Flowering indoor plants: names, photos and descriptions (catalog)

Flowering indoor plants: names, photos and descriptions (catalog)

After a gray winter, paint is desperately lacking, and we know exactly how to fix it. Keep a selection of flowering houseplants! Moreover, all of them have different life cycles, so you can easily assemble a collection that will bloom all year round.

1. Fuchsia

Fuchsia is not only bright flowers of a bizarre shape, but also a very unpretentious houseplant. Just keep in mind that for the winter, even at home, she can shed leaves.


2. Cyclamen

Different types of cyclamen differ in color and flowering time. The plant needs more moisture and, ideally, not too high temperatures, up to 18 degrees.


3. Begonia

There are dozens of begonias of all shapes and colors. For active and vigorous flowering, it needs diffused light, top dressing and periodic pruning of shoots.


4. Gardenia

Outwardly, gardenia resembles a rose, but with a subtle jasmine scent. For the formation of strong and healthy buds, she definitely needs good lighting and sufficiently humid air.


5. Geranium

Like begonia, geranium is striking in its choice of varieties and shades. Moreover, you can graft the shoots of one bush to another, and so they will become even more decorative.


6. Abutilon

Abutilon is called indoor maple for a reason - just look at its leaves. It blooms from the beginning of spring and almost until winter, as long as there is a sunny day. But if you organize it backlighting, flowering will continue.


7. Crossandra

The original flowers of the crossandra resemble an explosion of fireworks. The plant feels good even in partial shade, but it must be carefully watered clearly at the moment when the soil is dry, but not too dry yet.


8. Stephanotis

The decorative liana is covered with large elongated bells that bloom all summer. But stephanotis needs more space, so it will not work for small apartments.


Indoor flowers that should be in every home

9. Rhipsalidopsis

The long name hides an original and ever-flowering cactus. It is so densely covered with fluffy buds that it is difficult to distinguish the shoots from the leaves from a distance.


10. Anthurium

Anthurium flowers are like fancy bright hearts. For abundant flowering, he needs moist soil, a moderate amount of sunlight and wintering at a temperature of about +15 degrees.


11. Bougainvillea

The adorable purple or white bougainvillea is so delicate that it has been nicknamed paper. Depending on how you shape the plant, you can grow a liana-like shrub or a compact tree.


12. Kalanchoe

Decorative flowering varieties of Kalanchoe look amazing in hanging planters. In addition to beautiful umbellate inflorescences, they also have spectacular succulent leaves of various shapes.


13. Violet

The main advantage of the violet is that it can bloom all year round if conditions are right for it. Pay particular attention to the graceful terry varieties.


14. Primrose

Indoor primrose is a dense, undersized shrub with brightly colored buds. Ideal conditions are temperatures up to +18 degrees, plenty of light and frequent watering even after flowering.


15. Balsam

The light-loving plant can bloom throughout the year, even under artificial lighting. Balsam loves regular watering and spraying, and also needs free space around.


Climbing indoor plants (80 photos): types and care

16. Kufea

The buds of the kufei are very small, but there are so many of them that it is difficult to determine which is more: flowers or leaves. The plant needs warmth, regular spraying, and spring pruning for branching.


17. Akalifa

Akalifa is one of the most atypical flowering plants in this collection. And all because akalifa flowers resemble long fluffy earrings that hang from a flowerpot.


18. Amaryllis

Among the long narrow leaves appear the same long peduncles with large funnel-shaped flowers, collected in umbrellas. There are up to twelve buds on one umbrella.


19. Tydea

In late spring, a small southern perennial blooms with large bells. Tydea grows slowly, adapts easily to any conditions and is suitable even for beginners.


20. Whitefeldia

Plant it if you want the plant to enjoy flowering during the winter. Whitefeldia has original spike-shaped inflorescences of thin, elongated white flowers.


21. Hibiscus

Despite the fact that one hibiscus flower lives only a few days, the shrub releases them throughout the year. But for abundant flowering, regular watering, spraying and feeding are needed.


22. Hydrangea

Perhaps you do not know, but hydrangea is not only garden, but also indoor. And it blooms with the same voluminous loose inflorescences, which cover the bush with a solid cap.


23. Camellia

Indoor camellia grows in the form of an elegant tea tree or bush. In order for it to grow evenly, it must be periodically turned in different directions to the sun, but in no case during flowering.


Shade-loving indoor plants: names, photos and descriptions (catalog)

24. Ruellia

Another densely flower-covered shrub in our selection. Ruellia is a thermophilic plant, so the minimum comfortable temperature for it is about +20 degrees.


25. Catharanthus

A neat indoor bush generously strewn with bright flowers. He definitely needs high humidity, warm summers and cool wintering.


26. Zephyranthes

One of the most unpretentious bulbous plants first produces thin long leaves, similar to ordinary grass, and then - tall peduncles. The most common shades are red, pink and white.


27. Coleria

Coleria will definitely appeal to fans of unusual flowers with its variegated drooping bells. The plant prefers moist air, but in no case spraying.


28. Campanula

Campanula is so abundantly covered with small bell flowers that the adult plant resembles a blooming ball. Most often there are white and purple flowers, and they can even be combined in the same flowerpot.


29. Diplomas

Diplomacy is loved for its original appearance. Curly leafy shoots tightly wrap around the support and bloom in large buds. But keep in mind, this is a rather capricious plant that is not very suitable for beginners.


30. Ivy Hoya

Think what ivy does in a selection of flowering houseplants? But just look with what beautiful and unusual umbrellas-inflorescences it is covered! By the way, this is a honey plant, so it also smells good.

Ivy hoya

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