A good and reliable fence around the site needs the same gate. Of all the variety of materials, the easiest way is to work with corrugated board, because besides it you will need only a few pipes, fittings and fasteners. Moreover, you can do it yourself for sure. Let's tell you more!
Advantages and disadvantages of corrugated doors
Lightweight corrugated board does not require strong support and is easier to work with. Any shape, shape and configuration can be made from it using ordinary metal scissors. For the price, such gates will cost less than most analogs, but at the same time they can be of any color and texture.
Decking does not need complex maintenance, regular processing or painting. Average service life is about 25 years, and a damaged fragment can be easily replaced with a new one. Due to the variety, the corrugated board is easily combined with other building and finishing materials.
But the metal is quite thin, so the gate will need to be used carefully and mechanical damage should be avoided. Sound absorption is clearly affected, especially on rainy and windy days. It is necessary to cut the corrugated board very carefully so as not to damage the protective layer along the cut.

How to choose a corrugated board
Bearing, wall and bearing-wall corrugated board is classified according to its intended purpose, on which the loads that it withstand directly depend. The wave height of the carrier sheet can be up to 13 cm, and such gates will be the strongest and most durable. But they will also cost more than wall sheeting with a wave height of up to 2 cm.
If you prefer wall or non-material-wall sheets, choose brands with a thickness of 1.7 cm. In addition to them, metal-polymer corrugated board of the MP-A or MP-B categories is suitable. There is also the MP-R brand, but it is used for arranging the roof.
Pay attention to the type of coating: anti-corrosive aluzinc or multi-colored acrylic. With electrolytic galvanizing, the protective layer is too thin and easily damaged. Of the polymer coatings, it is thin but practical polyester, temperature and damage resistant plastisol, durable textured pural, or the most reliable but most expensive polyvinylidene fluoride.

The dimensions of the doors made of corrugated board
The standard opening width is 4-4.5 m with a height of 2.2-2.5 m. For the convenience of cutting, round off the values taking into account the width of the corrugated sheets. To calculate the width more accurately, add a meter to the total width of the car for maneuver. If you need to vary the parameters, order the corrugated board individually according to your measurements.
Leave a gap at the bottom with a width of 15-30 cm, otherwise it will be impossible to use the gate in the first snowy winter. After calculations, be sure to make a drawing with all the marks for the wicket, hinges, lock and other nodes. This is necessary in order to accurately calculate all the distances, and so that the frame ideally converges during welding.

Installation of gates from corrugated board
To begin with, we will tell you about a simple swing gate. This design is the most understandable, there are no complex units in it and it is almost impossible to make a mistake. The perfect choice for beginners!
Gate frame made of corrugated board
For the frame, take pipes and profiles with a cross section of 4x4, 6x2, 6x4 or 6x6 cm and a pair of 2x2 cm pipes for internal lintels. Be sure to prime all profiles with an anti-corrosive primer. Pour a crushed stone pillow into the depression about a third of the height of the support and insert the support strictly vertically. Concrete it and cover it with a protective cover against moisture.
Cut the pipes at an angle so that the joints weld neatly and easily, and then water does not accumulate on them. Clean all elements from rust and dirt, constantly control the level, and then separately clean up the welded seams. At the end, the frame can be painted with a special anti-corrosion paint for metal.

Strengthening the frame
To strengthen the structure, metal corners are welded for rigidity. For narrow doors and gates up to one and a half meters, ready-made solid "kerchiefs" are suitable, and for wider ones, a diagonal jumper from a pipe of a smaller diameter is needed. To prevent wind sailing, jumpers and stiffeners are installed.

Installation of hinges
For light sashes, two hinges are enough, but for reinforced ones, we recommend installing three at a time. They are first welded to the support posts, and only then to the frame. Be sure to consider how the sash should open in order to understand exactly how to weld the hinges: end-to-end to the support or overlay.

Sheathing with corrugated board
The wavy structure of the profiled sheet is convenient for installation: screw the sheets to the frame through the lower waves, and connect them together along the upper ones. Use only the main support and do not screw anything to the booster straps. Better take special rivets - they are neater and not so noticeable, but self-tapping screws will also work.

Installing the lock
For a padlock, weld the hinge to the frame while sheathing. The mortise cuts directly into the pipe, so it is the most inconspicuous. The overhead is mounted on a frame or an additionally welded metal sheet.
To more reliably fix the canvas and relieve the load from one lock, lower clamps are needed, which go into the ground. Latches or bolts are installed from the inside.

Gate automation
For remote control, you need an electric drive, with which you can install an alarm and a camera. It is most convenient with sliding and lift-and-turn, because if the gate is sliding, you will have to install two drives and synchronize the operation of the leaves. The most impractical and not particularly applicable in everyday life are automatic swing gates.

Do-it-yourself gates from corrugated board - photos and ideas
The opening mechanism of the sashes is not limited to swing doors and can be different. We offer several alternative options that differ in complexity and size.
Gate with a wicket
Cut through the gate in the middle of the whole sash - then it does not need to be strengthened and it will strengthen the frame itself. If you need to move the wicket to the side, move it to the support, but not to the inner edge. And if you don't want to cut it, make it a separate narrowed sash, and reinforce the second expanded one with stiffeners.

Up-and-over gates
Such doors are often used in garages because they do not restrict entry. The gate turns horizontally and rises, but expensive automation is needed. It is important to lighten the weight of the sash as much as possible, so take the corrugated board thinner and without additional insulation.

Sliding gates made of corrugated board
The main advantage of the design is its compactness, in comparison with swing doors that take up space. To open, the guides roll to the side. Keep in mind that roller bearings wear out with regular use, so they will have to be replaced over time.

Sliding gates with top suspension
Often the guides go from the bottom, but here they are shifted up. Because of this, the height of the flaps is limited. But on the other hand, the load on the automation is lower and the drive will last longer. In winter, when everything is covered with snow, this is perhaps the best option of all.

Sliding gates made of corrugated board
Two independent sashes leave at once to the sides, so that the opening is much wider. This is a complex design, but it is optimal for wide gates. Therefore, for a country house, this option is not the most practical, but for a small enterprise it is already quite justified.