Hunting dog breeds: 15 photos with names

Hunting dog breeds: 15 photos with names

The heart begins to beat faster from just the thought of hunting: excitement, the beauty of nature, companionship - what could be better? We assure you: yes! To make your adventure even more exciting, take your four-legged companion with you. And we will be happy to share information about the 15 best breeds of hunting dogs, so that you can decide on the choice of a friend!

1. Dachshund

This pretty guy will become not only a companion for long walks, but also an excellent helper in hunting for animals living in holes - foxes, badgers, raccoons. And all thanks to the special, elongated shape of the body.

Dachshund - hunting dog breeds

2. Golden Retriever

A good-natured dog with the same pleasure will fool around with your children on the green lawn, run with his wife in the park, and go hunting ducks with you. A feature of the breed is that the Golden Retriever not only learns the game, but also brings it, shot, right to your feet. He is not afraid of either swampy terrain or dense thickets.

Golden Retriever - hunting dog breeds

3. English Springer Spaniel

Unlike his "brother" - the cocker spaniel, he prefers a long hunt for a regular walk, because this breed of dogs does not hold energy. She perfectly tracks the game, sneaks up on her and scares her. All you have to do is shoot the alarmed bird!

English Springer Spaniel - hunting dog breeds

4. Russian hunting greyhound

A breed of dog that you probably saw more than once in historical films, where there were scenes with the royal hunt. Long-legged, fast, lean - as soon as she smells a hare, she will rush after him until she catches up and strangles the animal. Although in the hunt for a wolf, she will not save, but will fight him for life and death! The Russian hunting greyhound is perfect if you prefer hunting without a gun.

Russian hunting sighthound - hunting dog breeds

Small dog breeds: names and photos (catalog)

5. Labrador retriever

This handsome man will be happy to serve you and get a shot duck out of a river or lake, because he is a wonderful swimmer with a water-repellent coat and webbed feet. Moreover, the Labrador Retriever will take the prey delicately, without damaging a single feather.

Labrador Retriever - hunting dog breeds

6. West Siberian Laika

Her endurance and energy will be the envy of any marathon champion! This dog breed is suitable for experienced hunters who round up fur animals, wild boars, elks and even bears. The only caveat is that the husky, accustomed to walking on small animals, is difficult to retrain to hunt for a large game.

West Siberian Laika - hunting dog breeds

7. Beagle

Stubborn, choleric by temperament and lover sometimes heart-rending howl, but nevertheless, the beagle will become a reliable companion on the hunt for a rabbit, hare or quail. He, playfully, will drive the game - and now you are with the prey!

Beagle - hunting dog breeds

8. Spanish Water Dog

The breed is ideal for hunting waterfowl - without hesitation, it will jump into a pond to pick up and pull out a shot duck. Thick, moisture-repellent wool will not let you freeze in cold water, but it will interfere in case of pursuit of game in a dense forest.

Spanish Water Dog - hunting dog breeds

Medium breeds of dogs: names and photos (catalog)

9. Fox Terrier

Don't be fooled by the cute appearance and small size of this dog! Sharp eyesight, excellent sense of smell and endurance allow the fox terrier to track down small prey and drive them out of the lair directly to the hunter. And his grip with his teeth is very serious, no worse than that of large breed dogs.

Fox Terrier - hunting dog breeds

10. Pointer

Representatives of this breed of dogs are real smart ones. They can not only hunt for several hours in a row without the slightest signs of fatigue, but they do it very competently: they point out the game to the hunter, and then you make a decision on your own - give the command to "raise" the game or sneak closer. Such is the cooperation!

Pointer - hunting dog breeds

11. Breton Epagnol

An easy-to-train, good-natured and very energetic dog that will happily accompany you on a hunt.However, we must remember that this breed, due to its curiosity, is prone to vagrancy - it can wander far from home out of pure curiosity!

Breton Epagnol - hunting dog breeds

12. Basset Hound

Only at first glance, this breed of dog seems to be a lazy bumpkin. But once you get out into the forest with it, you will understand that it is wonderfully suitable for hunting hares, rabbits, badgers and foxes! The knocked down, small body allows the Basset Hound to get anywhere without fear of minor injuries, and the big ears literally "drive" the smell of game to the nose.

Basset Hound - hunting dog breeds

The most beautiful dog breeds: names and photos (catalog)

13. Drathhaar

Not just a hunting dog, but a feast for the eyes! She, like a real "German" - collected, disciplined, calm, ready to hunt at any time of the year and in any area, unpretentious in care. Because of this "Nordic" nature, he is unlikely to be active in family games.

Drathaar - hunting dog breeds

14. Kurzhaar

Dogs of this breed are the embodiment of quick wits, physical stamina and emotional stability. She easily learns hunting skills, plays with children and at the same time loyally guards the territory entrusted to her. It has proven itself to be excellent in hunting any species of birds.

Shorthaired Pointer - hunting dog breeds

15. Estonian Hound

Drop all stereotypes about the representatives of the Baltic countries, including the four-legged! The Estonian Hound will rush for hours through dense thickets, tall snowdrifts and swampy bumps to help you catch a hare. She is smart and usually in good health. The only negative is that, being carried away by the pursuit of game, you may disobey you or not immediately react to the command.

Estonian Hound - hunting dog breeds

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