12 delicious sorrel soups to cook all summer long

12 delicious sorrel soups to cook all summer long

In the warm season, light sorrel soup with fresh herbs is especially good. Its pleasant sourness is excellent refreshing, but at the same time it is quite satisfying. We tell you the best cooking recipes!

1. Sorrel soup with chicken and peas

Sorrel soup with chicken and peas

You can do without peas, but it is more beautiful with it.

You will need: 300 g of chicken, 1 onion, 1 carrot, 3 potatoes, 100 g of sorrel, 100 g of peas, 0.5 zucchini, spices.

Preparation: Boil the chicken for 30-40 minutes, and add the potatoes to the broth. Make a fry with grated carrots and onions, and after 10 minutes send it to the soup along with the sliced ​​zucchini. After another 5-7 minutes, put the sorrel and peas, boil everything together a little and season.

2. Sorrel soup with meat and tomatoes

Sorrel soup with meat and tomatoes

Sorrel soup is very light, so we recommend using lean meat.

You will need: 400 g of meat, 1 onion, 2 potatoes, 1 carrot, 200 g of sorrel, 1 pepper, spices, 1 tomato.

Preparation: Boil the meat until tender and add the potato cubes to the boiling broth. Fry onions, then add grated carrots and chopped peppers to it, and after 7-10 minutes - tomatoes. Stew the fry and place in a saucepan. Then add sorrel, stir, season and cook until cooked.

3. Sorrel soup with fish

Sorrel soup with fish

Well, how did we manage to surprise you?

You will need: 300 g fish, 400 g sorrel, 1 onion, 2 tbsp. lemon juice, 1 tsp. sugar, herbs, spices.

Preparation: Boil the fish, fry the onion until golden brown and fill it with broth. When it boils, add the sorrel, and after 5 minutes add the chopped fish. Season the soup with lemon juice, spices, sugar and herbs.

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4. Sorrel soup with meatballs

Sorrel soup with meatballs

The easiest and most tender option is sorrel soup with minced turkey.

You will need: 400 g minced meat, 1 carrot, 80 g leeks, 200 g sorrel, 3 potatoes, 4 eggs, spices.

Preparation: Cut the potatoes into cubes and cook, and after 10 minutes add the onion and carrot fry. Cook everything together for another 15 minutes, but for now, mix the minced meat with spices and 1 egg, and form the meatballs.

Dip the meatballs into the boiling soup and cook for another 10-15 minutes, during which time boil the remaining eggs. After that, add finely chopped sorrel to the pan, boil again and coarsely chop the eggs into the soup.

5. Sorrel soup with dumplings

Sorrel soup with dumplings

Try it with different types of flour or potato dumplings.

You will need: 1 bunch of sorrel, 4 potatoes, 1 onion, 1 egg, 2 tbsp. flour, spices.

Preparation: Chop the onion finely, fry it and add the potato cubes. Continue to fry everything together until golden brown, cover with water or broth, season and boil for 10 minutes.

Add sorrel to boiling soup, reduce heat, and wait until broth is no longer boiling. Mix egg with flour and spoon into dumplings soup. Turn the heat back on, bring to a boil and remove from the stove.

6. Sorrel soup with cheese

Sorrel soup with cheese

For this recipe, you need a soft cheese that melts quickly.

You will need: 400 g chicken, 350 g sorrel, 4 potatoes, 80 g processed cheese, 1 onion, spices.

Preparation: Chop the chicken and boil for 30-40 minutes, then add the potatoes and cook until soft. Finely chop the onion, fry and add to the soup along with the chopped sorrel. After 5 minutes, add the spices and cheese, and when it melts, the sorrel soup is ready!

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7. Classic sorrel soup with egg

Classic sorrel soup with egg

Traditional recipe with raw eggs and fried.

You will need: 300 g sorrel, 3 potatoes, 1 onion, 1 carrot, 5 eggs, spices.

Preparation: Cut the potatoes into small cubes and boil for 5-7 minutes. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, finely chop the onion, and fry them together. Add the roast to the pot and cook for another 10 minutes.

Put chopped sorrel in a saucepan, mix gently and leave for 3-4 minutes. Beat the raw eggs, gradually pour them into the soup, stirring occasionally, warm up and remove from heat.

8. Sorrel soup with rice and sour cream

Sorrel soup with rice and sour cream

A very unusual interpretation of a simple rice soup with herbs.

You will need: 200 g sorrel, 500 g potatoes, 4 tablespoons. rice, 150 g carrots, 150 g onions, 5 eggs, 200 g sour cream, herbs, spices.

Preparation: Cut the potatoes into cubes, carrots into slices, and onions into large wedges, and boil for 10 minutes after boiling. Add rice and boil for another 10 minutes.

Boil the eggs, grind the yolks with sour cream and add to the pan. Coarsely chop the squirrels, add next, and boil for a couple more minutes. Finally, add sorrel, herbs and spices, bring to a boil and let the soup steep.

9. Sorrel soup with buckwheat and chicken

Sorrel soup with buckwheat and chicken

Light seasonal sorrel soup for those who care about their figure.

You will need: 250 g chicken, 1 bunch of sorrel, 3 tbsp. buckwheat, 5 potatoes, 1 carrot, 1 onion, dill, green onion, 1 egg, spices.

Preparation: Boil the chicken with a whole onion and spices, and remove the onion from the broth. Add potato cubes to it, and after a couple of minutes - washed buckwheat and grated carrots.

Chop all the greens and green onions finely and add to the soup when the rest of the ingredients are cooked. Lastly, beat in the egg, mix well, season and remove from the stove.

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10. Sorrel soup with barley

Sorrel soup with barley

When serving, add half a boiled egg, sour cream and herbs.

You will need: 300 g sorrel, 1 onion, 1 carrot, 2 cloves of garlic, 0.5 cups of pearl barley, 3 potatoes, suneli hops, spices.

Preparation: Boil the barley soaked in advance in boiling water or broth. After 15 minutes, add the potato cubes, and after another 15 minutes, fry with onions, carrots and garlic. Boil everything together for 10 minutes, add sorrel and spices to the soup, warm it up and turn it off.

11. Sorrel soup with vegetables and mushrooms

Sorrel soup with vegetables and mushrooms

Great lean soup without meat!

You will need: 80 g sorrel, 230 g potatoes, 50 g carrots, 50 g tomatoes, 50 g zucchini, 70 g green beans, 70 g cabbage, 150 g mushrooms, spices.

Preparation: Put potatoes in boiling water, boil until half cooked and add mushrooms and shredded cabbage. Fry the carrots, onions and tomatoes, and send the frying to the soup along with the courgettes and spices. Pour the sorrel over with boiling water or lightly simmer, transfer to a saucepan and after a couple of minutes remove the soup from the heat.

12. Sorrel soup with spinach

Sorrel soup with spinach

More greenery means more benefits.

You will need: 700 g sorrel, 300 g spinach, 250 g potatoes, 150 g onions, 70 g carrots, 70 g tomatoes, 70 g celery, 70 g onions, 70 g zucchini.

Preparation: Chop the sorrel and spinach and stew them until they are halved in volume. Put half the potatoes in the boiling broth and boil until porridge.

Then add the remaining potatoes and other vegetables, and boil until tender. At the end, put the spinach with sorrel into the soup, warm up and season to taste.

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