If you have long dreamed of your own green corner of the house, but are worried that you will not be able to cope with capricious flowers - this selection is for you. Because we have compiled a catalog of the most unpretentious indoor plants with photos, names and descriptions!
1. Sansevieria
Behind the beautiful and graceful name is a spectacular deciduous plant, which we call "mother-in-law's tongue". Lighting affects only the color of the leaves, sansevieria is transplanted every few years, and good soil does not require additional recharge.
2. Chlorophytum
It is only outwardly that chlorophytum seems to be gentle and delicate. In fact, this is practically a grassy weed, in order to spoil which, you still need to try. Even if you accidentally flood it, freeze it or overheat it, it will come to its senses when conditions stabilize.
3. Aloe
Our grandmothers also bred aloe on the windowsills, because its healing properties are known all over the world. The hardy plant tolerates heat, coolness, sun, shade, poor soil, and occasional watering.
4. Geranium
Due to the bright and lush bloom, it may seem that geraniums need constant care and attention. But this is not at all the case. She feels good on the windowsill, on the balcony, or even in street boxes.
5. Schlumberger
This is the same Decembrist who also used to be in all apartments. Technically, it is a cactus, except that it has no needles and does not like the bright sun. In winter, Schlumberger pleases with bright flowering, which lasts until the end of January.
6. Hoya
It is one of the most persistent varieties of ivy, which works equally well in a hot kitchen and in a dark bathroom. They say that hoya can go without watering for up to several months, but we still do not recommend checking such extremes.
7. Dracaena
Dracaena looks like a palm tree with thin long leaves, although it belongs to agave. Variegated varieties are more capricious to lighting, but green ones are indifferent even to this aspect. A relatively stable temperature and moderate lighting are sufficient.
8. Eucharis
The graceful bulb lily is very delicate, but very tenacious. She needs more free space and additional spraying in summer, but otherwise she feels great in any light and at temperatures from 16 degrees.
9. Monstera
Monstera is another plant that many consider capricious due to its origin and decorativeness. But in fact, it is enough to shade it from the direct sun at the height of summer, and over the years it can grow even to the ceiling. By the way, the better the conditions, the more cuts appear on the leaves.
10. Fat woman
The real name of the fat woman is Crassula, but in our latitudes it is rarely used. Thick leaves perfectly accumulate moisture, and the tree itself rarely needs feeding, and in winter it does not suffer even at +10 degrees.
11. Ever-flowering begonia
Multicolored begonia bushes at home will delight with flowering almost all year round. All that is required of you is regular watering and, if desired, pruning and shaping bushes so that the shoots do not stretch too much.
12. Kalanchoe
Among the whole variety of Kalanchoe species, there are already many beautiful flowering hybrids. They grow quickly, multiply easily, feel great on any windows and accumulate moisture.
13. Haworthia
Haworthia is found in almost every store. Due to the fact that it is almost insensitive to external influences, they also like to tint and decorate it. Haworthia easily forgives even serious mistakes for novice growers.
14. Asparagus
Asparagus are also very different, but, like chlorophytum, in everyday life they are not particularly whimsical weeds.In the sun and with regular watering, asparagus grows at times literally over the season.
15. Aspidistra
For its ability to endure any hardships and survive in any conditions, aspidistra is also called "cast iron". Large and thick leaves on long stalks will delight you with beauty even in dark northern rooms.
16. Coleus
You've probably come across these multi-colored variegated leaves in all shades of red and green. Coleus reproduces elementarily, has a record germination rate, requires minimal fertilization and moderate watering.
17. Aglaonema
Another great choice for dark northern rooms because Aglaonema doesn't like direct sun. Variegated varieties are very much appreciated for their decorative effect. The plant grows slowly, so it is replanted about once every 5 years.
18. Clivia
Deciduous rosette blooms with beautiful and delicate inflorescences. Clivia tolerates dry air well, loves diffused lighting, accumulates moisture reserves and does not like transplants. But it needs to be fertilized periodically.
19. Zamioculcas
Although this is an exotic guest in our latitudes, it does well both in bright light and in a lack of light. Zamioculcas does not need to be watered and transplanted often, and in general it is as hassle-free as possible.
20. Euphorbia
This is a whole group of plants that can vary in size and density. But all of them are undisputed champions of survival in extreme conditions, both in nature and at home. But remember that milkweed juice is toxic and can cause burns and is dangerous for pets.
21. Echeveria
This is a succulent plant, which is also called a "stone rose". The homeland of Echeveria is the hot Mexican deserts, so even in summer it can be watered a maximum of a couple of times a month. She loves dry air, is not afraid of being close to a radiator, and can even bloom sometimes in winter.
22. Golden mustache
In general, this is a medicinal plant, but it has taken root well in houses and apartments. In everyday life, the golden mustache almost does not bloom, but it is completely phlegmatic about the conditions around.
23. Nolina (Bocarnea)
If you often leave home for a long time, Nolina is your choice. The funny barrel-shaped barrel contains enough moisture and nutrients even for several weeks. And nolina looks very original.
24. Tradescantia
The graceful Tradescantia is easily recognized by its characteristic striped leaves. Varieties with a raspberry reverse side look especially interesting. In care, it almost does not differ from chlorophytum.
25. Lithops
Another beautiful succulent that we could not ignore is the living lithops stones. Outwardly, it seems that a hard elastic pebble is cracking, and a flower is blooming from it.
26. Spathiphyllum
Unusual flowers will delight you throughout the year. Even if you dry out the spathiphyllum, and its leaves will wither, they will quickly revive after watering. But take care of the flowerpot from drafts and opening windows. The plant easily tolerates drought and summer heat, but the main thing is not to get moisture on the leaves.
27. Croton
A very beautiful plant with colorful leaves needs stable watering and summer spraying. It feels good at room temperature, and in summer you can even take it outside. Croton belongs to rare deciduous plants that are not at all afraid of direct sunlight.
28. Scindapsus
A beautiful ampelous plant can stretch a meter or more, hanging even to the floor. Scindapsus perfectly cleans the air, and at the same time requires minimal maintenance. By the way, it takes root in the kitchen with constant fluctuations in humidity and temperature.
29. Phalaenopsis
Of course, it is surprising to see an orchid in the list of unpretentious plants, but phalaenopsis are just like that! Moreover, they readily and quickly multiply, and also bloom for three months. You just need to choose the right soil mixture.
30. Ficus Benjamin
A small-leaved shrub willingly grows where more capricious deciduous plants refuse to develop. High humidity and periodic spraying are enough for him - and he will delight you with a pretty dense crown.