It is impossible to count all the miracles that nature gives us every day. How many interesting and unexplored things do we miss every day? It's time to catch up and start by exploring the 10 longest rivers in the world! Do you know that the only correct rating does not exist, because due to the difficulties of measuring it is still unrealistic to compile it?
1. Amazon
The magnificent and powerful Amazon is the longest and deepest river. Just imagine: it alone accounts for 15% of the spillway from all existing rivers! They tried to calculate the length of the Amazon for years, and more or less this was possible only with the advent of satellite imagery. And even now the spread in the calculations is from 6400 to 7100 km.
2. Neil
The Nile and the Amazon have been competing for decades to be the longest river in the world. The account goes literally for hundreds, if not tens of kilometers. The total length of the "blue artery" of Africa is about 6670 km. And how many legends are associated with the sacred river, not to mention the personal temple and the holiday!
3. Mississippi
The Mississippi River is undoubtedly one of the greatest in the world, and it is also the star of all of North America. But how many copies were broken by scientists in order to finally agree on how to calculate its length! This is because the Missouri, the largest tributary of the Mississippi, makes up almost half of the total length of 6420 km.
4. Yangtze
The length of the Yangtze at 6300 km rightfully makes it the longest river in Eurasia. It is its waters that irrigate Chinese fields and serve as the main thoroughfare of China. The Yangtze descends to us from the fabulous glaciers, and due to the complex weaves around its length, disputes also continue. According to another version, it is 5800 km.
5. Yellow River
China is a lucky country, because two majestic rivers flow through it at once. The second is the Yellow River, which descends from the Tibetan mountains and stretches for 5500 km. The history of the Yellow River is surrounded by dozens of legends, because it was on its banks that the Chinese civilization originated. An interesting and rare feature of the Yellow River is its frequent channel change.
6. Ob
The situation with the giant river in Siberia is reminiscent of the story of the Mississippi and Missouri. Only now the length of the Irtysh, a tributary of the Ob, is even more than that of the river itself, by about 500 km! The total length as a result is 5410 km, from the source to the Arctic Ocean.
7. Yenisei
Another Siberian river occupies an honorable place among the longest and deepest in the world. According to various calculations, the length of the Yenisei is from 4100 to 5238 km. The Yenisei is not only the unearthly beauty of Siberia's nature, but also the most important transport artery and source of energy for power plants from all over the region.
8. Cupid
This list would be incomplete without the Far Eastern giant Amur, flowing along the border between Russia and China. Although the length of the Amur itself is 2824 km, but together with the right part of the Argun it is as much as 4400, and according to some versions - over 5000 km. Coastal cities are unique as they grew and developed at the intersection of two cultures.
9. Congo
One of the greatest African rivers stretches, according to various estimates, for 4370 or 4700 km. In terms of high flow, this is the second river in the world, second only to the Amazon, although its spillway is 5 times smaller. Congo has many interesting features. For example, it passes the equator twice, and also bears the middle name Lualaba.
10. Mekong
The largest river in Indochina stretches for almost 4500 km. Its waters have seen the most amazing and exotic corners of the East, and even partially became the border between Laos, Myanmar and Thailand. The delta of the river in Vietnam is one of the largest in the world, and it is there that it is divided into nine branches. Because of this, the Mekong is also called the River of Nine Dragons.