Stress, overwork, constant fuss - as a result, you spend hours spinning in bed. And the next day you walk as if all the juices have been squeezed out of you. Enough tolerating this! We have collected 12 simple and effective ways to quickly fall asleep in just 1 minute, even if you don't feel like sleeping!
1. Close the curtains and open the window
For a sound and healthy sleep, the body needs darkness, as well as coolness. Even if you like the sight of night lights, your nervous system is unlikely to like it. And the lack of fresh air not only prevents you from falling asleep quickly, but also prevents you from waking up easily later.

2. Do a short warm-up
This is not a full-fledged sports workout, so you do not need to put on a sports uniform and spread a mat. It is enough to at least slightly bend over, squat or just stretch well. There are many applications with special complexes of light evening stretch marks for a sound sleep.
3. Breathe correctly
The most common method is counting breathing. Lie back and relax, then check that the tip of your tongue is behind your upper front teeth. Exhale through your mouth and inhale through your nose, counting to 4. Hold your breath for a count of 7 and then slowly exhale through your mouth, counting to 8. Repeat the entire cycle 4-7-8 up to five times.
4. Blink the other way around
While awake, we keep our eyes open and blink to moisturize them. Here, the opposite is true: lower your eyelids, slowly count to 10, open your eyes and quickly close them again. Gradually increase the interval until you fall asleep.

5. Roll your eyes
It is believed that the most natural position during sleep is when the eyeballs roll over the eyelids. Try to do it deliberately and stay in this position. You will be surprised, but this method really helps to fall asleep very quickly!
6. Relax gradually
Relax every part of your body from the tips of your toes to the crown of your head. Feel every joint, muscle and every inch of your body. Take your time - everything should happen naturally, in a slow wave, as if meditation.
7. Listen to the silence
Get rid of music, TV and other extraneous noise, and listen to the silence. Try to catch the sound of the wind and leaves, the croaking of frogs, a passing train, or a cat rustling with a bag. But do not focus on these sounds, but rather cut off to be alone with the silence.

8. Visualize dreams
No need to think about work tasks, minor mistakes and troubles. Visualize only pleasant events. Imagine yourself as a traveler in fabulous Middle-earth or plan the interior of your dream home. By the way, there is an opinion that the more often we visualize our desires, the sooner they come true!
9. Tell yourself a story
Start coming up with the simplest and most uncomplicated fairy tale that you want to tell your inner child. Let the plot develop in your head on its own and do not analyze it. In fact, this is another variation of the rendering technique.

10. Seven good things
Imagine seven good things that happened to you the previous day. It can be anything from delicious coffee at a new coffee shop to buying cute socks. Play through every detail and image of these events in your head.
11. Balloon
Imagine looking at a large balloon floating smoothly in the air or on the water. Look only at him and do not let outside thoughts distract you. If you get confused, come back to this image as needed.
12. Volumetric objects
Imagine your home, any other building or landmark. Mentally walk around the object from all sides, zoom in and out, as if you were looking at it on a 3D map. This is another of the most meditative ways to fall asleep fast!