Bright and rich red is associated with passion, and also with the warmth of the hearth. Red flowers are just as ambiguous and varied. Today we offer you to get to know all their splendor better, so keep a large catalog with names and photos!
Garden red flowers
Red flowers in the garden already seem to be a must-have for spring and summer. And what a wealth of shades and their subtle transitions opens before you!
One of the most unpretentious primroses with lush and vibrant flowering. The spring primrose has beautiful textured leaves and bright red petals. Pay special attention to the Chinese varieties.
Celosia is valued for its variety of decorative forms, because its feathery and comb types differ significantly from each other. It is not so easy to maintain its decorative effect, but the result is too good.
There are so many begonias that you can find a variety with red flowers and leaves at the same time. It blooms profusely and continuously, especially if you remove the faded buds and periodically pinch the bushes.
We all know poppy from early childhood, but undeservedly ignore it when it comes to landscaping a site. But in fact, this is a spectacular decorative culture with dozens of varieties, and even with double flowers.
Hybrid garden petunias are unpretentious, grow well and are rightfully considered one of the most beautiful garden flowers. Large-flowered and terry varieties are especially interesting, but they are more demanding.
Luxurious large-flowered godetia requires careful maintenance during germination. It is also important to keep an eye on humidity in summer because drought stops flowering. But what buds!
Korean chrysanthemum
This is a whole group of compact border varieties, many of which are red. Such chrysanthemums are not afraid of frost, bloom for a long time and form wonderful spherical bushes up to 30 cm.
Among the variety of spectacular blooming phloxes, there are also red varieties. Annual phloxes are recommended to be grown in seedlings, and perennials can be sown directly into the ground.
Astilba will always be an original decoration of the garden thanks to its unique shape of inflorescences. The length of such panicles reaches 60 cm, and red astilbe can deservedly be called the most spectacular.
Cosmeya or space is a very frequent visitor to city flower beds and parks. This is an unpretentious annual that can be sown with seeds directly into open ground.
You need the kind that is also called blood red. Compact branchy bushes are densely covered with beautiful red flowers up to 5 cm in diameter.
Decorative brilliant salvia will easily become the star of any flower garden. With a bit of trickery, pruning and pinching, you have the most densely flowering bush you can get.
Gelenium is called a red chamomile for a reason. This is a spectacular tall flower, some of which exceed 1.5 m. It can be grown even for cutting.
Red hybrid varieties of verbena are good in flower beds and in containers when decorating a plot and balconies. Verbena is not afraid of rains, cold snaps and strong winds.
Depending on the region and agricultural technology, it is grown as an annual or as a perennial. Under natural conditions, it is listed in the Red Book, but it reproduces well in the garden.
Indoor red flowers
Red flowers in a room instantly make it feel warmer and more comfortable. In addition, they are simply beautiful, they perfectly cheer up and give a boost of vivacity by their very appearance!
The evergreen shrub pleases not only with flowering, but also with an impressive scale.With the right patience and attention, it can be grown up to 1.5m. Or it can be kept compact by pruning.
Anthurium is the same flower with a fancy yellow ear and a scarlet veil around it. But keep in mind that he is quite capricious in leaving and is especially sensitive to the choice of location.
Dwarf indoor grenades are very small - up to 0.5 m in height. They bloom with scarlet double flowers that resemble tongues of flame. Alas, the fruits of such a homemade pomegranate usually do not ripen.
She is a rhododendron, and she is one of the most popular red flowers for an apartment. It is a compact shrub that is notable for its large and fluffy double inflorescences. Azalea blooms in winter.
Large red flowers of dipladenia are combined with glossy green leaves. One small plant produces up to a dozen buds, and each has a strong expressive aroma.
One of the most amazing plants in our collection, and all because of its fleecy inflorescences, spikelets. Moreover, the length of these inflorescences and adult healthy bushes sometimes reaches an impressive 50 cm.
Oleander grows actively and, under favorable conditions, reaches 2 m. Red flowers are collected in small inflorescences and alternate with elongated green leaves resembling a willow.
Coleria has very delicate and charming bell flowers of a heterogeneous red color with intricately curved edges. It is curious that the petals, leaves, and stems of koleria are fleecy.
A very spectacular and bright bulbous plant with long thin leaves up to 60 cm each. The peduncles of the vallotta are also long, and are covered with large, star-shaped scarlet flowers.
Touching and unpretentious balsam has hundreds of species, among which there are spectacular red varieties. And some of them are also remarkable for their reddish leaves.
Specifically - the most beautiful spurge, which adorns all shop windows closer to winter. Due to the specifics of its growth and flowering, it is difficult to understand where green leaves end and red petals begin.
Columnea has small, fancifully elongated, but bright red flowers. This is a great option for beginners. It is enough to avoid direct sun and drafts - and the plant will feel delicious.
Domestic hybrids are quite compact up to 50 cm, with large lanceolate leaves. But lush umbrella inflorescences, collected from small scarlet stars, are especially good.
In our latitudes, gusmania is a real exotic. The blooming rosette resembles either a palm tree or the top of a pineapple. At the same time, for all its exoticism, gusmania is completely undemanding.
Tall dense leaves alternate with the same tall fleshy peduncles. There are several buds on each stem, which bloom in huge star-shaped bells up to 25 cm in diameter.