Children grow up literally by the clock, and now yesterday's crumb is already beginning to learn about the world and learn. How to quickly teach a child to read, and not forever discourage the desire to hold a book in his hands? We figured out the most popular techniques and are ready to share them with you!
Everything has its time!
First, decide that the child is already ready for the next step. He must speak fluently in full sentences, understand well what has been said, and distinguish sounds by ear. On average, all the necessary skills will be formed by the age of 5-6.
It is advisable that the child does not have problems with speech - otherwise, we recommend that in no case postpone the trip to the speech therapist even further. It is good if the baby no longer gets confused in space and does not get lost where he has left or right.
A positive example is contagious
For a child to have an interest in reading, he must definitely see how parents read. Otherwise, how does he even know that this is something important and curious? Many psychologists recommend that adults temporarily abandon telephone readers and e-books in favor of paper, so that the child has a clear associative array.
Discuss what you read
It is not enough just to read a fairy tale aloud to a child. Be sure to discuss his opinion and impressions, talk about illustrations, the cover, and even though about the size of the letters - it is important to interact directly with the book. It is advisable to go through the same books several times at intervals - for consolidation.
Primer books
Classic ABCs are great for learning the alphabet in a fun way. And then - add syllables and read them correctly - by sounds, not by letters. There are dozens of different primers now, so we recommend giving your child a few to choose from.
Singing and intonation
To read, you need not only to be able to distinguish, but also to reproduce sounds. Teach your child to play with each syllable separately - to pronounce with different intonations and volume, sing or whisper. At the same time, hearing develops in this way, because the child learns to distinguish the most subtle nuances.
Cubes and cards
Children experience the world with all their senses at once, so physical contact is very important for them. Cubes and cards with letters or whole syllables - training not only for reading, but also the ability to put words on your own.
Montessori technique
Here, too, everything is built on tactile contact, but Montessori reading is different in that the child first learns to write. He draws letters on the sand or in a plate with semolina, memorizes the styles and their relationship with this or that sound. Alternatively, you can lay out letters from Lego, draw with crayons or sculpt from plasticine.
Look for letters!
This is a fun game training, thanks to which the child learns to perceive the text around. Letters surround us everywhere: from the names of shops to transport stops. Pay the baby's attention to them and give him time to figure it out and learn something familiar.
Complicate gradually
Some children begin to read right away in words and sentences, but this is not at all necessary. There is no need to forcefully force the child and scold him for reading by syllables. On the contrary, first you should start with sounds in general, then go to simple syllables, and only after that - to complex words and combinations.
By the same principle, at the very beginning, open vowels are taught, then the simplest solid consonants. And at the very end - problematic hissing and dull sounds. Syllables start the same way - from the simplest and most open.
Baby books
Stock up on a stack of tiny picture books and equally tiny stories. You can buy them or even make them yourself.Always carry one such book with you to read with your child whenever possible - in line, transport or on a visit.
Now there are many author's techniques that help a child learn to read. For example, dynamic cubes, in which you can rotate letters, or building cubes, in which you need to insert missing vowels. And for older children - cards with words that you can memorize or practice making up your sentences.
This is a very popular game for children who are learning to read. One letter or syllable is written in the center, and the rest are written on the rays. And you need to walk through each ray, and then - back, collecting syllables.