There is nothing left until summer, and again the finest hour of laser hair removal has come. Many salons offer discounts and great deals that look very tempting. But first, let's take a closer look at the features of the procedure, different types of lasers, contraindications and subtleties of care!
Who is laser hair removal suitable for?
The main limitation when conducting is a suitable color type. The laser works best on light skin with dark hair of at least medium coarseness. In all other cases, it is better to first consult with the master.

How it works?
Sometime in the seventies, physicist Theodore Maiman accidentally put his hand under the laser light, and after a while he noticed that the hair in this area had not grown back. And very soon the first ruby laser was patented. Now it has already been replaced by more modern and painless models.
A beam with a specific wavelength is directed to the skin area. The flash of the laser destroys not only the hair, but the entire hair follicle, due to which it stops growing. The procedure is carried out in a course that fixes the effect and at the same time affects the hairs in different phases of growth.
How is the procedure carried out?
In general, everything here is extremely simple and understandable. You come to the office, strip the necessary areas and lie down on the couch, and then the master will do everything himself. Depending on the type of laser, a cooling gel may be applied. Then the specialist drives the nozzle over this area and at the end treats it with a healing agent.
One site takes about 10 to 30 minutes. For example, it takes 30-40 minutes for both legs completely, and up to 10 minutes for the armpits. Some attachments can speed up the process, depending on the area of the working area.
How many laser hair removal procedures do you need?
This is a very individual moment, but on average it takes from 4-6 procedures to 8-10. It all depends on the type of equipment, individual reaction, and also on the zone. The hormone-dependent zones react the longest - armpits, bikini and face. But the wow effect occurs within 2 weeks after the first procedure.

Does laser hair removal hurt?
No matter what salons and masters promise, there is no single answer to this question. The pain threshold is always different, and where someone can sleep peacefully, the other can hardly endure. But in any case, the procedure is at least bearable. Alternatively, you can ask for pain relief. And now there are already more modern and comfortable attachments - for example, vacuum ones.
Laser types
This is perhaps the most difficult question that even those who have been doing laser hair removal for more than a year can get confused. But we all found out!
Ruby laser
This is an outdated device that was the first, and now it is almost never used. It is cheaper, but it takes a long time, is not very effective, and also the risk of burns is higher.

Neodymium laser
Versatile equipment for a wide range of applications, including removal of tattoos, vascular networks, scars and warts. It is not the most effective and painful enough, but at the same time it has no restrictions for dark or tanned skin, it has the longest wavelength. It is the only one that acts not on melanin, but on a cell component in the growth phase.

Alexandrite laser
This is the best and most effective option for dark hair on light and sensitive skin. It has a higher speed of work, but it is not suitable for all color types. It uses alexandrite crystal with its unique refractive properties.

Diode laser
It is the most popular and widespread laser for hair removal today. It is versatile, comes with a variety of attachments and does a better job with light hair and dark skin, but still not suitable for gray hair. This is the most gentle device.

How to prepare for laser hair removal?
Avoid the beach, solarium, pool and open water a few days before your procedure. The day before the procedure, you need to shave off all the hairs and discard any cosmetics, such as creams or deodorants. They can leave an inconspicuous film, and this will affect the quality of the procedure and the feeling.
Does laser work on blonde hair?
Unfortunately, the laser does not work on blonde, red and gray hair. They do not have the pigment that destroys the light beam. And if more effective systems are gradually appearing for light brown hair, then there are no options for completely white ones yet.

Skin care after hair removal
For several days it is absolutely forbidden to sunbathe either on the street or in the solarium. Be sure to use sunscreen to avoid burns and pigmentation. Also, saunas, swimming pools, intense workouts and anything that in one way or another affects sensitive skin or causes increased sweating are contraindicated.
At first, the skin is irritated and sensitive - this is a normal process. Treat it with panthenol, aloe gel, bepanten, or any similar remedy recommended by your master.
What to do in between courses of laser hair removal?
After the first days are over, nothing special needs to be done. The main thing is not to use an epilator, wax or similar methods. Only a razor or cream can be used to remove regrowing hair. And it is advisable to regularly moisturize the skin with milk, gel or lotion.
The intervals between procedures are on average 4-6 weeks and are gradually increasing. There are two most common regimens: an intensive course with stable intervals, or an increase in the break after each procedure. The wizard will offer you an option based on your situation and equipment.

Disadvantages and contraindications
Laser hair removal is not performed until the age of 18. At the very least, this does not make sense, because the hormonal background has not yet stabilized, and it directly affects hair growth.
Do not use laser hair removal on tattooed areas. The laser affects the pigment, no matter what the origin of this pigment. Therefore, areas with a tattoo are covered with a protective layer and passed through. For the same reason, you need to cover up bright moles with a white pencil.
You should not carry out laser hair removal on too tanned skin, because there is no such contrast. Contraindications include open wounds, inflammation, and metal implants. And also - HIV, epilepsy, oncology and a number of other diseases, as well as taking antibiotics, hormonal drugs and antidepressants.
Opinions differ on whether the procedure can be carried out during pregnancy and lactation. So we always advise you to consult your doctor first. In particular - with a gynecologist and an endocrinologist.
Is laser hair removal suitable for men?
Yes, and moreover - it is even more effective than for women, due to the fact that men's hair is often darker and harder. This procedure is often used by athletes and media people. Including, you can do laser hair removal on the face to finally correct the beard growth line.

Is laser hair removal safe?
Yes, the laser is absolutely safe and harmless, but subject to several conditions. The procedure should be carried out by a professional using the same professional equipment. In addition, it is fundamentally important to follow all the recommendations for care before and after. And, of course, make sure you have no contraindications!
Is laser hair removal forever?
No! There are no procedures with one hundred percent eternal effect, no matter how hard marketers try. After you complete the course, the effect must be maintained. But there is good news: for support, it is enough to repeat the procedure about once a year. Someone - a little more often, but someone is more lucky, and the interval stretches up to 2 years.