The best apple varieties: photos, names and descriptions (catalog)

The best apple varieties: photos, names and descriptions (catalog)

Are you planning to plant apple trees on the site? It's high time, because such issues need to be resolved in advance. Especially for you, we have compiled a catalog of the best varieties of apples with photos, names and descriptions!

Summer varieties of apple trees

Summer apple varieties begin to ripen in July. They are not suitable for long-term storage, but they can be eaten immediately and used for processing.


Canadian summer variety tolerant to drought and heat, but poorly tolerates frost. Sweet and sour aromatic apples ripen very early, earlier than most other varieties.

Quinti - Summer varieties of apple trees

Summer striped

The variety got its name for its characteristic striped blush on greenish fruits. These tender-fleshed apples are good fresh and good for processing.

Summer striped - Summer varieties of apple trees


This tasty early variety is very productive. The white flesh is very tender, and the yellowish skin turns orange and red as it ripens.

Mantet - Summer varieties of apple trees


The domestic variety ripens quickly and produces beautiful yellow fruits with red stripes. Apples are very sweet, but do not store well, so they should be consumed within two weeks.

Candy - Summer varieties of apple trees

Early red

Here the name of the variety again speaks for itself - and the fruits ripen by the end of July. They keep well for a month, are very soft and tasty, but quickly crumble when ripe.

Red early - Summer varieties of apple trees

Autumn varieties of apple trees

Autumn varieties ripen by September, and apples need to lie down for up to 20 days after they have been plucked. But such fruits are perfectly stored until winter.

Pineapple berzhininku

Apples of this variety are very tasty and aromatic, with light pineapple notes. The tree is vigorous and fruitful, and harvesting can begin in the first weeks of September.

Pineapple berzhininku - Autumn varieties of apple trees


The green autumn variety is notable for the same greenish pulp. Apples weigh from 100 to 200 g, are very versatile to use and can be stored for up to 2 months.

Dachnoe - Autumn varieties of apple trees


A productive Polish variety bears fruit by mid-September and can be stored until winter. The apple tree is quite compact, but the fruits are large and beautiful.

Delicacy - Autumn varieties of apple trees

Anis sverdlovsky

Small green apples, as they ripen, are covered with a pink blush on the side. They are juicy, sweet, with a light taste of anise, for which they got their name.

Anis Sverdlovsky - Autumn varieties of apple trees


The Lithuanian variety is appreciated for its excellent commercial qualities of large, uniform and beautiful apples. They taste sweet and sour, and are ready to eat right after harvest.

Auxis - Autumn varieties of apple trees

Winter varieties of apple trees

Winter varieties ripen by October and continue to ripen during storage. Such apples lie perfectly for a couple of months, and some even all winter.

Sinap Orlovsky

The variety is resistant to scab and frost, but the yield directly depends on the weather - from 20 to 40 kg per tree. Apples are slightly oblong, and blush as they ripen. Sweet and sour fruits do not lose their taste until May.

Sinap Orlovsky - Winter varieties of apple trees


Winter-hardy Polish variety is well adapted to Russian conditions. The apple tree is vigorous, disease resistant, and the fruits can be stored until May.

Alva - Winter varieties of apple trees

Firstborn of Rtishchev

The compact tree is famous for its impressive annual harvest and large fruits - up to 200 g. The apples are yellow, with a slight blush, and are stored until the end of April.

The firstborn of Rtischeva - Winter varieties of apple trees


Large apples are quite sour, rich in vitamin C and contain very little sugar. The green skin turns red over time.

Linda - Winter varieties of apple trees


The English variety has an unusual burgundy color. The apples are large and very tasty, but can be slightly tart or sugary if overripe.

Spartan - Winter varieties of apple trees

The best apple varieties for the Moscow region: photos, names and descriptions (catalog)

Red apple varieties

Red apples are most often juicy and sweet, although it all depends on the particular variety. Take your pick!


Large red fruits are slightly flattened on the sides and densely cover the tree, as if in bunches. Florina is very fruitful and the apples are sweet, juicy and aromatic.

