Bright, varied, with an expressive taste and pleasant texture - these are all tomato soups. We have found great recipes for you with meat, vegetables, cereals, cheese, and even puree soups!
1. Tomato puree soup with basil

In addition to basil, you can take other fragrant herbs and dried herbs - marjoram, oregano, rosemary, cilantro.
You will need: 400 g of tomatoes in their own juice, 2 tbsp. olive oil, 1 onion, 3 cloves of garlic, 1 tbsp. tomato paste, 1 bunch of basil, 400 ml cream, a pinch of baking soda, 1 tsp. sugar, spices.
Preparation: Chop the onion and garlic and fry in olive oil until soft. Add tomato paste, tomatoes, spices and chopped basil. Simmer the mixture over low heat for 15 minutes after boiling. Grind the soup in a blender, add soda and cream to it, stir and boil for another 5 minutes.
2. Tomato soup with chicken and cauliflower

A little chopped spinach or cilantro will come in handy.
You will need: 500 g of chicken, 1 can of tomatoes in their own juice, 2 tbsp. tomato paste, 1 onion, 6 cloves of garlic, 2 zucchini, 300 g of cauliflower, 1 glass of cream, herbs, spices.
Preparation: Chop the chicken finely and fry until golden brown with onions, garlic and spices. Pour in broth, add chopped tomatoes and tomato paste, and cook for 15 minutes after boiling. Then add the greens, chopped zucchini and cauliflower, add the cream and cook for another 10 minutes.
3. Tomato soup with meat and rice

One of the most satisfying tomato soup recipes in this collection!
You will need: 250 g of meat, 1.5 broth, 3 potatoes, 4 tbsp. rice, 1 carrot, 1 onion, 2 tbsp. tomato paste, 2 tomatoes, spices.
Preparation: Boil the meat and add potato cubes and rice to it. Cook until the potatoes are cooked, but for now prepare the frying of onions, grated carrots and tomato paste. Send it to the soup with chopped tomatoes, season and boil for a couple of minutes after boiling.
4. Tomato soup with meatballs and spinach

For a more solid option, add a can of canned beans.
You will need: 2 l of broth, 300 g of minced meat, 1 l of tomato juice, 2 cloves of garlic, 2 onions, 1 egg, parsley, spices, 2 potatoes, 1 carrot, 150 g of spinach.
Preparation: Boil a little tomato juice in a frying pan, add chopped onions, garlic and spices, and boil for a couple of minutes. Combine the minced meat, leftover onion, egg, and chopped greens, shape into meatballs and place in boiling spice broth.
When the meatballs come up, add the potato wedges and grated carrots. Lightly fry the chopped spinach in a skillet and place in the pan after 10 minutes. At the end, pour in the tomato juice, stir and let the soup brew.
5. Tomato soup with cheese

Try it with mozzarella or Adyghe cheese!
You will need: 1 onion, 400 g of tomatoes in their own juice, 3 cloves of garlic, 1 pepper, 200 ml of broth, spices and herbs, 30 g of cilantro, 2 tbsp. tomato paste, 150 g of cheese.
Preparation: Fry the onion and garlic until golden brown, add chopped pepper and fry together. Pour tomatoes and tomato paste there, add spices, chopped herbs and stew for a couple of minutes.
Pour the broth over the soup, boil for 15 minutes and grind with a blender. Pour into bowls immediately and add finely chopped or crumbled cheese to melt slightly.
6. Tomato soup with smoked meats

Even the neighbors will feel the aroma of this incomparable soup!
You will need: 500 g smoked meats, 100 g beans, 1 onion, 1 carrot, 3 potatoes, 2 tomatoes, 2 tbsp. tomato paste, 1 tsp. sugar, spices.
Preparation: Soak and boil the beans in advance until tender. Pour the smoked meats with water and boil for half an hour after boiling. Put the beans in this broth, and after a couple of minutes - the potatoes.
Prepare a frying of onions and carrots, add chopped smoked meats from the broth there, and fry everything together.Add tomato paste, chopped tomatoes and spices to the frying, put it in the soup, boil for another 5 minutes and let it brew.
7. Tomato soup with vegetables

An easy vegetarian or just spring recipe.
You will need: 3 tomatoes, 3 zucchini, 2 peppers, 1 onion, 1 chili, 2 carrots, 500 ml of tomato puree, spices, 100 g of peas, 1.5 l of water.
Preparation: Cut all the vegetables into cubes and the chili into small rings and lightly fry them all together. At the end, pour in the tomato puree, add the peas, and after another 5 minutes add water. Boil the soup over medium heat until the vegetables are done.
8. Tomato soup with lentils

For a lean option, use vegetable broth or just water.
You will need: 400 g of tomatoes in their own juice, 1 glass of lentils, 1 celery stalk, 1 onion, 1 carrot, chili, 1.5 liters of broth.
Preparation: Chop onions, carrots, celery and chili and sauté all together until soft. At the end, add the tomatoes and simmer for 10 minutes. Send lentils to the vegetables, add broth and cook the soup until cooked.
9. Tomato soup with fish

It tastes best with equal amounts of salmon and cod.
You will need: 400 g of fish, 450 ml of broth, 800 g of tomatoes, 30 g of butter, 1 onion, 1 tbsp. flour, spices, garlic.
Preparation: Chop onion and garlic, sauté in butter and add flour. Then add chopped tomatoes and carcasses for another 5 minutes. Pour in the broth, add the spices and cook the soup for 15 minutes under the lid.
Cut the fish fillet into small pieces, season and fry a little too. Grind the finished soup with a blender until smooth, add fish to it and heat for a couple of minutes.
10. Tomato soup with beans and corn

If you are using dry beans, soak them overnight and boil until tender.
You will need: 2 tomatoes, 1 cup beans, 2 potatoes, 1 leek, 1 carrot, 50 g celery root, 1 tbsp. tomato paste, 1 tbsp. butter, spices, 100 g of corn.
Preparation: Cut the potatoes into cubes, boil for 15 minutes and add the beans to it. Finely chop the leek and fry it in butter. After 10 minutes, add grated celery and carrots, and stew.
When the potatoes are boiled, add the frying, corn, tomato paste and spices to the soup. After a couple of minutes, remove the soup from the heat and let it brew under the lid for up to half an hour.
11. Tomato soup with seafood

It is more convenient to use a ready-made seafood cocktail.
You will need: 250 g of seafood, 1 tomato, 1 onion, 3 cloves of garlic, 1 pepper, 350 ml of tomato juice, spices, 2 eggs.
Preparation: Fry the onion and garlic until golden brown, add seafood scalded with boiling water and stir. Finely chop the tomato and pepper, lightly fry them separately, put all the ingredients in a saucepan and cover with hot water or broth.
When the soup boils, add the spices and tomato juice and bring to a boil again. After 5-7 minutes, beat the eggs, pour into a saucepan, stirring constantly, and remove everything from the heat. Leave the soup covered for another 5 minutes.
12. Tomato soup with cabbage

It's easy to imagine tomato soup with potatoes and other vegetables. But what about cabbage?
You will need: 0.5 cups of tomato juice, 1 carrot, 1 liter of broth, 150 g of cabbage, 0.5 onions, 1 stalk of celery, herbs.
Preparation: Chop the cabbage and chop the rest of the vegetables at random. Send the cabbage and carrots to the boiling broth, and after 5 minutes add the onions and celery. After another 5 minutes, pour in the tomato juice, season everything and boil the cabbage to the desired softness. Sprinkle herbs over the soup before serving.