Bulbous plants are impressive in their variety of shapes and colors. They bloom for a long time and continuously throughout the season, perfectly adapt to adverse conditions and easily germinate again, even if they have dropped their leaves. In this catalog we have collected the most beautiful bulbous indoor flowers with photos, names and descriptions!
1. Hyacinth
Spring classics are among the first to blossom in the apartment. After flowering, you need to cut the stem to the ground and remove the flower until next season in a cool, dark place.
2. Eucharis
Eucharis has large succulent leaves and large snow-white flowers with an expressive aroma. At a comfortable room temperature and regular watering, it blooms several times a year.
3. Bovea
Long, ornate stems grow from a large bulb, which can easily hang from a flowerpot. Bovea is a succulent, so it is not only unusual, but also extremely unpretentious. At low temperatures in winter, the stems may die off, but will grow back in the spring.
4. Sprekelia
This luxurious decorative flower is also called the "lily of the Aztecs", and according to the legend, the peoples of Mexico used it in rituals. The red velvety petals slightly resemble orchids. Sprekelia needs annual soil renewal.
5. Zantedeschia
Zantedeschia is a calla with a tall, straight peduncle and a delicate flower. The bush grows rather quickly and intensively, and in some cases the leaves can grow up to a meter. Zantedeskia does not tolerate temperature fluctuations well.
6. Hippeastrum
Hippeastrum is adored for its large decorative flowers up to 20 cm in diameter and the most interesting colors. There are dozens of breeding varieties with beautiful patterns. During active growth, the plant needs regular watering through the pan, heat and sun.
7. Hymenokallis
All that this unusual resident of South America needs in everyday life is stable and regular watering. The whimsical flowers of the hymenocallis resemble a spider with long legs, so they cannot be confused with other amaryllis.
8. Valotta
A beautiful plant with rather large flowers blooms in late summer. Valotta loves bright light, prefers a cool wintering at 12-15 degrees and does not tolerate drafts.
9. Ledeburia
Decorative leafy rosettes are very different, depending on the variety, but the leaf plates are always long, lily-like. Dozens of small bells bloom on a powerful high peduncle. Ledeburia needs a lot of light.
10. Amaryllis
Up to 12 fragrant flowers bloom on the peduncle, and in most varieties this happens by autumn. It is better to water amaryllis through a pallet so as not to waterlogging the soil.
11. Amarkrinum
This is a bizarre hybrid of amaryllis and krinum, which breeders have bred specifically for apartments. It has dense and tough leaves with delicate pink flowers. The height of the peduncles reaches a meter.
12. Gemantus
The long dense leaves of the hemantus resemble a tongue and look original on their own. The flowers look like fluffy balls of white or red, depending on the variety. The plant does not tolerate waterlogging of the soil poorly.
13. Oxalis
The people also call it "sour." Oxalis looks very specific, but at the same time it is not whimsical at all in everyday life and willingly blooms from the beginning of summer to winter.
14. Eukomis
One of the most unusual plants in our selection belongs to the bulbous asparagus. A powerful arrow grows among the bright glossy leaves, which is then densely covered with striped creamy purple flowers. Blooming eukomis is a bit like a pineapple.
15. Drimiopsis
Drimiopsis bulbs resemble garden lilies, the leaves look like lilies of the valley, and the small white-green flowers look like stars.Drimiopsis is one of the most persistent indoor plants, so it is suitable even for beginners.
16. Zephyranthes
Zephyranthes resembles a tall thin grass, among which the same tall peduncles rapidly sprout. The buds can be white, pink or yellow. Active flowering requires warmth and soft diffused light.
17. Scadoxus
Bright openwork inflorescences look like large dandelion heads. With a sufficient amount of light, fresh air and moisture, their diameter can reach 20 cm. In summer, it is better to take the scadoxus outside or on a balcony.
18. Clivia
The bright bulbous flower pleases with red-orange flowers, collected in dense umbrella-shaped inflorescences. Clivia breeds hard because babies rarely grow on it. So you have to collect seeds!
19. Eucrosion
The Peruvian lily blooms in late spring, with a long peduncle growing before the leaves. Eucrosion needs loose soil, bright light and cool wintering.
20. Krinum
This bulbous plant boasts long, flat leaves and equally intricately curled petals. Krinum loves bright light and does not need shading at all, even on southern windows.
21. Weltheimia
The original inflorescences are reminiscent of small pink fireworks that bloom in early December. Weltheimia is a rare indoor flower that feels great on a glassed-in balcony in winter. Even better than the room!
22. Rodophiala
A capricious flower needs a cool dormant period, good lighting and a change in temperature throughout the day. But for the beautiful red flowers, collected in inflorescences on long peduncles, all whims are forgiven him.
23. Nerina
Graceful openwork flowers are collected in delicate umbrella-shaped inflorescences. Nerina blooms in the first half of autumn, and then hibernates at 7-10 degrees. The flower should not be watered too vigorously so that the bulb does not rot.
24. Ifeion
A tropical guest needs bright light, regular watering, and a stable temperature. Different varieties differ in color, but most often it is a white-violet range.
25. Indian bow
The people also call the flower "poultry farm" and is widely used for domestic and medical needs. The plant blooms in small, pretty greenish flowers.