The birth of a new life is by no means the only meaning of pregnancy. It also speaks of the burdens and hardships that one has to face from time to time. In order to correctly interpret why pregnancy is dreaming, both of these factors must be taken into account. So that you do not have to waste time, we have already collected the interpretation of sleep from the dream book!
If a pregnant woman dreams
A good sign always promises good news, and very soon. Changes await you, which will certainly please, but do not miss the time and start acting! Right now is the time to start implementing plans that are always postponed until later.
Seeing yourself pregnant
The definition of your pregnancy in a dream is very ambiguous. For young girls, this is more likely a harbinger of deception or large spending. But for family young ladies, such a dream, on the contrary, promises joy. It's time to finally make plans and not be afraid of decisive steps. Good deals, bargains, or sudden material success await you.
If you dream of a pregnant wife
The best sign of internal readiness for changes in personal life is a pregnant wife in a dream. The subconscious mind symbolizes the determined intention to take responsibility. Perhaps it's time to discuss plans and prospects with your significant other. After all, it is likely that both of you are already completely ready for the new stage of the relationship.
Pregnant mother
The appearance of the closest blood relatives in an interesting position is not the most pleasant sign. It symbolizes difficulties, upcoming conflicts or serious misunderstandings. Difficulties await you on the personal front, at work and in the material aspect.
Pregnant animal
Another good symbol is a pregnant animal in a dream, which promises career and personal success. A cat can symbolize intrigues and manipulations in which loved ones will entangle you. A pregnant dog predicts pleasant romantic encounters with the "right" person.
Pregnancy according to the oriental dream book
In the eastern dream book, pregnancy definitely means good news, and in the material sphere. A good income or unexpected profit awaits you. The planned spending and investments will be successful, effective and will certainly bring a positive result.
Pregnancy according to the English dream book
Your attitude to pregnancy in a dream is the real attitude of your subconscious mind to the events around you. It does not necessarily apply to personal life - any long-term and large-scale plan is taken into account. Therefore, carefully analyze your emotions, fears and concerns, and think over different scenarios of actions.
Pregnancy according to the Russian dream book
Childbirth can mean the emergence of new ideas and beginnings, future attempts to implement them. In a dream, pregnancy can be an analogy to other important events that you ponder and carry for a long time in yourself. For pregnant women, she predicts easy childbirth, and the rest promises happiness in love.
Pregnancy according to the Mayan dream book
The interpretation of the ancient peoples traditionally differs from the one we are accustomed to. If in a dream you or someone close to you are waiting for a girl - this is a good sign, and soon pleasant surprises await you. But if the boy is a direct threat to his health, so be sure to monitor his health in the near future.
Pregnancy according to Freud's dream book
Freud interpreted everything literally as never before: pregnancy means pregnancy, and only that. This means that the woman is already ready for the decisive step and raising children. If a man dreams of a dream, then he is already internally matured to acquire a family and offspring.
Pregnancy according to Meneghetti's dream book
The Italian dream book Meneghetti focuses on the "tangibility" of sensations and visions. If you see clear features and an image of the unborn child, he will soon appear in your life.But if the state is more abstract, it symbolizes a hidden alien influence on you and the subconscious.
Pregnancy according to Miller's dream book
Miller's interpretation is rather controversial and depends on who is dreaming. If a woman is already pregnant, this is a good prognosis, because everything will go away without problems and complications. In any other case, pregnancy rather indicates an unhappy family life and difficulties in relationships.
Pregnancy according to Long's dream book
You need to put in a little effort, and you will definitely get success and good profits. New beginnings of a man who sees a pregnant woman will be very fruitful. The woman is waiting for well-being in her personal life and replenishment in the family.
Pregnancy according to Phoebe's dream book
The material sphere comes to the fore, and pregnancy in a dream promises financial success. If everything went well in a dream, your affairs and new projects will go the same way. But if the pregnancy was accompanied by conflicts or health problems, get ready for difficulties and obstacles on the way.
Pregnancy according to a modern dream book
The modern dream book considers pregnancy as a radical change - good or bad. Depends on who is dreaming: the poor will have financial success, and the rich will have difficulties; married - conflicts, and single - marriage. If you dream about your pregnancy with childbirth, you will soon be able to get rid of the burden of debt and sorrow.
Pregnancy according to Samokhvalov's dream book
The psychoanalytic dream book interprets pregnancy as new opportunities and prospects. On the one hand, this is the nurturing of plans, and on the other, an alien influence. The image is very ambiguous and the situation will remain hidden right up to its climax.