Lack of sunlight in the room is not at all a reason to finally say goodbye to dreams of a green corner. Moreover, there are many shade-loving indoor plants that feel much better in such conditions!
1. Aucuba
Aucuba is an extremely unpretentious plant that can always be unmistakably recommended for beginners. A flower with variegated leaves actively grows and bushes even where others do not survive.
2. Cyclamen
Inexperienced growers love cyclamen for an amazing combination of decorativeness and unpretentiousness. And he also has a very unusual flower shape, resembling either a butterfly or a bell.
3. Aspidistra
The bright glossy leaves retain their rich green color even in the shade. Aspidistra tolerates heat well up to +26 degrees, but direct sunlight is destructive for her.
4. Tradescantia
The plant attracts with a variety of varieties of all kinds of shapes and colors. Tradescantia easily tolerates short-term droughts and shade, but fades and fades in the sun.
5. Fuchsia
It is a rare decorative flower that does not need constant lighting for long and beautiful flowering. For fuchsia, good soil and regular feeding are more important.
6. Zamioculcas
A tall and unpretentious plant can easily be pulled up a meter. In summer, zamiokulkas feels good on the balcony, but strictly in the shaded part. Periodically, it needs to be turned with the other side to the light source.
7. Cyperus
The moisture-loving plant does not tolerate drying out of the soil and temperatures below 15 degrees. Cyperus loves moist air, but he is completely indifferent to the amount of light. He is equally well in partial shade and on the windowsill.
8. Clivia
The whimsical exotic is covered with burns and brown spots under the scorching sun. And in a light shade, clivia produces large glossy leaves and juicy fleshy peduncles.
9. Monstera
Despite its exotic appearance, monstera does not need the hot tropical sun at all. She loves abundant watering and spraying, and grows to gigantic proportions in a permanent place.
10. Anthurium
Beautiful fleshy leaves and the same large glossy flowers will delight you throughout the year. Anthurium will not do without light at all, but in light partial shade it is quite comfortable.
11. Hamedorea
The undersized domestic chamedorea looks like a bushy palm tree. She is very beautiful and bright, is not afraid of lack of moisture and calmly refers to the lack of lighting.
12. Nephrolepis
This fern tolerates badly direct sun and southerly windows. But in the shade he feels good and safe. Watering nephrolepis is recommended abundantly and often, but through a pallet.
13. Alocasia
Alocasia is one of the most resistant plants to a lack of lighting. True, she is quite capricious, because temperature, humidity of air and soil are fundamentally important for her.
14. Cissus
Even without an abundance of sunlight, cissus grows rapidly, so it needs beautiful and stable supports. It is recommended to spray it periodically and occasionally arrange a warm shower.
15. Sansevieria
One of the most popular ornamental foliage plants generally needs almost no specific care. Sansevieria should be watered in moderation, but it should not be sprayed at all. We recommend growing varieties with green leaves without light stripes in the shade.
16. Solleyrolia
A charming green ball of small leaves adapts perfectly to everything: sun, shade, heat, cold or sudden temperature changes. In addition to green varieties, there are very beautiful golden and silvery ones.
17. Poinsettia
Traditionally, poinsettia is considered a Christmas flower, so it is massively remembered in winter.But in general, it is an excellent choice at any time, even for northern premises. Moreover, in order for it to retain its decorative effect, daylight hours are specially reduced for it in winter.
18. Fatsia
Unusual glossy leaves instantly attract attention even from the far corner of the room. Fatsia grows more slowly away from the sun, but this does not affect its appearance or health in any way.
19. Tetrastigma Vuagnier
This graceful vine is also called indoor grape. Its peculiarity is that it can only grow at a distance from the window. Tetrastigma grows rapidly and can be formed with supports. Even beginners will be able to grow a full-fledged green wall.
20. Aglaonema
It would be more correct to call Aglaonema universal than shade-loving. She is very phlegmatic about any changes in external conditions, and categorically does not tolerate except that drafts.
21. Hedera
Green ivy is grown safely even in a bathroom where there is no daylight at all. They need space, abundant watering and a stable temperature up to 25 degrees.
22. Dicenter
Dicentra is a garden plant that has finally taken root in indoor floriculture. It grows best in the shade, and at home grows to an average of 40 cm.
23. Begonia
Many varieties of begonias, contrary to stereotypes, lose their decorative effect not from a lack of sun, but from an excess of it. Flowering varieties retain their buds throughout the year under stable conditions and regular feeding.
24. Chlorophytum
Chlorophytum feels great at room temperature and artificial light at any time of the year. Traditionally, varieties with green rather than variegated leaves grow better in the shade. It is useful to spray chlorophytum periodically.
25. Phalaenopsis
Orchids can hardly be called shade-loving, but we found one variety that takes root well in partial shade. As needed, you can increase the amount of light due to reflective surfaces.