How long hamsters live and how you can extend their life

How long hamsters live and how you can extend their life

Did you know that there are cases in history when long-living hamsters celebrated a decade? Of course, this is rather an exception to the rule, and in reality these figures rarely exceed 3-5 years. But we know exactly what you can do to keep your little pet healthy and happy. We will tell you how long hamsters live and how you can extend their life!

Hamster lifespan

On average, domestic hamsters live 3-5 years. The shortest life expectancy in Dzungariki and Campbell's hamsters is up to 2 years, although there are exceptions. Syrian and Chinese hamsters live for 2-3 years, and Roborovsky hamsters live for over 3 years.

How long do hamsters live?

How long do dogs live and how to extend their life?

How to prolong the life of a hamster?

Despite the fact that small pets live for several years, this is not a reason to neglect their well-being and health. It's important to appreciate every day and month you spend together and take care of your baby.

Proper nutrition

By virtue of innate instincts, hamsters can eat almost anything, including bread crusts and potato peels. But this cannot be done - this leads to health problems, obesity, metabolic disorders and a lack of vitamins.

The basis of the daily diet is a grain mixture of oats, wheat, legumes, seeds, millet and herb pellets. Fruits and vegetables should be given carefully and without fanaticism. Potatoes, cabbage, onions, citrus fruits and exotic fruits are generally prohibited. Occasionally it is useful to give low-fat dairy products and animal protein - boiled chicken or beef.

Proper nutrition - How long hamsters live

Conditions of detention

Hamsters are very fragile. For example, the slightest draft easily leads to pneumonia. It is also impossible to put a cage near a battery, heater or air conditioner. Do not use cotton or rags from the fillers, because the hamster can get tangled in the threads. You also can't use a newspaper because the paint is toxic.

Do not keep hamsters in jars, aquariums or plastic containers - there is little space and air. Make sure the distance between the bars in the cage is small enough. This is especially true for tiny dzungariks who like to run through the bars. And for calmness and a healthy nervous system, a pet definitely needs a house or a mink made of wood or any safe material.

Veterinary control

At the manifestation of the slightest suspicious symptoms, immediately show the hamster to the veterinarian, because rodent diseases develop quite rapidly. Among the reasons to consult a specialist are decreased activity, weight loss or gain, poor appetite, sneezing, hair loss, discharge.

Hamsters often have respiratory problems and need to be treated to prevent them from developing pneumonia. Conjunctivitis is common and is most often due to improper filler. There are skin and hair problems, infections and even tumors. And, of course, injuries, because the small bones of the hamster are very fragile.

Veterinary control - How long hamsters live

Active lifestyle

Hamsters are very active animals, but they peak at night, so consider this when choosing a place for a cage. In order for your pet to grow up healthy and happy, you need to take care of his leisure time. A wheel, a labyrinth, all kinds of springs and entertainment will come in handy. The main thing is that they are safe and fit the size of the hamster.

Love and attention

Because hamsters have a much shorter life than cats or dogs, many people are reluctant to form emotional attachments. But in fact, any living being requires attention and care. Even if you have several hamsters that play with each other, they can wither away without the love of the owner.

Love and attention - How long hamsters live

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