Leaf diseases in zucchini: descriptions with photos, treatment

Leaf diseases in zucchini: descriptions with photos, treatment

Zucchini is a real storehouse of valuable substances needed by the heart, brain and muscles. It stimulates liver regeneration, lowers cholesterol levels, and saturates the body with potassium and magnesium. But for this it is important that the seedlings themselves are strong and healthy. In order not to miss the disease of zucchini, watch out for their leaves!

Bumps and bumps on the leaves

Zucchini leaves are most often covered with tubercles due to common stress. True, there may be other reasons - and here it is important to detect the problem in time!

- Most often, small pimples on the leaves are oedema. She is a sure sign that the current conditions of detention are not suitable for the seedlings;

- Dropsy can appear due to stress after transplanting, frost or a sharp temperature drop when planting in a greenhouse;

- Whitefly willingly attacks the leaves of squash and leaves behind deformed growths;

- If the bumps resemble dense tumors and diverge throughout the zucchini, this may be a root cancer.

Pimples and bumps on the leaves - Diseases of the leaves in zucchini

Leaves turn yellow and dry

Zucchini leaves can turn yellow for various reasons, and some of them are a common natural process. But sometimes this is an alarming symptom, especially if the upper plates are affected!

- When the leaves do not have enough moisture, they dry, but if the watering is excessive, they turn yellow and rot;

- Small dry spots on visually healthy leaves remain due to sunburn;

- If yellow spots are intertwined in a continuous abstract pattern - zucchini get sick with mosaics. The virus cannot be cured, and the infected plants will have to be destroyed;

- Faded yellow spots of peronosporosis gradually become darker and grow every day.

Leaves turn yellow and dry - Diseases of leaves in zucchini

Diseases of strawberry leaves: descriptions with photos, treatment

Brown spots on zucchini leaves

Colored spots of all shades of red and brown can even seem pretty. But most often it is a fungus that gradually spreads to other plantings.

- Cladosporium appears in the form of dark spots that cast a rich olive color;

- If the brown spots are rather grayish and diverge throughout the plant, this is ascochitis. Sometimes, with the disease, small ulcers appear and gum is released;

- If brown spots spread over the beds too quickly - treat the zucchini from fusarium;

- With bacteriosis, the affected areas not only change color, but also look oily;

- Bacterial spotting provokes brown spots on the leaves, which gradually turn into foci of decay and ulcers.

Brown spots on the leaves - Diseases of the leaves in zucchini

Zucchini leaves turn black

If the leaves darken so much that they appear black, it is not a fact that you will be able to save the plant. But with spots and fungi, you can successfully fight with fungicides!

- Young zucchini can turn black and wither due to gross violations of conditions. For example, if the seedlings freeze too much;

- When damaged by root rot, the leaves turn black and fall off, and the zucchini stems become rotten;

- Late blight leaves very dark, almost black spots on zucchini.

Leaves turn black - Diseases of leaves in zucchini

Gooseberry leaf diseases: descriptions with photos, treatment

White bloom on zucchini leaves

There are several fungal diseases due to which the leaves of the squash are covered with a white coating. Fortunately, they are all treated with the same drugs!

- The main cause of white bloom is powdery mildew, which has long been easily treated with fungicides;

- A spider mite braids the beds with a thin whitish cobweb, which from a distance can also be mistaken for a raid;

- White fluffy formations that resemble cotton balls are sclerotinia fungi, often affecting zucchini and cucumbers.

White bloom on the leaves - Diseases of the leaves in zucchini

Pale and light leaves

If the leaves begin to fade for no apparent reason, the conditions are probably not suitable for the zucchini. But these can also be the initial stages of more serious diseases.

- When the zucchini lacks the sun, the plant gradually loses its color due to the disruption of the photosynthesis process;

- If the soil is too poor or zucchini are deficient in individual microelements, then the leaves will begin to fade first;

- Young seedlings turn pale and wither when the soil and place do not suit them;

- Several varieties of the mosaic virus can leave not yellow, but pale spots on zucchini. But they are not treated in the same way and can infect other cultures.

Pale and Light Leaves - Leaf Diseases in Zucchini

Plum leaf diseases: descriptions with photos, treatment

Zucchini leaves curl

When the leaves curl up into tubes and take on a strange shape, you urgently need to understand what is wrong. It is impossible to exclude a virus that can disperse further in the beds!

- If the beds are too densely planted, then the large leaves do not have enough air and light, so they wrinkle and wither;

- Early verticillary wilting leads to leaf curling;

- If there is not enough light for the seedlings of zucchini, it will not only turn pale, but also curl up. This happens because the plant is trying to store all the valuable substances in the more promising parts.

Leaves curl - Leaf diseases in squash

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