How to make a false fireplace with your own hands: 8 ideas

How to make a false fireplace with your own hands: 8 ideas

Fireplaces have long been associated with the very concept of home, warmth and comfort. But it is not possible to make a real one everywhere, and in city apartments it is rather an exception. And in private houses, it is better to plan a full-fledged brick fireplace even at the construction stage. But with a good imitation, everything is much easier - it will perfectly complement your bedroom or living room. Here's what you can do!

1. False fireplace made of cardboard

To ask the price of artificial fireplaces and have fun with the kids, you can even make the first trial model from unnecessary cardboard boxes. Large boxes of equipment are ideal - from one - the podium, from the other - the fireplace itself.

Mark the doors for the future firebox, carefully cut them through and wrap them inward. To connect the parts, only a wide adhesive tape will be enough. From above, cover the fireplace with beautiful wrapping paper or the remains of wallpaper, decorate it with ready-made polyurethane elements.

DIY cardboard fireplace
DIY cardboard fireplace

2. A false brick fireplace

This is the most spectacular and most believable, but also one of the most expensive options. Although, if you have an unnecessary brick from a construction site, it is a great reason to put it into action. Basically, you only need to lay out a niche of the shape and size that you like.

There are no tricks here - the masonry is the same as for walls or partitions. All the same solution, neat seams, and, if desired, paint on top. You can put a wooden or stone shelf on top, and fill the niche with candles. Brick is not afraid of fire and temperatures, so feel free to take the real ones.

The only major problem with bricks is their hefty weight, so check the condition of the floors first. To calculate the required amount, think over your dimensions and divide them into the dimensions of one brick. The most important thing when laying is to constantly control the level of straightness of each row.

DIY brick fireplace
DIY brick fireplace
DIY brick fireplace

3. False fireplace made of wood

If you prefer eco-style and natural materials, then a false fireplace can even be made of wood. Plywood sheets with a thickness of 8 mm or more are best suited for this - they are easy to cut and connect. For the frame, use beams about 4x4 cm in size, and for fastening - self-tapping screws and liquid nails.

Keep in mind that the wooden structure on a frame made of beams is quite heavy, so a podium is needed for stability. Sew the base with plywood, close the seams with corners and putty all the joints. You can leave additional niches, shelves or other elements, and only the decor will remain.

Do-it-yourself false fireplace made of wood
Do-it-yourself false fireplace made of wood
Do-it-yourself false fireplace made of wood

4. False fireplace from old furniture

Any old cabinet or chipboard cabinet can be reassembled into a false fireplace, like a cardboard box. Only it will be incomparably neater and stronger, and unlike drywall, it will also be more mobile. Old shelves are suitable for the base, an unnecessary drawer for the podium, and small doors for the side walls.

Chipboard is an unpretentious material, but you need to work with it carefully. To prevent the slabs from crumbling, cut through all the lines to the end and do not screw the fasteners into the same place twice. Be sure to cover the edges with a special decorative tape - so they will not swell and deform.

Do-it-yourself false fireplace from old furniture
Do-it-yourself false fireplace from old furniture
Do-it-yourself false fireplace from old furniture

5. False plasterboard fireplace

Collect a small frame of a false fireplace from profiles, but a large and heavy one is better to attach directly to the wall. If you still have rack profiles after construction or repair, this is their hour.

Sheets are cut into the desired fragments of any shape, size and configuration - a regular construction knife is suitable for this. In the calculations, be sure to take into account the ends and overlaps. All corners are closed with special corner profiles and rubbed with putty on top.

The surface is primed, and then you can paint and decorate it with anything you like. For example, veneer with imitation stone, and hang a mirror for volume in a niche. In the future, you can easily change the finish - this is another advantage of drywall.

