Kurnik with chicken and potatoes is a fragrant, juicy and very satisfying pie that can be served as an independent dish for dinner. We have collected for you ten recipes of the simplest and most delicious chicken poultry!
1. Kurnik with chicken and potatoes - a classic recipe

Baking according to this recipe does not stale for a long time, it can be stored in the refrigerator by heating portioned pieces in the microwave.
You will need:
For the test: 480 g sifted flour, 1 tbsp. l. sugar, 1 egg, 250 ml sour cream, 0.5 tsp. baking soda, 1 tsp. salt, 7 g of fast-acting yeast, 40 ml of vegetable oil.
For filling: 0.5 kg of chicken meat, 1 onion, 5 medium potatoes, 60 g of chilled butter.
1. In a bowl, combine the ingredients for the dough, adding first the dry and then the liquid components specified in the recipe. Wash the dough with your hands, wrap it in a bag and leave in a warm place.

2. Finely chop meat, potatoes and onions, mix with spices. Cut the dough into two unequal parts, slightly roll out the large half, and then stretch it in the form so that it covers the bottom and sides of the container, fill it with potato and meat filling.

3. Roll out a smaller part of the dough into a cake, cover the cake with it, make a cross-shaped cut in the center (if you don't, the steam generated inside will bubble up the top layer of the cake). Let the dough rise a little more and then place in the oven.

2. Kurnik with chicken and mashed potatoes

Kurnik yeast dough is kneaded in sour milk or ready-made kefir.
You will need:
For the test: 150 ml of curdled milk, 8 g of pressed yeast, 1 tsp. sugar, 1 egg, 30 ml of sunflower oil, 2-3 cups of sifted flour, 0.5 tsp. salt.
For filling: 150 g of finished mashed potatoes, 180 g of boiled chicken fillet, 2 tbsp. l. tomato sauce, 120 g of hard cheese, sesame seeds for sprinkling.
1. Knead a soft dough from the indicated ingredients, cover with a towel and place.
2. Cut the chicken meat into pieces and disassemble it with your hands into thin fibers, mix with mashed potatoes, grated cheese and tomato sauce.
3. Roll out the dough into a layer (5 mm thick), grease the middle with sauce, lay out the filling. Cut the free edges of the dough into strips and braid them over the filling so that the cake resembles a wide braid.
4. Brush with milk or beaten egg, sprinkle with sesame seeds, bake in the oven until a delicious golden brown crust.
3. Quick chicken with meat and potatoes

Such a chicken can be prepared in half an hour, the dough is kneaded in soda, and for the filling you only need a couple of potatoes and a piece of meat.
You will need:
For the test: 250 ml mayonnaise, 3 chicken eggs, 0.3 tsp. baking soda, 6 tbsp. l. with a small hill of flour.
For filling: 350 g of chicken meat, 2 medium potatoes, 1 large onion.
1. In lightly beaten eggs, add mayonnaise, baking soda and flour, knead the semi-liquid dough.
2. Raw grated potatoes, cut meat and onions into strips, season with spices.
3. Put a third of the dough in a mold, level the filling on top, not reaching the sides, one and a half centimeters, pour the remaining dough. Bake for about 40 minutes, serve the chicken to the table completely cooled.
4. Mini chicken poultry with chicken fillet and potatoes

Be sure to prepare mini-kurniks to take with you to work. Store in the refrigerator and microwave before serving.
You will need:
For the test: 2 eggs, 150 ml warm milk, 3 cups sifted flour, 1 tsp. fast-acting yeast, 3 tbsp. l. olive oil, 0.5 tsp. salt.
For filling: 2-3 potatoes, 330 g chicken breast, 1 onion, 1 carrot.
1. Dissolve salt in milk and beat in an egg, mix flour with yeast, combine in one bowl, knead the dough, gradually adding olive oil.
2.Mix finely chopped potatoes and onions, grated carrots, add chicken pieces (as small as possible). Season with spices.
3. Divide the dough into eight parts, roll each into a flat cake, put 1 heaped tablespoon of potato and meat filling, fasten the edges in the form of a triangular pie. Grease the mini-chicken coops with a beaten egg, set to bake.
5. Jellied chicken with chicken, potatoes and onions

Jellied dough chicken can be made with any filling, but with chicken and potatoes it will be much tastier!
You will need:
For the test: 100 ml of sour cream and mayonnaise, 3 eggs, 0.5 tsp. soda, 180-190 g sifted flour, 1 tsp. vinegar.
For filling: 6-7 potatoes, 0.5 kg of chicken fillet, 1 large onion.
1. Beat eggs, sour cream and mayonnaise with a mixer, add salt, vinegar slaked soda and add flour.
2. Place half of the sliced potatoes in a deep ovenproof dish, then spread out the half rings of the onion and the diced meat. Don't forget to season the filling with spices.
3. Cover the layer of meat with the remaining potatoes, fill with the dough and send to the oven, be sure to cover the chicken with a sheet of foil so that it does not burn.
6. Kurnik with chicken, potatoes and mushrooms

