Bright colorful leaves are the main reason to love autumn. They are beautiful in themselves, and they make luxurious bouquets. And also - interesting creative experiments, so keep a selection of easy ideas for crafts from autumn leaves for children!
1. Hedgehog made of leaves
The smallest will like this craft. Draw the outline of a hedgehog for the child, and let him paint over it and lay out the needles from the leaves.

2. Decorative stand made of leaves
And this is an experiment for older children. You will need a balloon, PVA glue and a wide brush. You need to paste over the ball with balls to get a kind of bowl, and when it dries out, gently burst and get the base.

3. Flowers from autumn leaves
For such funny colors, you also need colored paper and felt-tip pens. You need to cut out two circles, glue the eyes and draw the face. Dry leaves are inserted and glued between the halves together with a skewer or wire-leg.

4. Roses from leaves
Large maple leaves make delicious roses using a technique that resembles origami. First, twist one sheet in a tight spiral and continue to wrap the next, giving volume.

5. Autumn wreath
To make a beautiful decorative wreath, you need a base from a hoop, vine, or whatever. Leaves can be woven into it, like a real wreath, or secured with glue and ribbons.

6. Application from leaves
Crush beautiful colorful leaves into crumbs and use them to fill in individual parts of the design. So they will be not only colored, but also textured. Ordinary PVA glue will do.

7. Leaf stencils
Very beautiful drawings are obtained if you put a sheet on paper and gently walk over it with a sponge dipped in paint. The main thing is to pat it lightly, but not to press or rub.

8. Ice cakes with leaves
You can put small leaves, berries and other decor in ice molds and fill with water. If you immediately insert the loops, then such elegant pieces of ice are suitable for street decor.

9. Crown of autumn leaves
The base of the crown is cut from thick colored paper. And then cover it with beautiful leaves and decorate it with a different decor - the young princess will be delighted.

10. Portraits from leaves
First you need to draw the basic outlines of the face, and only then - paint. It looks more interesting if the nose is voluminous from a strip of paper. And from dry leaves, lay out hair and jewelry.

Crafts from autumn leaves for children - photos and ideas
In fact, with such a comfortable, varied and colorful material, there are no limits. You just need more imagination and inspiration. Take a look!