How and how to feed petunia seedlings

How and how to feed petunia seedlings

Petunia is an eternal inhabitant of flower beds, balconies, flowerpots and flower boxes. Different varieties differ in the shape of flowers and shades, so you can plant a whole garden from one species - and never repeat it. But in order for the seedlings of petunia to sprout well and delight with beauty, it must be fertilized correctly and in time!

How to understand if top dressing is needed and what is missing?

Vigorous flowering plants always require a lot of nutrients, and petunias are no exception. Correctly selected fertilizers affect the number and size of flowers, their shade and overall appearance.

If the petunias are starting to wither, the soil type may not be suitable for them. It is necessary to determine its acidity and alkaline composition, and then urgently correct the situation. Ash, dolomite flour and lime are used to neutralize acidity.

Do I need feeding and what is missing - How to feed petunia seedlings

In cases where petunias turn yellow and grow poorly, first loosen the soil and add peat to it. Then carefully add nitrogen, but try not to burn the delicate root. Ready-made complexes of minerals contribute to the strengthening of the rhizome and the growth of the ground part.

But for the seedlings to be really healthy and beautiful, it is important not to overdo it. Do not apply fertilizer haphazardly, just to do the best - it will ruin the seedlings. If petunias do not show a lack of food in any way, then now they do not need it.

Do I need feeding and what is missing - How to feed petunia seedlings

The best time to feed

Fertilizers are applied in the third week of the life of the sprouts, because at first the seeds have enough nutrients with which they are processed. But there is a second scheme, according to which petunias are fed for the first time after 7-10 days, and fertilizers are regularly applied until the final bud formation. Both are viable options, so choose the one that works best in your environment and with your soil.

The best time to feed petunia seedlings

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Fertilizers for feeding petunia seedlings

Alternate between regular watering, root dressing and spraying seedlings with useful substances. Microfertilizers are better suited for foliar procedures, but be careful with nitrogen-containing organic matter and mixtures. Fertilize under the root immediately after watering or together with it, and it is better to spray the flowers in the evening or early in the morning.


Organic fertilizers are safer and more environmentally friendly than mineral fertilizers, so many gardeners prefer them. Chicken droppings are best suited for petunias, which must be diluted 1:10 with water. Let the concentrate brew for a week, strain and add 5 g of potassium permanganate and copper sulfate each. One petunia bush needs half a liter of such a nutrient solution.

Organic fertilizers - How to feed petunia seedlings


In addition to complex mineral mixtures for flowers, petunias are very fond of point effects. Use manganese, boron, zinc and vitamins - these are micronutrients. Remember that nitrogen is needed to build up green mass, potassium is needed for beautiful flowers, and phosphorus is needed for a strong and healthy rhizome.

Instead of ordinary ammonium nitrate, take calcium for bright colors. From ready-made complexes, buy a nitroammophoska and do not forget about urea. Spray petunias with vitamin B1 and B12 a couple of times a month. It is very important to maintain equal intervals between treatments.

It is recommended to treat petunias with iron chelate three times a month to prevent chlorosis. Make sure that only small scattered splashes fall on the flowers, and not large drops. Dilute 5 g of powder in a 10 liter bucket of water.

Mineral fertilizers - How to feed petunia seedlings

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Folk remedies

Petunias love feeding and constant care, so folk methods will also come in handy. Everything goes into business: from the usual ash to all kinds of herbal tinctures. We are sharing a few recipes!

Feeding petunias with ash

Ash is the best antiseptic, a healthy source of potassium and a very nutritious phosphorus fertilizer.In its pure form, it is almost never used, but a weak solution is perfect for watering petunias. Stir a half-liter can of ash in a bucket of water and let it brew for a day, and strain before using.

Feeding petunia seedlings with ash

Top dressing with nettles

Young fresh nettles are rich in useful trace elements. But in fact, any other greens, including weeds, are suitable for a nutritious infusion. Pour a quarter of a bucket of grass with water, let it brew for 3 days and water the flower beds.

Top dressing of petunias with potassium permanganate

Potassium permanganate is a popular household antibacterial and antifungal agent. The weak, pale solution prevents rotting and the so-called black leg. It is not for nothing that almost all the seeds are treated with potassium permanganate before planting.

Top dressing of petunia seedlings with potassium permanganate

Feeding with yeast

Thanks to the yeast solution, petunias grow better, and useful trace elements are absorbed faster. Dilute 5 g of yeast and 30 g of sugar in 5 liters of water, and then let it brew for 3 hours. When using, dilute the yeast concentrate with 5 more parts of clean, settled water.

Top dressing with citric acid

Weak citric acid will help regulate the acidity of the soil. And at the same time, it stimulates the rapid and intense flowering of petunias. Dilute 24 acid granules and 15 g of copper sulfate for 6 liters of water. This mixture is suitable for both spraying and watering.

Feeding petunias with boric acid

Boron treatment is needed for the abundant flowering of the petunia and the strengthening of the stems. To do this, dilute 2 g of acid powder in a bucket of water and use this liquid for irrigation. For spraying, a lighter solution is needed - 0.5 g of powder for the same volume.

Top dressing of petunia seedlings with boric acid

How to feed petunia seedlings for growth?

In order for petunia to please you with fast growth and bright colors, you need to follow the feeding regime. You cannot add complex fertilizers once and let the situation take its course if you want a really spectacular flower bed. The work begins even before sowing the seeds and ends when the petunias have finally faded.

Before sowing

In order for the seeds to germinate well, the soil must already be nutritious and saturated. To keep the substrate loose and allow air to pass through, move it with the peat. If your soil is poor and cannot be replaced, add some organic matter in advance. Before planting, treat the seeds with a mild manganese solution or store-bought fungicides.

How to feed petunia seedlings before sowing

After sowing

After planting the seeds, wait at least 2 weeks for fertilization before fertilizing. If the soil is initially good, feed the petunia when it has already released 4 leaves. Use the spraying method - so the liquid evenly gets on all the leaves and does not damage the vulnerable young root.

After the pick

In the case of petunias, it is not necessary to wait for time after the dive, so you can apply a portion of the fertilizer right away. After 2 weeks, carry out the second feeding of the seedlings with complex fertilizers. And after another 7 weeks, add calcium and nitrate to improve photosynthesis and immunity. If the seedlings are healthy and doing well, extend these intervals to 3 and 9 weeks, respectively.

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Video: The first feeding of petunia seedlings

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