Florina - Red apple varieties


A very unpretentious variety is distinguished by large fruits, which are not characteristic of summer apple trees.Moreover, they have excellent keeping quality, so they are stored until the beginning of winter.

Melba - Red apple varieties


Fuji apples are dense, fragrant and with a very unusual taste, with tropical hints. They keep great in winter and are good raw or for juicing.

Fuji - Red apple varieties

Gloucester York

The size of one large red apple can easily reach 200 g. They are very tasty and healthy, and fruitful trees give up to 70 fruits. With this size, these are very impressive numbers!

Gloucester York - Red apple varieties


Another red giant apples, but this time they can grow up to 400 g. The smooth shiny skin shimmers in different shades, and the taste combines sweetness and sugaryness.

Melrose - Red apple varieties

Green varieties of apple trees

Green apples are loved for their characteristic sourness. They are usually harder, crisp pleasantly and store well.


The most popular green variety in Russia with high yield and winter hardiness. It has a thin skin and a juicy, tender flesh that is good for jams or pastilles.

Papirovka - Green varieties of apple trees


The fragrant green apples ripen in early fall and can be used straight away. As they are stored, they gradually turn yellow and become sweeter.

Antonovka - Green varieties of apple trees

Granny Smith

Large green apples with a sour taste were originally developed in Australia. The quality and intensity of watering in summer directly affects the juiciness of the fruits.

Granny Smith - Green Apple Trees


The old Polish variety is not the most convenient to care for - it bears fruit every second year and only after 10 years. But its fruits are appreciated for their juiciness, firm sweet pulp and fantastic resistance to storage and transportation.

Koshtela - Green varieties of apple trees

White sun

Small green apples are good for preserving and harvesting. Fruits of the correct rounded shape easily pass into the jars whole.

White sun - Green apple varieties

The highest-yielding varieties of tomatoes: photos, names and descriptions (catalog)

Highest-yielding apple varieties

The yield of the apple tree depends on the growing conditions. If this is just a well-groomed tree in the yard, then in the season it produces about 100-150 fruits, but on an industrial scale it is possible to reach the mark of 400-800 pieces.


The yellow fruits are almost completely covered with a red blush, so they are very recognizable. The tree is so fruitful that it is recommended to normalize this process.

Champion - Highest-yielding apple varieties


A high-yielding winter-hardy apple variety belongs to the early winter. Greenish fruits are covered with a raspberry blush. Delicious sweet and sour pulp is good raw and after processing.

Aphrodite - Highest-yielding apple varieties


The fruitful winter variety is scab resistant and produces large apples weighing from 120 to 150 g. They are sweet, with a rich and intense taste.

Imrus - Highest-yielding apple varieties


One of the most productive varieties among early-growing ones. Medium-sized apples are very aromatic, with a sweet sweet taste and delicate creamy pulp.

Orlik - The highest-yielding apple varieties


Bright raspberry apples are not only sweet but also pretty, so they sell well. They have a dense and slightly grainy pulp, rich in useful vitamins.

Sunny - The highest-yielding apple varieties

The sweetest apple varieties

We will tell you which varieties you should pay attention to if you prefer honey and sugar apples. We chose the most successful sweet varieties.


The speaking name fully reflects the rich honey taste. The crop can be harvested in the second half of summer, and Medunitsa is one of the most popular summer varieties.

Lungwort - The sweetest apple varieties

Riga dove

A very sweet and early Latvian variety, it is easy to identify even visually. And all because the almost white skin is covered with a slight pink blush, so that ripe fruits seem translucent.

Riga Dove - The sweetest apple varieties

Golden Delicious

The American variety is easily recognizable by its bright yellow speckled fruit, with a rare slight blush. Golden apples are a godsend for all those with a sweet tooth, and most often they are eaten fresh.

Golden Delicious - The sweetest apple varieties

Belarusian sweet

The winter variety is also good because it begins to bear fruit at only 2-3 years of age. Apple trees are not too tall, with a neat conical crown. Yellow fruits turn red rapidly as they ripen, but the flesh remains snow-white.

