Rats are resourceful and quick-witted, with a quick reaction and developed intuition. They are very observant and easily adapt to any changing circumstances. Sounds tempting, doesn't it? Now, until the New Year 2020, the Year of the White Rat, there is nothing left! It's time to think about preparing for the holiday! We will tell you how easy and simple it is to decorate your apartment.
1. Original Christmas wreaths
Well, what New Year is without festive wreaths, which are so pleasant to exchange in the company? If ordinary spruce branches with bows are bored for a long time, surprise your loved ones and use unusual materials. At your disposal are clothespins, buttons, paper and cardboard, even ordinary curly pasta painted with gold paint.

2. Citrus Christmas candles
Another interesting and New Year's decor option is candles poured directly into oranges and tangerines. No essential oil compares to their scent during a holiday feast. And most importantly - just carefully peel and cut the peel without touching it. But keep in mind that it is better to make such candles 1-2 days before the holiday, otherwise they will dry out!

3. New Year felt rats
Felt is soft, warm and a truly wintery material that is perfect for crafts. It has two advantages at once: no front and back side and a non-woven base. The latter means that you do not need to process the edges of all parts so that the threads do not stick out from them and they do not unravel.
Working with felt is very simple: just find or draw cute patterns by hand. Transfer them to the fabric, carefully cut and join the parts together. Eyes, mustaches, tails and other little things can also be made from threads, other fabrics, buttons and special blanks. Using the same felt, you can turn everything from nutshells to cones into adorable rats.

4. New Year's paper rats
Paper and cardboard are the simplest and most affordable, but at the same time the most diverse material. This is a good choice for decorating an apartment with a small child. Moreover, applications and origami perfectly develop fine motor skills and stimulate the imagination.

5. New Year's rats made of threads
Rats made of thick woolen threads or sisal will be a very cute and very simple decoration for the thematic New Year. All you need is foil or any other material for the body-frame, glue and the threads themselves. The eyes and nose can be made from beads, special blanks, or simply painted over.
Take a thread and make two identical loop-knots next to it - these will be rat ears. Glue them in the right place on the body, just select the glue for the material (PVA will not grab onto compressed foil, unlike superglue). Then just gently and evenly wrap the muzzle and body, leaving a rat tail at the end.

6. New Year's amigurumi rat
Amigurumi are small adorable toys crocheted or, less often, knitting needles. Here you will need both experience and much more free time. But on the other hand, charming ready-made rats will surely not leave anyone indifferent, and at home you can make a keychain, a bookmark, a stand, or simply leave it as a decoration.

7. Unusual Christmas balls
Balls on a Christmas tree or for room decor are always a win-win option for decorating an apartment for the New Year. Moreover, it is so easy to avoid platitudes: use newspaper tubes, sequins, paper scales, beads and even cinnamon sticks!

8. Transparent candles in New Year's glasses
You can't argue that candles are an integral part of the New Year's holidays, and transparent ones in glasses are especially good on the table. The only caveat is that you need special helium wax and dyes. To obtain the effect of bubbles, the gel must be constantly stirred while melting.Otherwise, the mechanism is still the same - fix the wick, fill the mold, add aromatic oils.