The best remontant varieties of strawberries: names and photos

The best remontant varieties of strawberries: names and photos

With proper care, strawberries always produce an excellent harvest. But if you also choose the right varieties, you can collect it from two to four times per season! Fruiting begins in early summer and ends closer to the autumn cold. This property is called remontability, and we will tell you about the best remontant varieties of strawberries today!

1. Diva

The Dutch variety has adapted to the Russian climate without any problems and is unpretentious in cultivation. The Prima Donna does not have the highest yield, but sweet dessert berries are ideal for processing and freezing.

Prima Donna - The best remontant strawberries

2. Geneva

The American remontant strawberry variety is undemanding to soil and climate, so it feels great even in mountainous regions. The crop can be harvested every 2-3 weeks, but keep in mind that the berries gradually become smaller.

Geneva - Best Remont Strawberries

3. Albion

The popular large-fruited strawberry variety is well known to all gardeners, and not only. Berries up to 70 g can be stored for a long time and transported over long distances.

Albion - The best remont strawberries

4. Flamenco

The English variety stands out for its bright berries with an orange tint. Flamenco gives a stable crop twice, and strawberries do not darken or fade during storage.

Flamenco - The best remontant strawberries

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5. Lyubava

Strawberry Lyubava is amazingly unpretentious, with good immunity and abundant fruiting. She has delicious fruits of a rich cherry color, but it is recommended to change the site of the plantation every two years.

Lyubava - The best remontant strawberry varieties

6. Evie

The English remontant variety is ideal for southern regions because it is very drought tolerant. Strawberries do not grow shallow with each new wave of the harvest, and Evie can also be grown in one place for several years.

Evie - The best remont strawberries

7. Selva

A very frost-resistant variety will be remontant even in Siberia, but it must be fertilized. Selva has large aromatic berries up to 75 g with a sweet and sour aftertaste.

Selva - The best remont strawberries

8. Baron Solemacher

Fragrant and very sweet strawberries are very small-fruited - each berry is no more than 5 g. But Baron Solemacher is so resistant to frost that he is not even afraid of -35 degrees.

Baron Solemacher - The best remontant strawberries

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9. Maestro

Maestro has very beautiful conical berries of medium size - up to 45 g. This strawberry variety is valuable for its excellent immunity and resistance to rot, so the berries do not spoil even on prolonged wet days.

Maestro - The best remontant strawberries

10. Crimean remontant

The name of the variety speaks for itself, and more than 1.5 kg of berries, 20 g each, are harvested from the bush during the season. Although it seems that the Crimean remontant strawberry should be thermophilic, it can be grown even in the northern regions.

Crimean remontantnaya - The best remontant varieties of strawberries

11. Alexandria

Another remontant small-fruited strawberry variety is good because it develops and grows very quickly. Due to this, up to 1 kg of berries per season can be harvested from one bush, although the weight of each is no more than 8 g.

Alexandria - The best remontant strawberries

12. Portola

The bushes of this strawberry are very noticeable because they are tall, branchy and with large, heart-shaped berries. In the open field, Portola easily yields three harvests, and if you then cover the plantation with film, then it will give the fourth.

Portola - The best remontant strawberries

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13. Mount Everest

The French remontant strawberry variety is loved by our gardeners for its amazing disease resistance. Mount Everest gives quite large, fleshy and dense berries, although the bush itself is not too tall.

Mount Everest - Best Remont Strawberries

14. Queen Elizabeth II

This variety is most appreciated for the beauty of its large, vibrant and juicy fruits. But its remontant properties do not cause any complaints - 1.5 kg of the crop are harvested from the bush per season.

Queen Elizabeth II - Best Remont Strawberries

15. Temptation

Experts mark the variety Temptation for its rare musky notes in taste and aroma. Due to the dense foliage, the bushes survive hot and dry days well, and for decorativeness they are even used in vertical gardening.

Temptation - The Best Remont Strawberries

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