Yorkshire Terrier: description, character and care

Yorkshire Terrier: description, character and care

Adorable, funny and playful Yorkies can melt the hardest heart. This is an ideal dog for a small apartment, a large family and a noisy city. Therefore, we tell you what you definitely need to know about Yorkshire Terriers before deciding on such a crucial step - buying a dog!

Origin story

Yorkie today is one of the most popular decorative breeds in the world. They were bred in the north of England in the eponymous county of Yorkshire, presumably from the Waterside Terriers. Ordinary people could not have large breeds, and small terriers did an excellent job of guarding, escorting and hunting rodents.

Later, people began to move en masse to cities in search of a better life, and took adorable dogs with them. Later, it was from these terriers that a dozen different breeds were bred, including the ancestors of modern Yorkies. Some dog handlers believe that there are admixtures of Manchester Terriers and Maltese lapdogs in their blood.

Origin story - Yorkshire Terrier

General information about the breed

Yorkshire Terriers are one of the smallest breeds in the world, so the weight of an adult dog hardly reaches 3.2 kg. The height of a Yorkie at the withers is no more than 20 cm, with rare exceptions. With proper care and good nutrition, they live up to 16 years.

General information - Yorkshire Terrier


It is a long-haired breed with straight hair that falls evenly along the parting from the nose to the very tip of the tail. With its tiny size, Yorkshire Terriers have a harmonious physique with muscular paws and impeccable posture. The tail is straight and above the line of the spine, but in childhood it is halved.

A characteristic feature of the breed is the silky coat that covers both the muzzle and the tail. The length can go up to the floor, so Yorkies often get their hair cut and have fun hairstyles. Despite this, they hardly shed because they have no undercoat. Due to the structure of the hair, dogs are less likely to cause allergies.

Yorkies have a small head that seems slightly flattened due to their structure. Quite large erect ears, a curious black nose, always lively and shiny eyes, small, even teeth - all this is a Yorkshire Terrier.

Appearance - Yorkshire Terrier

French Bulldog: description, character and care


Yorkies have retained almost all the character traits characteristic of large terriers. They are active, curious, friendly, never get tired and are very attached to the owner. Dogs train well, get along with children and do not tire the elderly.

However, Yorkshire Terriers can be very noisy and terribly jealous. They are smart, but wayward, so you will have to be patient during training. But they are fearless and bravely guard their territory and owner.

Character - Yorkshire Terrier

Health and disease

There are several diseases that Yorkshire terriers are particularly susceptible to. Most of them are safely treated in the early stages, so monitor the well-being and condition of the dog. As soon as something in her behavior seems alarming to you - contact your veterinarian!

Most often, Yorkshire Terriers have joint problems - dislocation of the patella, damage to the hip joint, Perthes disease. Due to the softening of the cartilage, the trachea collapses and the dog has difficulty breathing. Less commonly, glucose deficiency, retinal atrophy, or liver dysfunction are manifested.

Health and Disease - Yorkshire Terrier

Conditions of detention

Even a tiny Yorkie definitely needs his personal territory, where he will feel safe. For the couch, choose a place somewhere in the corner, not on the aisle and not in a draft. From childhood, a puppy can be accustomed to a diaper.

Yorkshire Terriers are active, so they need to run in the fresh air for at least an hour a day. In the cold season and rainy weather, special clothing and shoes are needed, because dogs are sensitive to cold and temperature extremes.

Be sure to pick up more toys for your pet, but do not give old things for this purpose, otherwise the dog will then begin to gnaw any. Keep in mind that if the curious Yorkshire Terrier gets too bored, it will find something to do, but you may not like it!

Housekeeping Conditions - Yorkshire Terrier

Miniature Schnauzer: breed description, character and care


The easiest way to organize a balanced, nutritious diet is with special foods, selected with a veterinarian. There are lines for Yorkshire terriers or small decorative dogs. It is necessary to take into account the age of the pet and the presence of chronic diseases.

The natural diet will have to be planned even more carefully, because many of the dishes we are used to are dangerous to animals. You cannot be limited to one meat or porridge: you need proteins, phosphorus, calcium, fiber. It is advisable from childhood to teach the dog on a natural diet also to vegetable feeding.

Food - Yorkshire Terrier


Most of the problems arise with the luxurious long wool of Yorkies. You will have to regularly bathe and comb your pet daily, or give him a short haircut. There are even special sprays, combs, massage brushes, oils and papillotes for Yorkshire terriers. And you definitely need a hygienic haircut on the paws, ears, in the groin area.

Examine your eyes and ears every day for any irritation or discharge. Brush your Yorkie teeth once a week, because with age, small dogs dental problems are more common. Cut the claws once every 1-2 months so that they do not interfere or injure.

Care - Yorkshire Terrier


By nature, Yorkies are very curious, so they willingly learn new skills in a playful way. They are quick-witted but need praise, motivation and encouragement. Puppies should be trained from early childhood during short but regular training.

Training - Yorkshire Terrier

Scottish Fold cats: description, character and care

Yorkshire Terrier with owner

Yorkies are very attached to the owner, demand attention and yearn alone. They can be noisy and moody, but in fact they very subtly capture a person's mood. The dog is always ready to protect, support and cheer up its owner.

Yorkshire Terrier with owner

Yorkshire Terrier with children

Active and nimble Yorkies love games and fun, so they get along well with children. But it is better to have a pet when the child is already grown up and will deliberately play with a new friend. Due to the fact that the dog is very small and fragile, even a child can easily injure him.

Yorkshire Terrier with children

Yorkshire Terrier with other animals

Although Yorkies can be very jealous, they get along well with other animals. If the pets appeared at home at the same time, most likely they will make friends without any problems. But if someone showed up earlier, it will take time and patience.

Yorkshire Terrier with other animals

the beauty

home and family
