The new-fashioned airtach coloring gives the most natural and soft result. It balances on a fine line between solid color and smooth gradients. In some ways, it can be called advanced, but at the same time a very natural ombre.
What is airtach?
The very concept of "AirTouch" literally translates as "touch of air", and this fully describes the technique. The powerful hairdryer gently blows out short hairs, so they remain unpainted.
Airtach is chosen by girls who want to keep the natural color, but make it fresher and deeper. There is no noticeable stretch or gradient here. Depending on the light and the angle from which you look at the hairstyle, sometimes it seems that the hair is completely monochromatic.
Airtach is ideal if you want to make a smooth transition for growing roots. This is the best technique for delicately dyeing native intact hair. She is also suitable to hide the consequences of an unsuccessful stretch or regrown ombre. Thanks to its smooth transition, it does not need to be constantly updated and tinted.

Hair coloring of different lengths
Airtach is not some specific magic, but simply a more modern and gentle method. So the length of the hair doesn't matter here!
Airtach for short hair
Owners of short haircuts know how quickly they grow back. And how difficult it is to maintain not only shape, but also color. Airtach completely solves this problem by hiding the roots behind its smooth transition.

Airtach for medium hair
Airtach for medium length is good because here you can already experiment more with indentation from the roots. It also looks very stylish on smooth hair and curls.

Airtach for long hair
The only drawback of the airtouch technique for an impressive length is the complexity and time of its execution. But the effect is simply fantastic!

Hair coloring
In the airtach technique, shades are most often used that are in one way or another close to the native. Therefore, there are practically no restrictions on the original hair color.
Airtach on dark hair
Brown-haired women and brunettes are afraid to lighten so as not to spoil their hair. Airtach acts as carefully as possible, does not affect all strands, and most importantly, it really gives the desired result.

Airtach on blonde hair
The usual toning on a blonde looks fresh and out of fashion. Airtach allows you to get rid of yellowness, correct the shade and smooth out all previous attempts at unsuccessful painting.

Airtach on light brown hair
A light air touch on light brown hair gives spectacular overflows to even the most boring color. And how beautifully such strands then play in the light and in the sun!

Airtach on red hair
Due to the specificity of the red pigment, red hair is generally difficult to dye. So such complex multi-layered techniques are a salvation for red-haired young ladies.

How to make airtach at home
It is quite difficult to reproduce airtach staining on your own. But we will tell you how the process goes, and then decide for yourself. The first step is to choose a coloring scheme - how exactly the transition will be stretched. The standard is a triangle from the face to the back of the head. See how the color diverges in the photo - and it will become clearer!
Here you need to work with as thin and flat strands as possible, because the result directly depends on this. Take one, comb it carefully and blow it over with a stream of cold air from a hair dryer. Do not touch all the hairs that have come out at the same time, and put the rest on the foil.
Apply the bleach in short strokes to the length of the strand, not reaching the roots. Thus, treat all hair, wait for a while according to the instructions and rinse off the product.On top of the airtach, you need to tint, and then the result will be even more accurate.

Airtach coloring - photo and fashion ideas
Airtouch painting offers less freedom with the arrangement of strokes and highlights. But on the other hand, there are many options with shades, so there is enough space for creativity!