Try to cook such a treat for your loved ones, they will be delighted!
You will need: 3 thin pancakes (not sweet), 1 kg ready-made yeast dough, 1 chicken, 4-5 potatoes, 6 hard-boiled eggs, 1 raw egg, 2 cups of milk, 4 tbsp. l. flour, 0.5 kg of mushrooms, 1 onion.
1. Peel the potatoes, boil until half cooked and cut into slices. Boil the chicken in water, cool and separate the meat from the bones. Pour boiling milk into a pan with toasted flour, season with spices, boil sour cream until thick. Fry mushrooms with onions in oil.
2. Roll out the dough into a thin cake, lay out a layer of potatoes, fields with milk sauce, then lay out the chicken meat, sprinkle with diced eggs, cover with a pancake, distribute some of the fried mushrooms with onions, fields with milk and flour sauce.
3. Put the pancake, potato slices, meat again, cover the pancake and fields with milk sauce, sprinkle with chopped eggs.
4. Cover with a second dough cake, fasten the edges, decorate with figures cut from the dough, brush with a beaten egg, bake at 180 degrees in the oven.
7. Puff pastry chicken with potatoes

The use of ready-made puff pastry for cooking kurnik significantly reduces the time spent in the kitchen.
You will need: 0.5 kg of ready-made puff pastry, 450 g of boiled chicken meat, 2 potatoes cooked until half-cooked, 180 g of mushrooms, 4 ready-made thin pancakes, 1 yolk, 40 g of butter, 20 g of parsley.
1. Cut the potatoes into thin slices, mix with chopped herbs, spices and 1 tbsp. l. melted butter.
2. Cut the mushrooms into slices, fry in butter until a light golden crust is formed.
3. Disassemble the chicken meat into fibers, season with spices, fields with butter.
4. Roll out the dough into a rectangle 3-5 mm thick, put a pancake in the center of the flat cake, cover it with meat filling, put two more pancakes smeared with butter on top.
5. Distribute the potato filling, cover with the remaining pancake, on top of which put the mushrooms.
6. Lift the free edges of the dough up and scrape together over the pile of filling, you should get a pie shaped like a dome. Brush with yolk, decorate with figurines cut from scraps of dough, which should also be greased with yolk mass. Bake for 50-55 minutes in the oven at 200 degrees.
8. Yeast chicken with chicken and potatoes

For this chicken, you will need yeast dough, which you can make yourself or just buy ready-made in the store.
You will need: 1 kg of ready-made yeast dough, 1 chicken breast, 3 potatoes, 300 g of oyster mushrooms or any other mushrooms, 3 onions, teriyaki sauce, 1 egg.
one.Roll out half of the specified norm of the dough into a large thin layer, lay on a baking sheet, forming the sides with your fingers or a fork.
2. Finely chop the potatoes and meat, season with teriyaki sauce, spread over the dough on a baking sheet, add the second layer of fried onions with mushrooms.
3. Separate a lump weighing about 200-250 grams from the dough, roll it into a cake and cover the pie. Fasten the sides and edges of the cake together well so that the filling is tightly sealed inside the dough.
4. From the remaining dough, roll up long flagella with your hands, braid them into pigtails and decorate the chicken, brush with a beaten egg, bake in the oven for an hour at 170 degrees.
9. Kurnik on sour cream with potatoes and chicken

In addition to chicken fillet and potatoes, you can also put boiled eggs, green onions with herbs and cheese, even rice or buckwheat porridge in the filling of the chicken chicken!
You will need:
For the test: 2 cups flour, 180 ml sour cream, 95 g butter, 1 tsp. baking powder, 0.5 tsp. sea salt.
For filling: 2-3 potatoes, 420 g chicken fillet, 2 onions, 60 g butter, 0.5 tsp. ground coriander, 1 tsp each dried dill and basil, 1 beaten egg yolk.
1. Mix sour cream with salt and melted butter, add baking powder. Gradually adding flour, knead a soft and pliable dough. Divide into two unequal parts.
2. Finely chop the chicken meat, sprinkle with salt, dill and basil, cut the potatoes into thin slices, season with coriander and salt.
3. Roll out most of the dough into a circle, the diameter of which is larger than the diameter of the mold, brush with butter and cover with potato slices, top with chopped onion, meat and small pieces of butter, which will make the chicken filling more juicy and tender.
4. Roll the remaining dough into a cake, cover the chicken with it, pinch the edges, connecting the bottom and top layers of the dough. Make a hole in the center of the cake so that steam can escape without deforming the top of the product. Brush with yolk and put in the oven to bake.
10. Kurnik with chicken fillet, potatoes and pumpkin

Pumpkin pulp is in perfect harmony in pies with meat and potatoes. Kurnik acquires a wonderful aroma, a beautiful yellow-orange color and becomes very tasty!
You will need:
For the test: 250 ml of kefir or yogurt, 175 g of melted butter, half a teaspoon each. salt and baking soda, 0.5 kg of sifted flour.
For filling: 450 g chicken breast, 4 medium potatoes, 1 large onion, 150 g pumpkin pulp, 20 g chilled butter, 1 yolk.
1. Mix kefir or yogurt with baking soda and salt, pour in melted butter. Add flour in parts, constantly stirring, the dough should be soft and pliable, slightly oily to the touch. Wrap in a plastic bag, leave in the cold for an hour.
2. Cut the meat into thin cubes, cut the potatoes in half lengthwise, and then chop into thin slices, cut the onion into cubes. Mix all the ingredients, season with spices.
3. Roll out three quarters of the total mass of the dough into a layer and cover the bottom and sides of the form with it, lay out and level all the potato and meat filling, cover with a flat cake from the rest of the dough. Brush with yolk, make a cross-shaped incision in the center for steam to escape and send to the preheated oven.