Lamb meat is healthier than pork, and if cooked correctly, it is much tastier. We have collected 15 of the best lamb recipes for you!
1. Iranian lamb pilaf

Do you want to try real Iranian pilaf? Then write down this recipe for yourself!
You will need: 0.5 kg of lamb on the bone, 2 cups of rice, 1-2 onions, 1 large carrot, 4 tbsp. l. seedless raisins, 65 ml of vegetable oil, 1 tsp. ground pepper mixture, sea salt and 1 head of garlic.
Preparation: In a large cauldron they heated oil with spices, add pieces of lamb, then onions and carrots. Add washed rice to the cauldron, salt, fill with water, stick in unpeeled garlic and cook until tender.
2. Roast lamb with vegetables

Lamb stew with potatoes and vegetables is a wonderful lunch or dinner for the whole family.
You will need: 0.5 kg of lamb meat, 7-8 potatoes, 1 sweet bell pepper, 2 tomatoes, 1 onion, 1 carrot, 300 ml of water.
Preparation: Fry the lamb in hot oil until golden brown, add the onion, and when it is browned, add finely chopped carrots and peppers. Pour vegetables with meat with water, carcasses for 35-40 minutes, pour in sliced and fried potatoes until half cooked, add chopped tomatoes, season with spices, carcasses for another 15-18 minutes.
3. Baked lamb shoulder

A very worthy lamb dish for a festive table. Delicious, appetizing and very aromatic!
You will need: 1.5 kg lamb shoulder, 2 onions, 1 large carrot, 1 head of garlic, 1 bunch of fresh rosemary.
Preparation: In a deep frying pan, put onions and carrots, cut into four parts, 3-4 sprigs of rosemary, put a shoulder of lamb stuffed with garlic, grated with salt and vegetable oil on top. Tighten the tin with foil and bake in the oven for three hours at 170 degrees.
4. Lamb beshbarmak

Kazakhs and Uzbeks eat this lamb meat dish with their hands, its name is translated as "five fingers".
You will need: 900-1000 g lamb, 5 onions, 1 large bunch of assorted spicy herbs (cilantro, dill, parsley), 1 egg, 2 red onions, 200 ml of water, sifted wheat flour.
Preparation: Boil the meat for an hour in boiling water, cut into pieces. Separately mix the water with the egg, adding flour, knead the dough, roll it into a thin cake, cut into diamonds, boil in the broth in which the meat was cooked. Cut the red onion into half rings, marinate in water with vinegar, then squeeze and mix with chopped herbs. Cut the onions into cubes, fry in oil. Lay the meat, fried onions, dough rhombuses, pickled onions with herbs on a serving dish. Serve the broth separately in small bowls.
5. Pie "Shepherd's"

This old English dish has remained popular for centuries.
You will need: 1 kg of potatoes, 0.5 kg of lamb minced meat, 2 carrots, 3 onions, 1 can of green peas, 2 eggs, 200 g of hard cheese, 1 bunch of dill, 60 g of butter.
Preparation: Make mashed potatoes from potatoes, stir in grated cheese, eggs, butter, salt and pepper to taste. Save the onions with carrots in oil, add minced meat, carcasses until tender, season with spices, add chopped greens and peas without brine. Put mashed potatoes on the bottom of the form, then the filling, mashed potatoes again, baked in the oven.
6. Lamb khashlama

Lamb with tomatoes, bell peppers and herbs turns out to be very tender and aromatic. Khashlama is a dish that is adored even by those who do not eat lamb.
You will need: 1.2 kg of lamb, 850 g of ripe tomatoes, 0.5 kg of sweet bell pepper, 5 onions, 1 head of garlic, 0.3 bunch of parsley, cilantro and dill each, 1 chilli pod, 4 bay leaves, 12 black peppercorns , 1.5 tbsp. l. ground sweet paprika, 1.5 tbsp. l. salt, 0.3 tsp. ground black pepper.
Preparation: In a deep saucepan, pour a layer of diced tomatoes, salt, put a third of the onion, cut into half rings and half of the lamb, cut with half of the pepper, cut into strips. Sprinkle with salt, garlic, black pepper, peppercorns and chili pod, bay leaf. Repeat the layers one more time in the indicated sequence, put to simmer under the lid on minimum heat for 3 hours. Sprinkle with herbs before serving.
7. Stewed lamb ribs

Soft and juicy lamb ribs stewed in their own juice go especially well with boiled potatoes and fresh vegetable salad.
You will need: 1 kg of lamb ribs, 4 large onions, 5 cloves of garlic, salt and spices.
Preparation: In a deep cauldron, fry the onion and ribs in vegetable oil until golden brown, add garlic, season to taste with your favorite spices, salt. Carcasses without adding water for an hour and a half under the lid, the intensity of the fire is minimal.
8. Lamb in French

