Handicraft has always been valued more than standard factory jewelry. Especially now, while handmade of all kinds and stripes is in fashion again. And when it comes to pre-holiday preparations, needlework and decorating a Christmas tree is a wonderful way to spend time with loved ones at your own pleasure. We have collected for you 10 simple and beautiful DIY Christmas tree decorations ideas!
1. Balls of cord and beads
Take a foam, plastic, or even old glass base, decorative cord, beads, and a glue gun. Wrap the decor with beautiful curls and dilute it with rhinestones, rain or bows.

2. Christmas balls made of threads
There are two of the most popular techniques here. Firstly, you can simply roll up a tight paper base and beautifully wrap it with a PVA cord. Or take a weakly inflated balloon, wrap it with a thread dipped in glue, and when it dries up, gently burst it and take out the base.

3. Paper balls
All the scraps that you have left after packing the gifts will be used. Cut three circles of the same size and one smaller center. Fold large circles in half twice, fasten to the base and unfold beautifully.

4. Flower balls
Wrap the base of foam or any other material tightly with tape and fix the edges with pins. Cut many small flowers out of fabric or brown paper and clip them onto a ball. For fixing, use fine sewing pins with a beautiful head.

5. Christmas balls from old light bulbs
Old burnt out lamps are a great base for any Christmas tree decorations. They can be painted, pasted over with decoupage or applique, rolled in artificial snow.

6. Christmas balls with filler
From transparent glass or plastic balls such wonderful designer jewelry will be obtained. They can be filled with ribbons, scraps of beautiful paper, straw, dried flowers, feathers, tinsel, cereals, beads - whatever.

7. Bulky felt toys
Felt is good because it is voluminous, textured and you don't need to process the edges. Cut out two identical parts, fill with a padding polyester, sewn with a regular outer seam with a beautiful colored thread and decorate.

8. Santa Claus on the Christmas tree
In the picture you can see the felt version, but by the same principle you can use thick paper or cardboard. Cut out the blanks, sew them in order, make eyes from beads and decorate the hat.

9. Christmas decorations from egg trays
Old egg trays are an amazing sculpting tool for any kind of toy. They need to be soaked in warm water, add a little PVA and stir a homogeneous mass. It resembles clay, which becomes very hard after drying.

10. Christmas toys made of beads and wire
Fine, beautiful wire is sold in craft stores or florist shops. Make a frame with a loop from thicker wire, and then randomly wrap it with a thin one, decorating with beads, buttons and other decor.

DIY Christmas toys for the New Year - photos and ideas
In fact, it is simply unrealistic to enumerate all possible options. Any materials at hand are used and more, even more imagination. Just take a look at this selection!