Belarusian sweet - The sweetest varieties of apples


The winter cultivar is remarkably scab resistant and produces an annual harvest that lasts until February.Apples can be very large, up to 250 g, with yellow-red skin.

Rozhdestvenskoe - The sweetest apple varieties

The best varieties of apple trees for the Moscow region

In the Moscow region, it is necessary to take into account the changeable climate and the possibility of frosts. But in general, there are favorable conditions for apple trees.


This variety is also called Autumn striped, and it was bred in the Baltic States. The pulp is very firm and sweet, but at the same time tender and juicy. The fruits are stored almost until the end of autumn.

Shtrifel - The best varieties of apple trees for the Moscow region

White filling

It is difficult to find a more versatile and unpretentious variety for central Russia. The apples have a friable and juicy pulp with a pleasant sourness, and the fruits themselves are medium in size.

White filling - The best varieties of apple trees for the Moscow region

Moscow later

The late green variety produces large fruits that are stored until spring. Surprisingly, they are not sour, but sweet and sour, and also very juicy and beautiful.

Moscow later - The best varieties of apple trees for the Moscow region


An early domestic variety feels great in the Moscow region. But its sweet pulp with a slight acidity tastes more like southern apples.

Arkadik - The best varieties of apple trees for the Moscow region


A tall winter variety easily tolerates transportation and long-term storage. The flesh is firm and crunchy, with a sour taste and light aroma, but not too juicy.

Bogatyr - The best varieties of apple trees for the Moscow region

Apple-tree Candy: variety description, care and planting

The best varieties of apple trees for the Urals and Siberia

In the Urals and Siberia, first of all, it is necessary to take into account low temperatures, frosty winters and short summers. These varieties are best suited!


The old winter-hardy variety can withstand frosts even down to -50 degrees. Apples are small and light, from white to green or lemon, with a pink blush as they ripen.

Grushovka - The best varieties of apple trees for the Urals and Siberia


The winter-hardy summer variety is also resistant to powdery mildew and scab. Sweet and sour reddish apples do well for transportation and are stored in a cellar or refrigerator.

Katya - The best varieties of apple trees for the Urals and Siberia

Early Chinese

This is a mixture of the usual Kitayka and White filling. The variety adapts well to cold weather, ripens quickly and produces small bright yellow apples with a pleasant taste.

Early Chinese - The best apple varieties for the Urals and Siberia

Stark Erliest

The American variety is resistant to scab and frost. Its peculiarity is that the fruits are of different sizes and shrink with age, but then their number increases.

Stark Erliest - The best varieties of apple trees for the Urals and Siberia


One of the best winter varieties bred in mid-latitudes, but ideally adapted to frost. Rounded apples are quite large, up to 160 g, with sweet and sour juicy white pulp.

Kutuzovets - The best varieties of apple trees for the Urals and Siberia

The best varieties of apple trees for the Leningrad region

For the Leningrad region, choose varieties that are resistant to high humidity. It is also important that they ripen even with a lack of sunlight.

Renet Chernenko

It is a late winter variety with vigorous and hardy trees, resistant to sudden frosts. One apple tree gives up to 170 kg of beautiful round fruits of yellow or green color.

Renet Chernenko - The best varieties of apple trees for the Leningrad region


The Belarusian variety belongs to early ripening and gives stable impressive yields. Apples are easily recognizable by their tapered shape and bright crimson blush.

Antey - The best varieties of apple trees for the Leningrad region


Apples grow greenish, sweet and sour and slightly ribbed. They are harvested at the end of September, but then they are perfectly stored until spring and do not lose their taste.

Friendship - The best varieties of apple trees for the Leningrad region


Large ribbed apples weigh up to 280 g. The variety is very fruitful, with excellent marketability, but little is stored - only during the fall.

Chosen One - The best varieties of apple trees for the Leningrad Region


The autumn variety gives juicy, aromatic and sweet and sour fruits with an impeccable taste. The apples are yellow, but almost completely covered with a scarlet blush.

Aelita - The best varieties of apple trees for the Leningrad region

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