Probably everyone at least once in their life faced such an annoying nuisance as dandruff. Itching, irritation, ugly whitish flakes in the hair - most often this is a consequence of improper care. But we've already learned 17 ways to get rid of dandruff quickly at home. And we are ready to share them with you!
1. Olive oil
If your scalp and dandruff are completely dry, an olive oil mask will work. Heat 5 tbsp. and add the same amount of fresh lemon juice to them. Rub the product into the skin under the film a couple of hours before washing your hair.
2. Beets
Squeeze the juice from the grated beetroot or pass it through a juicer and apply the juice to the scalp. Leave the mask on for an hour and wash off with shampoo, but keep in mind that it is not suitable for light hair.
3. Egg yolks
Separate 2 yolks, because the protein curls up and is very difficult to wash out of the hair. Add to them a spoonful of burdock oil (or any base oil, if you don't have one) and the juice of half a lemon. Apply the mask to the skin and hair roots for 40 minutes.
4. Grapefruit
If you have oily scalp and oils are not suitable, then grapefruit pulp will do the trick. Add a spoonful of aloe juice or gel to one citrus, massage your head with a mask and rinse off after 15 minutes.
5. Zest
Boil a concentrated decoction from the zest of 2 lemons in half a liter of water. Boil and boil for 20 minutes, and then use to rinse hair from dandruff.
6. Yeast
2 tbsp dry yeast mix with 4 tbsp. heavy cream and let it brew for half an hour in the heat. For consistency, you can add a little honey, and at the very end - a spoonful of base oil. The mixture is applied to hair for 45 minutes.
7. Kefir
Plain kefir or yogurt without sugar or additives is an excellent anti-dandruff remedy on its own. They can be applied for half an hour in their pure form, add yolk or a spoonful of oil.
8. Black bread
Soak a few slices of brown bread in water or all in the same kefir and crush them into gruel. Apply it on the scalp for 20 minutes, but the main thing is to wash the mask well afterwards.
9. Calamus root
Boil 4 tbsp. calamus root in 500 ml of water for about 20 minutes, let it brew and cool. Rub the product into the roots before washing and rinse your hair after.
10. Nettle
Prepare an infusion of 1 tbsp. dry chopped nettle in a glass of boiling water. Let it sit and cool for an hour, strain and rinse your hair after washing. The product can be used every time until the dandruff disappears.
11. Calendula
A glass of boiling water needs 1.5 tbsp. dry calendula - and let it brew for an hour to rinse your head after washing. For a mask, a mixture of pharmacy tincture with oil in equal amounts is suitable.
12. Green tea
Very strong green tea is a great antioxidant and dandruff remedy. Add a little apple cider vinegar to a glass of tea leaves, apply under a plastic wrap and rinse off after an hour.
13. Henna
Colorless henna will help you quickly get rid of dandruff and normalize the production of fat. Dilute the powder with water, decoction of chamomile, nettle or kefir. You can add a few drops of eucalyptus or tea tree oil.
14. Salt and soda
For oily skin, a homemade scrub is suitable: a spoonful of salt and soda, diluted with water until gruel. Massage the product into the skin. It is helpful to add 2-3 drops of tea tree oil. You can use only salt, but then it is better to take sea salt.
15. Apple cider vinegar
We recommend using only apple cider vinegar for cosmetic purposes, and first be sure to test for allergies. If everything is in order, rub a couple of tablespoons into the skin half an hour before washing.
16. Aspirin
Crush 2 tablets of regular pharmacy aspirin and add to shampoo before soaping your hair. While washing, give a small massage and hold the shampoo on your head for a couple of minutes.
17. Salicylic acid
Regular pharmacy acid dries well, so it is suitable for combating oily seborrhea. To make the mask softer, add one yolk to a spoonful of acid. Do not keep the product on your head for more than 30-40 minutes.