How to get rid of ants in the house: methods and tips

How to get rid of ants in the house: methods and tips

Your spacious house and courtyard help you enjoy the summer in all its manifestations, but with the arrival of such expected warmth, annoying animals become active and can easily make their way into the corners of different rooms. These insects include ants. They cause a lot of hassle and discomfort when they invade a private home. In this article, we will tell you how to prevent the appearance of such intruders, as well as to successfully neutralize those who have already appeared!

Preparations and remedies for ants

The task of getting rid of harmful insects in a living room cannot be called easy, especially if there is even a small vegetable garden or garden in the yard. To neutralize ants successfully and without a second course, you need to familiarize yourself with the main types of products that manufacturers offer. We will consider the most relevant and effective drugs for the destruction of ants in a private house:


They work due to their effective composition, which contains fragrant food snags. The death of ants does not occur immediately, because in this way some of the poisoned ants will be able to successfully transfer the poison to the nest and infect the rest of the brethren, which will die for a short time.

You can apply ant neutralization gels to almost any surface. Such preparations are often so versatile that they can destroy not only ants, but also other summer insects. The most popular today are the following products: Gel Global, Dohlox and Fas.

Gels - How to get rid of ants in the house and apartment


This technique requires temporarily freeing the contaminated room from people, animals, dishes and clothing. The ant habitat is carefully sprayed with an aerosol and remains untouched for three to four hours. It is during this time that the death of pests occurs.

After such a procedure, you should definitely devote time to general cleaning using antiseptic agents, with which you need to wash all surfaces. The aerosol Raptor, Reid and Kombat have proven themselves well.

Aerosols - How to get rid of ants in the house and apartment


An interesting type of drugs for ants, which also worked well. But he significantly loses in efficiency and speed of work to other types of funds.

The advantages include a loyal price, as well as low toxicity, which is an important criterion for many people. Crayons are best used when ant infestation at home has not yet reached its peak and the number of ants is not too large.

Crayons - How to get rid of ants in the house and apartment


An older and easier way to get rid of ants. Traps are small body products with poison, as well as electrical products and Velcro, which are able to drive out rather than destroy insects (due to the death of only workers).

Traps - How to Get Rid of Ants in Home and Apartment

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Folk remedies for ants

Despite the rapidly developing modernity with its new technologies, folk remedies have always been safe and proven methods that every person can afford.

One of the most effective folk methods for killing ants is called a mixture of boric acid and egg yolk. To prepare the mixture, you need to boil the egg hard. You will only need to use a shabby yolk. It is mixed with boric acid, then liquid honey is added.

Folk remedies - How to get rid of ants in the house and apartment

If everything is done correctly, you will get a kind of "dough" from which small cakes are created. They are laid out in the main habitats of ants. It is very important to ensure that pets and children cannot freely reach these places.

The scheme works very simply: all insects that have already managed to feast on the infectious agent carry it further.Over time, the uterus and the rest of the colony die. Borax acts in the same way, which also mixes with the yolk and becomes a concentrated poison for workers.

Another tried-and-true remedy is bottles of sweet sugar syrup. It can be sugar, liquid honey, or a combination of sugar and yeast. Crawling for a treat, ants simply drown. The effectiveness of this technique is lower than that of boric acid and borax cakes.

Folk remedies - How to get rid of ants in the house and apartment

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How to prevent ants from entering your home

Successful destruction of insects can be called when the room is not subject to re-infection. There are simple techniques to help prevent intruders from entering your home. These include the following rules:

1. It is necessary to completely patch all the places where insects can penetrate. Especially the tiny crevices, which are often the open path for ants. This can be done using special solutions or ready-made sprays;

2. Sealing the windows will also significantly reduce the risk of ants in a private home. In addition, this will positively affect the absence of unnecessary drafts in the room;

How to prevent the appearance of ants in the house and apartment

3. Remove food from open surfaces. It is best not to leave any products on the countertop, but to store them in the refrigerator or special containers;

4. Pay attention to the cleanliness of the sink surface. Never leave unwashed dishes overnight. Any crumbs and sweet aromas can also attract a column of ants;

5. If you have already found an anthill in your yard, it is worth destroying the uterus, after which the ants will not attack. The main individual is located at the bottom of the anthill;

6. Some surfaces (which may be contaminated) can be treated with talcum powder. Experience has shown that this simple remedy also repels ants.

How to prevent the appearance of ants in the house and apartment

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