In the French provinces, lamb is most often cooked according to this recipe.
You will need: 1.5 kg of lamb meat, 3 heads of garlic, 1 tsp. spices for lamb, 80 ml of cognac.
Preparation: Fry the garlic cloves in olive oil, transfer to a plate, and fry the meat pieces in a frying pan. Put the browned lamb in a cauldron, fill it with alcohol, put it on the fire, use a match to light the cognac and wait until it completely burns out. Pour the spices, previously set aside garlic, to the meat, put in the oven for two hours, bake under the lid.
9. Basma in Uzbek

A very simple recipe for simply fantastically delicious lamb.
You will need: 1 kg of lamb, 1 kg of onion, 750 g of potatoes, 3 potatoes, 5-6 whole cabbage leaves, 2 heads of garlic, 4 tomatoes, 2 eggplants, 1 beet, 3 sweet bell peppers, 1 chili, salt, cumin , basil and cilantro.
Preparation: Put pieces of meat on the bottom of a large cast-iron cauldron, salt, sprinkle with cumin, then lay out a layer of onion cut into half rings, tomato slices, season with spices. Continue to lay out the vegetables: coarsely chopped carrots, quarters of potatoes mixed with salt, eggplant slices, pepper rings, grated beets. Put the garlic on top with whole heads, lay the greens without chopping, cover everything with whole cabbage leaves. Salt and sprinkle with zira, cover, bring to a boil, then reduce heat to low and simmer for about an hour and a half.
10. Stew with lamb in the sleeve

Lamb baked in a sleeve with vegetables resembles a dish cooked over a fire or in an oven.
You will need: 0.5 kg of a mixture of frozen vegetables (any), 600 g of potatoes, 1 kg of lamb meat, salt and spices.
Preparation: For this dish, any vegetables are suitable, you can use frozen or fresh ones to your taste. Everything must be finely chopped, mixed with pieces of lamb, quartered potatoes, seasoned with meat spices, salt, dried garlic, mixed and placed in a sleeve. Bake in the oven until a slight "bake" appears.
11. Dumlyama

Dumlyama is a favorite dish of those who like meat and potatoes melting in their mouths.
You will need: 1 kg of lamb pulp, 800 g of medium-sized potatoes, 4 tomatoes, 1 carrot, 2 onions, 5 cloves of garlic, 0.3 chili peppers, 2 tbsp. l. fat tail fat, bay leaf, cumin, salt and ground pepper.
Preparation: In the melted fat, fry the pieces of lamb, add coarsely chopped carrots and half rings of onions, covered with carcasses until the juice is released. Put chili pepper, unpeeled garlic cloves, diced tomatoes into the cauldron, season with cumin and pepper, salt. Pour in peeled whole potatoes, cook for an hour and a half.
12. Leg of lamb in wine

Leg of lamb baked in dry white wine is a delicious and appetizing dish for a festive table.
You will need: 1 leg of lamb, 1 carrot, 0.5 cups of dry white wine, 100 ml of water, 4 cloves of garlic, 1 celery root, lamb spices, sea salt.
Preparation: Stuff the leg of the lamb with pieces of garlic and carrots, rub with spices, and place on a baking sheet. Place slices of celery and carrots around the lamb, sprinkle with the remaining garlic. Pour with a mixture of water and wine, baked in the oven.
13. Chakhokhbili from mutton

The Georgian dish chakhokhbili "will sound" in a special way if it is cooked from lamb meat.
You will need: 1 kg of fatty lamb, 650 g of potatoes, 4 onions, 5 tomatoes, 0.3 bunch of assorted herbs, 2 tsp. salt, 3 cloves of garlic, 1 chili pepper.
Preparation: First, fry the portioned pieces of meat, then add onions to it, salt, add chopped tomatoes. When it boils well, put the potato wedges, carcasses for 20-25 minutes. Season with garlic, herbs, spices, after 20 minutes add garlic and chili, wait a couple of minutes and remove from the stove.
14. Tatar lamb azu

Lamb cooked in ghee turns out to be surprisingly tasty.
You will need: 1 kg of lamb pulp, 6 potatoes, 2 onions, 5 pickles, 0.5 kg of tomato, 100 g of ghee, broth and spices.
Preparation: Fry the lamb chopped into cubes in hot melted butter, so that it roasts quickly, and all the juices are "sealed" inside, transfer the meat to a plate. In the remaining oil, save the onion, add the sautéed lamb, season with salt and spices. Pour chopped tomatoes into a cauldron, pour broth, carcasses over low heat for 50 minutes. Pour in the sliced cucumbers, separately fried potatoes, cook until tender.
15. Manty with lamb

Steamed manty with minced lamb meat - lick your fingers!
You will need: 2 kg of lamb pulp, 1 kg of ready-made dumplings, 5 onions.
Preparation: Cut the meat with a knife into very small cubes, mix with chopped onions, season to taste with salt and ground pepper, a pinch of cumin. Cut the dough rolled out into a very thin flat cake with a bowl into large circles (about 8 cm in diameter), put the minced meat, cover the edges. Cook in a double boiler, steamer, or just steamed.