Flowers similar to lilies: names and photos (catalog)

Flowers similar to lilies: names and photos (catalog)

Lilies are fabulously beautiful and absolutely recognizable, but this popularity has a downside. It happens that we see a lily, and do not even realize that in fact it is a completely different plant from a different family. And sometimes, you want to plant lilies in the garden or at home, but the conditions are not suitable. To prevent this from happening again, we have prepared a selection of 17 similar colors. Watch and meet!

1. Goose bow

Behind the inconspicuous name hides a tiny early flower from the Liliaceae family. Up to six spectacular yellow stars bloom on one low stem.

Goose onions - Flowers like lilies

2. Vallota is beautiful

This delicate African flower produces up to five large buds on each stem. Wallots of all shades of pink, salmon and purple are especially beautiful.

Vallota the beautiful - Flowers like lilies

3. Hesperokallis

A rare desert flower resembles a lily on one thick and massive stem. In our latitudes, it is practically not common, but nevertheless it certainly deserves attention.

Hesperokallis - Flowers like lilies

4. Cardiocrinum

This is a real giant among Liliaceae, which in its natural environment can grow up to 5 m. It has beautiful heart-shaped leaves and large narrow buds concentrated at the top.

Cardiocrinum - Flowers like lilies

5. Narcissus

Although daffodils are very recognizable, inexperienced gardeners can easily confuse them with lilies for their characteristic flower shape. There are dozens of types of daffodils in a wide variety of shades.

Narcissus - Flowers like lilies

Flowers that look like roses: names and photos (catalog)

6. Tatar ixiolirion

Blue-violet bells are often found in Siberia and the Far East. Annual bulbs are absolutely unpretentious and do not even need additional feeding for lush flowering.

Tatar iksiolirion - Flowers similar to lilies

7. Tricirtis

A flower with a fancy name and the same fancy spotted color resembles both a lily and an orchid. It is believed that its scent attracts toads, which is why it was even used as a hunting bait.

Tricirtis - Flowers like lilies

8. Eucharis

A very delicate and delicate eucharis with snow-white flowers up to 12 cm can bloom twice a year, which attracts gardeners. Due to the specific elongated shape of the bud with a long corolla, they slightly lower their heads down.

Eucharis - Flowers similar to lilies

9. Hyacinth

Although hyacinths have a completely different shape of inflorescences and small flowers are collected in large clusters, individually they really resemble lilies. The plant is famous for its richness of multi-colored varieties and delicate aroma.

Hyacinth - Flowers like lilies

Flowers that look like bells: names and photos

10. Kandyk

An unpretentious mountain perennial does not require complex care and gets along well in the shade with other bulbs. Kandyk flowers always seem to be drooping - this is his feature.

Kandyk - Flowers similar to lilies

11. Zephyranthes

The herbaceous perennial germinates and blooms in a matter of days, for which it was dubbed an upstart. Although the origin story of the name is completely different, the delicate shades of the star-shaped flowers do resemble marshmallows.

Zephyranthes - Flowers like lilies

12. Daylily

The very name of the daylily directly indicates its similarity with classic lilies. In our latitudes, decorative varieties are found in most gardens, and not everyone knows that this is a completely different plant from a different family - the Ksantorreevs.

Daylily - Flowers similar to lilies

13. Amaryllis

It's not for nothing that belladonna is actually called the lily of belladonna, because they are remarkably similar. This is a large moisture-loving plant, the buds of which open up to 12 cm in diameter.

Amaryllis - Flowers like lilies

Types and varieties of daylily: photos, names and descriptions

14. Worsley

The closest relative of the amaryllis attracts attention with the most interesting shades of blue and purple. In their native tropics, hairs grow up to a meter and give out up to 15 large buds.

Worsley - Flowers like lilies

15. Utsonia

Although large bright buds resemble a cross between a lily and a gladiolus, in fact, utsonia refers to irises. Flowers are collected along a long stem with xiphoid leaves like a spikelet.

Utsonia - Flowers similar to lilies

16. Hippeastrum

The flower owes its name to its characteristic star-shaped shape, which is why it is often confused with lilies.Most often there are white and scarlet varieties that open up to 20 cm.

Hippeastrum - Flowers similar to lilies

17. Pancratius

This is an evergreen Mediterranean plant, which is also called the sand lily. There are about 20 species with narrow lily-shaped buds against a background of wide grayish leaves.

Pankratius - Flowers similar to lilies

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