Bordeaux liquid: application in the garden in spring

Bordeaux liquid: application in the garden in spring

Spring processing of the garden is a guarantee of healthy seedlings, lush flowering and a good harvest. Fungus, diseases and pests are problems that no one is immune from. But they can be prevented and risks reduced with proper care. And Bordeaux liquid is your faithful assistant in this difficult matter!

What is Bordeaux fluid used for

It is an effective antiseptic and fungicide for trees, shrubs, garden crops and flowers. Spring spraying is needed to prevent bacterial and fungal diseases. Also, the mixture is used as an insecticide to combat insects, larvae and their clutches after winter.

After spring processing with Bordeaux liquid, fruit trees delight with a bountiful harvest. Deciduous and coniferous species grow faster. And if you sprinkle cuts or cuts with a solution, they will tighten without rot and crusts.

What it is used for - Bordeaux liquid application in spring gardening

According to history, the mixture has been known for over a hundred years: since the nineteenth century, when the French botanist Millardé invented a new drug to fight mold on grapes. Until now, with its help, they are saved from the main enemies of the vineyards - mildew and anthracnose.

Bordeaux liquid protects fruit and berry crops from rot, rust, powdery mildew, scab and moniliosis. Stone fruits are sprayed for curl, spotting and other common problems. The main thing is not to overdo it with the dosage, because due to an excess of copper, the fruits can then crack.

Pears and apple trees are sprayed, including for black crayfish, and berry bushes - for anthracosis and spotting. The beds with tomatoes and potatoes are shed from macrosporiosis and late blight, and with cucumbers, watermelons and melons - from septoria, peronosporiasis and bacterial diseases.

What it is used for - Bordeaux liquid application in spring gardening

Operating principle

The principle of action of Bordeaux liquid is very simple: residual copper ions at the cellular level destroy fungi and pests. But pure copper is too aggressive for plants, and calcium compounds slightly dampen its negative effect. Due to the specificity of the chemical reaction, the drug cannot be insisted, because fine particles begin to combine and a precipitate forms.

Principle of action - Bordeaux liquid application in spring gardening

Copper sulfate: application of the solution in horticulture

How to prepare a solution

For the spring processing of the garden, 1% and 3% Bordeaux liquid is needed. When cooking, they differ only in the ratio of the components: 100: 150 or 300: 450 g of copper sulfate and quicklime per bucket of water, respectively. The preparation is prepared in several stages, and it is important to follow the sequence!

First dissolve vitriol in a liter of warm water in a glass non-food container. Do not use metal containers and tools to avoid chemical reaction. When the powder is completely dissolved, add up to 5 liters of cold water.

Pour another 5 liters of water into another dish and dissolve quicklime in it, and then strain the solution through cheesecloth. There, in a thin stream, slowly and carefully introduce the vitriol solution. Stir the mixture actively in the process and use it immediately. If you need to save it for the next day, add another 10 grams of sugar to a bucket of water.

How to prepare a solution - Bordeaux liquid application in spring gardening

How to check shop powder

When you buy ready-made Bordeaux liquid, litmus paper should come with it. This is a special test indicator that must be immersed in a solution to check the concentration. If the litmus turns red, then there is too much vitriol in the mixture, and it can burn the plants. If it is blue - too much lime, due to which the effectiveness of the product decreases.

How to test store-bought powder - Bordeaux liquid gardening application in spring

How and how to feed an apple tree in spring

Dosage and consumption

Bordeaux liquid must be sprayed evenly, so special spray tanks are used. Before the beginning of the growing season and the appearance of the first buds, a more concentrated 3% solution can be used.In this case, one preventive treatment is sufficient.

But if the growing season has already begun, a weak 1% composition is needed, but it will have to be applied 2-4 times. Before the procedures, be sure to maintain an interval of 1-2 weeks, depending on the type of culture. Make sure that less liquid falls into the soil, otherwise there will be an excess of vitriol in the soil, and this adversely affects the seedlings.

To process an adult large tree, you need from 2 to 10 liters of liquid, for a berry bush - about 1.5 liters. The same 1.5 liters is enough to process about 10 squares of vineyard or garden beds. The dosage can be increased for large trees with visible signs of fungus.

Dosage and Consumption - Bordeaux liquid application in spring horticulture

Bordeaux liquid or copper sulfate?

Due to the presence of lime in the composition, Bordeaux liquid is softer than pure copper sulfate. It is not so harmful to humans and plants, but at the same time it lingers better on leaves and branches. Therefore, for preventive spring treatment, gardeners prefer it.

Bordeaux liquid or copper sulfate - Bordeaux liquid use in gardening in spring

How and how to feed currants in the spring

When to process

It is not recommended to treat trees with Bordeaux mixture when it rains. It will not linger and will not give the desired effect, but it can burn the buds and leaves. Choose dry and calm weather so that the spray hits exactly the branches and is not carried around.

Bordeaux liquid is used in early spring because it can affect the fruit. Therefore, plants should not be sprayed during flowering and 2 weeks before harvest. This applies to any berries, fruits and vegetables. Spraying can lead to deformation and the appearance of a characteristic mesh structure.

When to process - Bordeaux liquid gardening application in spring

Precautionary measures

Bordeaux liquid is a toxic drug, therefore it is absolutely impossible for it to enter the stomach or respiratory tract. It provokes severe poisoning, so if a similar situation arises, then immediately consult a doctor. To avoid contact with eyes and skin, use gloves, goggles and a protective suit.

When working, never eat, drink or smoke nearby. Harvest from treated crops must be thoroughly rinsed with water after harvest. Spray the preparation only in the wind and bear in mind that it can be carried tens of meters away.

Precautions - Bordeaux liquid gardening application in spring

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