Massage for a facelift at home: 8 video lessons

Massage for a facelift at home: 8 video lessons

Injections, operations, expensive courses of procedures from cosmetologists - what women do not go to to preserve youth and beauty. But if we say that you don't need such radical extremes? And you can get by much cheaper, safer, even at home? Here's a selection of facelift massage techniques! We have collected only the most effective!

1. Japanese massage for facelift

This massage is also called Asahi or Zogan and must be repeated every day for 2 weeks. Be sure to use oil and do each exercise 3 times. It is important to follow the sequence of actions and not to put too much pressure on the lymph nodes.

2. Pinch massage

The French technique is not yet too familiar in our latitudes, but it miraculously rejuvenates and tightens the face. The most important thing is to follow the directions of the massage lines. When pinching, do not squeeze too hard to avoid bruising. Use a cream or serum if desired. Repeat the massage every day for a course of 10 days, or better - introduce it into your daily routine.

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3. Massage for facelift and expressive cheekbones

If you dream of expressive sharp cheekbones, do this complex daily for 2 weeks every 2 months. But first, distribute the oil along the massage lines - even a simple olive oil will do. It is a mixture of massage and facial gymnastics - for the most effective result.

4. Massage with a roller to fight a double chin

The massage roller, which is sold in any pharmacy and cosmetic store, does an excellent job of lifting the oval of the face and double chin. Apply your favorite serum before use and distribute it with a roller. All movements go from bottom to top. It is recommended that you massage every day during your morning or evening care.

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5. Quick massage

The complex includes only three movements that each can easily repeat. These are very simple exercises, so it is recommended to do them several times every day - as much as possible. The duration of one course is 2 weeks. You don't rub your face with your fingers, so you don't need to use oil, but be sure to wash your face with cool water.

6. Warming up massage

The intensive complex is suitable for all ages. Here you will find recommendations for 25, 35, 45 and 50 years old. Be sure to massage every day on a clean face with a serum or cream in a course of 10-15 times. After the procedure, it is very useful to apply the mask to the hot face.

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7. Massage for face and neck lift

This complex has an excellent effect on the circulatory system and lymph flow. Before performing, apply a little massage oil on your hands and rub your face and neck along the massage lines with stroking movements. The lesson is very intense and intense, so for a start it is enough to do such a massage every other day with a course of 7-10 procedures.

8. Massage for facelift in 5 minutes

If you constantly do not have enough time for something long and serious, catch this complex! Be sure to use oil or a greasy cream that is absorbed for a long time. Do a massage for 10-14 days every 1.5-2 months.

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