If the renovation has already been completed, but still lacks a highlight - take a look at your walls. You don't have to pile up your apartment with lots of decorations and dust collectors when you already have such canvases to create. You can create a real masterpiece with your own hands or arrange a wonderful family interactive. And we have already prepared 14 interesting ideas!
1. Mirrors
Everyone knows that mirrored surfaces help to visually enlarge a room and fill it with light. To do this, it is not at all necessary to tighten the entire wall with them - abstract decorative compositions from chaotically located mirrors of different shapes and sizes look much more spectacular.
2. Plates
Abstract compositions from beautiful plates look amazingly good in Provence, Scandinavian style and any other interiors with handmade decorations. Hang up your favorite collection from trips, choose several pieces in the same style, or vice versa - combine the incongruous. Use decoupage, painting, lace, ribbons, stickers and any other decorations.
3. Wallpaper
It can be quite difficult to paste over an entire wall with photo wallpaper without practice, because perfect accuracy is important for the safety of the picture. But with the help of fragments of the same photo wallpaper, you can effectively decorate niches, columns and partitions. Or make neat framed panels out of them, as a replacement for ordinary paintings and posters.
4. Live flowerpots
If you love fresh flowers, but you always have nowhere to put flowerpots, hang them right on the walls. Planters, hanging shelves, boxes, special wall collections and homemade compositions will come to your aid. And, of course, spectacular, unpretentious vines and ivy, which are easily adaptable to almost any living conditions.
5. Shelves and niches
Shelves of different sizes and lengths or plasterboard niches are not only convenient, but also stylish. Wooden, glass, multi-colored or backlit, on hangers and brackets - they look like an independent decoration. Long horizontal ones - visually move the walls apart and enlarge the room, and narrow and located one after another vertically - raise the ceilings.
6. Dried flowers
Panels and compositions of dried flowers perfectly complement the concept of modern eco-interiors. The most difficult thing here is to carefully lay out the composition in advance. In order not to damage the fragile material, first spread everything out on a large white sheet of paper, and only then gradually transfer it to the wall or canvas. And don't forget about a layer of varnish to protect dried flowers from damage and moisture.
7. Garlands
For a long time, garlands have been used not only for the holidays, but also as a spectacular zone lighting. They are good for decorating niches, shelves, shelves, a TV cabinet, a back of a sofa or a head of a bed. The last few seasons are especially popular with garlands resembling balls of thread.
8. Stickers
There are many vinyl stickers for sale now with different designs, and some printers print them to order. Decorating walls this way is as easy as shelling pears. You just need to think over the composition and carefully stick them without distortions, folds and air bubbles.
9. Wooden slabs
Wood cladding is an expensive luxury, and besides, it is not applicable in all rooms. But a panel made of natural slabs with different textures, toning or even epoxy rivers is an almost win-win option for wall decor. You can lay out such a composition of cuts of different sizes yourself, like a mosaic of tiles.
10. Soft panels
In a bedroom, nursery or living room, cozy textile decor will not be superfluous. To do this, cut out blanks of the desired shape from plywood sheets and cover them with fabric, artificial leather or fur. To make the tiles really soft, put a sheet of foam inside.And then mount them on the wall, like ordinary paintings or panels.
11. Slate wall
With the help of special slate paint, any wall or part of it can be turned into a full-fledged board. On it you can draw, make important notes, leave wishes and reminders to loved ones. By the way, this technique is good for decorating an apron in the kitchen - you can write down recipes so as not to be constantly distracted in a notebook or browser window.
12. Liquid wallpaper
In fact, it is an alternative to textured plaster based on glue and cellulose. The advantage is that you can decorate such a mixture with anything - fabric fibers, glitter, colored sand, stone chips, wood chips, pigments, etc. The finished mass is applied with an ordinary spatula - you can do it yourself!
13. Family tree
Instead of arranging pictures in frames on the shelves, you can make a real family tree out of them. Draw a trunk with branches directly on the wall or transfer it through a stencil, and only then lay out the composition of photographs in frames of different shapes and sizes.
14. False fireplace
Assembling a small decorative false fireplace from drywall sheets is no more difficult than making a niche or partition out of it. For the illusion of volume, a mirror can be glued to the back wall. And the resulting niche will be decorated with real or artificial candles and garlands in jars.