It seems that delicate petunia fills all the free space with its exuberant flowering. Behind the scattering of buds, the leaves are practically not visible - and this is where the problems begin. It is on the leaves that almost all petunia diseases appear first. Therefore, periodically inspect the flower beds, and we will tell you what to look for!
Leaves turn yellow and dry
Of course, petunia is appreciated not for its leaves, but for its beautiful flowering. But this is not a reason to ignore the state of the plant as a whole, because diseases can completely destroy it.
- With a lack of moisture on hot days, the leaves dry out, and if there is too much water, they turn yellow and rot;
- Dry burns may remain in the bright sun behind glass or if water drops enter;
- If the plant lacks nutrition, it turns yellow and withers, therefore complex seasonal feeding is important. Violently blooming petunias absorb many useful components;
- Small yellow spots in combination with white and black spots remain when thrips eat petunias. Later, the damaged leaves fade and turn silvery;
- Light yellow patterns, reminiscent of cunning moves - these are the traces of the movement of miners;
- Young seedlings of petunias turn yellow spots if they lack iron.
Brown spots on petunia leaves
If the leaves of the petunia are covered with spots of red, brown and brown shades, it is most likely a fungus. Treatment with specialized fungicides helps well from it.
- Rusty rust spots appear more often on outdoor petunias on rainy, cool days, but sometimes cover indoor plants;
- On the leaves, after the stem, putrid brown spots appear when petunia has late blight;
- Rounded reddish spots gradually elongate and unite when affected by brown spot.
Petunia leaves turn black
Petunia is not the most capricious and disease-sensitive plant. Therefore, if its leaves begin to blacken and obviously deteriorate - it's time to sound the alarm!
- With a bacterial burn, the leaves and shoots of tender petunia seem to burn;
- The black leg first affects the stem, but gradually can rise higher up the plant;
- Black plaque that can be erased at first glance is a sooty fungus. Most often it develops on plants affected by aphids.
White bloom on petunia leaves
Both gardeners and owners of home flowerpots encounter a white bloom on the leaves. It is mainly a fungus that thrives on rainy summer days.
- White bloom leaves powdery mildew, which loves warmth and moisture;
- A light gray coating over brownish spots appears when petunia is sick with gray rot. Reasons - thickening of flower beds, cold snap or excess nitrogen;
- Wet brown spots are covered with a soft white coating if it is white rot. Most often, it appears during wet times in too dense plantings;
- The spider mite covers parts of the petunia with a thin whitish web. Small yellow dots remain on the plates, and later they dry out.
Petunia leaves curl
If the leaves curl up and at the same time look completely lethargic, the conditions of detention are not suitable for the petunias. But be sure to monitor for other symptoms so as not to miss the disease!
- The edges of the petunia leaves are wrapped, and the leaves themselves stretch out if they do not have enough light;
- When aphids are damaged, the leaf plates are deformed, and in some areas they also turn yellow;
- Light curling with discolored spots leaves behind a whitefly. If the leaves are damaged too much, they will soon dry out.