Of all the chickens, the most common are egg ones. Layers grow and develop rapidly, gain weight in just a couple of months, and by half a year they begin to actively carry. With good care, they live up to 16 years, but their productivity gradually decreases. Depending on the breed, chickens produce up to 250-300 eggs during the year. We share details, titles and photos!
1. Ancona
A medium-sized chicken yields up to 250 eggs a year, weighing 45-60 g, but you need a spacious chicken coop and a high fence. The breed has a very recognizable color - rich black to a white point. For the southern regions, Ancona is one of the best breeds.
2. Tetra
The species is famous for its impressive productivity - up to 310 eggs weighing about 65 g. Chickens are large and grow quickly, so they are also suitable for meat breeding. But at the same time they are quite voracious, which means they will require corresponding expenses.
3. Hisex
Small chickens produce over 300 large eggs up to 70 g, but they do not tolerate cold very well. They feel best of all in spacious free chicken coops. An interesting fact is that white layers have a higher egg production than red ones.
4. Ameraucana
Quite large chickens with expressive sideburns give up to 250 large eggs of 60 g each. They are unpretentious to the weather and external conditions, they can live without walking, but they need feeding with calcium. This is a rather rare breed, which is mainly occupied by breeders only.
5. Rhode Island
The American breed belongs to the meat and grows up to 2.8-3.8 kg. The bird lays up to 200 eggs per year, so it is appreciated for its peculiar balance of characteristics. Chickens have a very bright reddish-brown hue, and roosters have a luxurious greenish tail.
6. Andalusian
An average laying hen weighing up to 2 kg gives about 200 medium eggs, 40-60 g each, even in the height of winter. Chickens have dense and dense plumage of an unusual bluish hue, so they are not afraid of frost. Although the breed can live in cages, it does better outdoors.
7. Kuchinskaya jubilee
This breed of laying hens does not have the highest productivity - up to 180 eggs. But this compensates for the amazing endurance and unpretentiousness to living conditions. The birds are early maturing and large, so they are also used in the meat industry.
8. Araucan
Medium-sized hens yield up to 200 eggs, 45-60 g each, but they are almost unsuitable for incubators due to the high mortality rate. But these are good hens that can live peacefully without walking. The external feature of the breed is the complete absence of a tail and even caudal vertebrae.
9. New Hampshire
Another American breed produces over 270 large eggs per year. Chickens are very unpretentious, with a strong and hardy body, suitable for meat breeding. But they require a balanced diet in the same impressive amounts.
10. Hamburg
A medium-sized hen produces up to 250 small eggs a year, weighing about 40 g. The breed begins to lay earlier than others and finishes later, after 4 years. Keep in mind that Hamburg chickens are prone to spontaneous shoots, can take off and prefer pasture.
11. Adler silver
The domestic breed is appreciated not only for its productivity up to 200 eggs, but also for its excellent decorative properties. Chickens have an unusual silvery color, a strong, powerful body and amazing endurance. They are used as a meat-and-meat breed.
12. Dominant
A large chicken weighing up to 2.3 kg gives almost a record productivity - about 310 eggs of 70 g. Sometimes eggs of more than 100 g appear, but usually they have two yolks. The freedom-loving breed requires more space to live and walk.
13. Campin
Small layers give the same small eggs, up to 40 g in total and up to 200 pieces annually. They begin to rush a couple of months later than other breeds and are hard to tolerate the cold. But Campins are valued for their decorative and fighting qualities.
14. Kotlyarevskaya
The breed is capable of producing up to 240 medium sized eggs with a soft brownish shell. These are rather large chickens, so they are also used as meat. And they also have highly developed hatching instincts, so the bird is very convenient in the economy.
15. Leghorn
Large chickens up to 3.5 kg per year lay from 250 medium eggs to 45-60 g. They begin to lay very early, but are not at all intended for incubation. Leghorns are noisy and shy, but in terms of cost-benefit ratio, they are one of the most profitable.
16. High Line
A hybrid breed takes time, attention and an impressive expense. In a year, chickens are capable of producing up to 350 eggs weighing 65 g. The High Lines have strong immunity, they hardly get sick and quickly adapt to any living conditions.
17. Loman Brown
Large layers got a record productivity - up to 320 eggs per year. But at the same time, high rates remain for only 24 months. Such chickens are very difficult to breed, and they need protein supplements, but they are also used as meat breeds.
18. Zagorskaya salmon
The breed received its name for the unusual shade of meat, which is also very tasty. Chickens are quite large and lay up to 260 eggs annually. Novice farmers are attracted by the fact that chickens and roosters can be distinguished already literally in the first days.
19. Easter
A medium-sized chicken has the same average egg production - up to 200 pieces. But on the other hand, this is an exceptional breed that is capable of producing colored shells - pink, greenish, bluish. The birds are quiet, hardy, absolutely picky about the conditions, but require protein and mineral supplements.
20. Lakenfelder
The egg breed produces up to 200 porcelain white eggs and is famous for the same white delicious meat. The birds are very active, preferring a warm climate, although they can adapt to unfavorable conditions. They have an interesting black and white color, and occasionally there is a golden or blue color.
21. Pushkinskaya
The weight of large chickens reaches an impressive 3.5 kg, and the productivity is up to 250 large eggs, from 60 g each. They are picky about food, are not afraid of frost and retain good productivity for a long time. The variegated chicken is massive and has large legs, so a strictly balanced diet is needed for healthy growth.
22. Minorca
The Spanish breed of laying hens gives very large eggs - up to 80 g, but the productivity is about 180 pieces per year. Tender meat is especially appreciated, thanks to which the Minorcs belong to meat-eating birds. They are prized for their decorative characteristics, although they are quite rare and expensive.
23. Russian white
The small white laying hen is famous for its amazing performance for its size - up to 250 eggs, 45-60 g each. But for such results, comfortable conditions and a stable temperature of about 15 degrees are needed.