DIY drywall fireplace
DIY drywall fireplace
DIY drywall fireplace

6. Raised polyurethane fireplace

It is impossible to make a real fireplace out of polyurethane, but a good decorative imitation is quite. This is a modern material that bends easily and takes absolutely any shape. Ready-made portals are made of it with imitation of wood or stone carving - they just need to be glued to the wall.

In stores, you can sometimes find ready-made sets for false fireplaces. In fact, this is a kind of 3D puzzle that you just need to unpack and assemble according to the instructions. All that remains is to paint it to match your interior.

DIY polyurethane false fireplace
DIY polyurethane false fireplace
DIY polyurethane false fireplace

7. False fireplace made of polystyrene

Basically, it's a simple box that you cut and fold yourself. Take several sheets 10 cm thick, cut them into parts and glue them together, and use self-tapping screws for a more secure fixation. By the way, packaging foam from household appliances is usually denser than finishing - and therefore stronger.

To cut the sheets, you will need a small hacksaw for metal - this way the foam will not crumble. Take your time and cut through the lines completely so you don't break anything. There are special foam adhesive solutions for bonding - no other adhesive will take the impermeable material.

First, mark the floor for the future base, and gradually begin to add the details. Immediately check all surfaces with a level until the adhesive has set. Puttying smooth foam is problematic, so lay a masking net on top. Ready-made elements are suitable for the portal design - columns and semi-columns, stucco molding, shelves, moldings.

DIY styrofoam fireplace
DIY styrofoam fireplace

8. Corner false fireplace

A neat corner false fireplace can be made with your own hands from a large cardboard box - for example, from a TV or heater. You need to completely cut one wall and fold the remaining three into a triangle. Trim the edges so that it fits perfectly into your corner to fit.

Then it remains to cut through the portal - and you can move on to decoration and decorations. For example, cover the mini-fireplace with wallpaper under the brickwork, and put a wooden corner shelf on top - and you will get a neat cabinet-table top.

Corner false fireplace with your own hands
Corner false fireplace with your own hands
Corner false fireplace with your own hands

How to make a fire for a false fireplace?

There can be no question of any open fire in a false fireplace, and even using real candles is quite dangerous. Therefore, we will figure out how and how you can effectively simulate the hearth.

A bright orange-red LED strip runs along the contour of the niche from below. Put a transparent aquarium bowl with water or glass balls inside - and with the refraction of light, the fire will come to life.

How to make a fire for a false fireplace with your own hands

There are safe bio fireplaces on sale that can be built into home imitations. It is an advanced alcohol burner with virtually no odor, smoke and fire risk. In closed rooms without chimneys, this is the only option for a live open fire.

Lamps that simulate fire or special electronic photo frames look interesting. They broadcast an image of a flame with characteristic sounds and crackles. But keep in mind that such frames are quite expensive, because this is a simplified miniature plasma.

How to make a fire for a false fireplace with your own hands

False fireplace with your own hands - photo

In fact, you can make a false fireplace as you like and from anything - everything to your taste. And to show this in practice, we have compiled a large selection of photo ideas for you!

False fireplace with your own hands - photo
False fireplace with your own hands - photo
False fireplace with your own hands - photo
False fireplace with your own hands - photo
False fireplace with your own hands - photo
False fireplace with your own hands - photo
False fireplace with your own hands - photo
False fireplace with your own hands - photo
False fireplace with your own hands - photo
False fireplace with your own hands - photo
False fireplace with your own hands - photo
False fireplace with your own hands - photo
False fireplace with your own hands - photo
False fireplace with your own hands - photo
False fireplace with your own hands - photo
False fireplace with your own hands - photo
False fireplace with your own hands - photo
False fireplace with your own hands - photo
False fireplace with your own hands - photo
False fireplace with your own hands - photo
Do-it-yourself false fireplace - photo
False fireplace with your own hands - photo
False fireplace with your own hands - photo
Do-it-yourself false fireplace - photo
Do-it-yourself false fireplace - photo

Video: DIY cardboard fireplace - DIY

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