How to make soap bubbles at home

How to make soap bubbles at home

If there is something that unites all children and adults in the world, it is the love of soap bubbles. It is bright, fun, interesting, completely safe and does without dirt or injury. But buying endless jars is expensive, and it gets boring quickly, because they do not shine with variety. Therefore, we will tell you how to make soap bubbles at home!

1. Laundry soap bubbles

To make the bubbles stronger and shine better, the solution will have to be boiled slightly. To do this, rub a whole glass of laundry soap as finely as possible and pour it into a saucepan. Pour 10 cups of boiling water, stir the mixture and heat it on the stove as it cools.

It is important to maintain a stable temperature while you continue to stir. Do not stop until the liquid is completely homogeneous, but the main thing is not to let it boil. In the process, add 2 more scoops of glycerin for strength and beautiful shine.

Laundry soap bubbles - how to make at home

2. Soap bubbles from detergent

In your kitchen, you will probably find a detergent like Fairy, so this option is even easier, but the bubbles will be smaller. Dilute 200 ml with 600 ml of water, pour in a few tablespoons of glycerin and mix well. Take water boiled or distilled, because tap water contains many impurities.

Soap bubbles from detergent (Fairy) - how to make at home

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3. Bubbles from shower gel

The addition of sugar is needed for a stronger structure of soap bubbles, and glycerin will give beautiful iridescent tints. Mix water and shower gel in a 2: 1 ratio. For a total volume of 500-600 ml, add 6 tablespoons of sugar and half the amount of glycerin, mix the mixture well and let it brew until tomorrow.

Soap bubbles from shower gel - how to make at home

4. Bubbles made of soap and sugar syrup

This is a new level of experimenting with added sugar - and such an experience is sure to be fun. Ready-made soap bubbles stick well together, so feel free to lay out whole shapes on a smooth, even surface.

First, prepare 100 ml of saturated and thick sugar syrup: sugar and water in a 5: 1 ratio. Mix it with 200 g of grated soap, 400 ml of glycerin and 800 ml of boiled water. You can vary the volume of the mixture, but the main thing is to keep the proportions.

Soap bubbles from soap and sugar syrup - how to make at home

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5. Soap bubbles with ammonia

This is a rather complicated recipe, but in return you will get large and spectacular soap bubbles that magicians love. Mix 600 ml of almost boiling water with half the amount of glycerin. Add 50 g of washing powder and a drop of 20 drops of ammonia.

The mixture must be mixed very well until it has cooled down so that the powder grains dissolve. After that, put it in a cool place for three days. Filter the liquid, send it to the refrigerator for another day - and you can safely use it!

Soap bubbles with ammonia - how to make at home

6. Soap bubbles from liquid soap

If at home there is a liquid soap with too harsh and expressive perfume, it will be very useful for your task. Mix 100 ml of soap and 20 ml of water with a whisk until the scented foam rises. Put the mixture in a cool, dark place and add a spoonful of glycerin after a couple of hours.

Soap bubbles from liquid soap - how to make at home

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7. Soap bubbles with gelatin

In giant bubbles from a meter and more, additives are required for strength - for example, gelatin. Mix a liter of stock solution with 800 ml of water and 200 ml of washing liquid. Soak 50 g of gelatin until it swells, and then melt it with 50 g of sugar, but so that the mixture does not boil.

Slowly add the gelatinous mass to the base liquid, a fraction of a spoonful of glycerin. Stir the mixture gently so that it does not foam, as this affects the quality of the soapy shell.

Soap bubbles with gelatin - how to make at home

Video: Making soap bubbles - recipes (step by step)

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