is better to cook them yourself by drying the cubes of bread in the oven and sprinkling them with a pinch of Provencal herbs.
11. Salad with smoked sausage, croutons and fresh carrots

Carrots perfectly complement this simple and unpretentious, but very tasty salad, into which you can safely send the leftovers of sausage and stale bread.
You will need: 2 sweet carrots, 200 g of smoked sausage, 2-3 slices of stale bread, 1 can of corn, 1 clove of garlic, 2 tsp. Dijon mustard, 3 tbsp. l. sour cream.
Preparation: Mix sour cream with mustard, crushed garlic and spices, season with the resulting sauce grated carrots, finely chopped sausage and corn without liquid. Cut the bread into thin cubes, dry in the oven, you can sprinkle them with your favorite spices, but it is better not to do this, since the sausage gives the salad a very pronounced taste and aroma.
12. "Lady" salad with cabbage, ham and croutons

This salad will appeal not only to ladies, but also to gentlemen who are lucky enough to taste such an unusual composition, but very tasty dish!
You will need: 1 fork of Chinese cabbage, 220 g of ham, 120 g of raw smoked sausage, 80 g of cashews, 1 can of corn, 160 g of wheat croutons without additives, a handful of pomegranate seeds, 2 tbsp. l. mustard beans, mayonnaise.
Preparation: Chop the cabbage into thin strips, chop the ham and sausage, stir in a deep bowl with corn and Dijon mustard. Divide the mixture into two equal parts, level one half on a large flat dish, sprinkle with mayonnaise and sprinkle with chopped cashews, add the remaining salad, brush with mayonnaise, garnish with pomegranate seeds and croutons.
13. Salad with corn, peas, sausage and rye croutons

For a more pronounced taste, add a small piece of smoked sausage to the salad.
You will need: 1 can of canned beans, green peas and corn, 1 purple onion, 190 g of boiled sausage without lard, 50-70 g of smoked sausage, 1 pack of rye croutons, mayonnaise.
Preparation: Rinse the beans, mix in a bowl with green peas and corn without liquid, add half rings of onion. Pour finely chopped sausage, crackers and season with mayonnaise into the salad.
14. Salad with beans, hunting sausages and croutons

Beans for this salad can be used ready-made from a can, but it is better if you cook it yourself!
You will need: 200 g of hunting sausages, 1 can of pitted black olives, 2 cups of boiled beans, 1 can of corn, 150 g of bread, 1 bunch of herbs, mayonnaise.
Preparation: Cut the hunting sausages and olives peeled from the shell into pieces, add beans, corn, greens to them. Season with mayonnaise, sprinkle with croutons fried in butter.
15. Royal salad of sausage, crab sticks and croutons

A salad that is not a shame to serve as a treat for dear guests!
You will need: 4 boiled eggs, 150 g of crab sticks, 140 g of chopped ham or smoked sausage, 280 g of cheddar cheese, 130 g of wheat croutons, 3 cloves of garlic, half a lemon, mayonnaise.
Preparation: Eggs, sausage and crab sticks must be finely chopped, garlic and cheddar cheese grate. Mix all the ingredients with lemon juice and wheat croutons, top the salad with a net of mayonnaise.