To keep fit, celebrities stick to professional diets and stay at the gym for hours. But the result of efforts is obvious - women all over the world go crazy for the impeccable figure of Hollywood actors! And how many men finally decide to take care of themselves, making sure that it is really possible to achieve such a result.
10. Jason Statham
The actor, who, by his own words, never thought about calories and similar little things, had to really strain. Especially when he found that over time, the love of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu was no longer enough. Before the second "Adrenaline", Statham lost almost 10 kg in less than a month and a half!
9. Zac Efron
Zac Efron focuses not on gaining mass, but on drying and maintaining the relief. He alternates strength training with cardio, constantly changes the pace and periodically brings himself to exhaustion for the sake of results. The complex, which the coach put together for Efron, also includes exercises for flexibility and balance.
8. Mark Wahlberg
Mark Wahlberg maintains his immaculate terrain thanks to the so-called supersets. These are relatively short but high-intensity workouts that can fit into even a busy shooting schedule. Wahlberg's record - 12 kg of muscle mass in just 2 months.
7. Chris Pratt
After the release of Guardians of the Galaxy, comedy chubby Chris Pratt wowed audiences with his perfect figure. It still remains a mystery how exactly he managed to charm director James Gunn, but before filming, Pratt lost more than 25 kg!
6. Charlie Hunnam
Charlie Hunnam admitted that in his studies he focuses on working out the press. To maintain shape, he prefers circuit training in several approaches, but the press is the main thing.
5. Chris Hemsworth
A big fan of surfing and active entertainment, Hemsworth has always been in good shape. But for filming in the role of Thor, even he needed to strain and combine work with weight, as well as intense interval loads.
4. Chris Evans
Chris Evans went through his most grueling workout while preparing for the filming of Captain America. In just 3 months, he managed to gain about 10 kg of muscle mass, dry out and work out the perfect relief.
3. Jason Momoa
Momoa's impressive figure has made him, frankly, the episodic character of Khal Drogo startlingly popular. Momoa is not a big fan of classic rocking chairs, so he prefers surfing, boxing and medball classes. The main rule of the actor: every violation, like a glass of whiskey or a cigar, must be worked out.
2. Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
The legendary "Rock", it seems, has not changed for eternity. It was not for nothing that he started his career in wrestling and became WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) champion 8 times. It is known that he trains 6 times a week and eats about 6 thousand kcal per day.
1. Henry Cavill
Henry Cavill has always had an excellent form, but finally consolidated the result during the preparation for the role of Superman. Further shooting did not allow the actor to relax for a minute - from special agents to the witcher Geralt. Cavill himself admitted that for an expressive relief in nude scenes, he severely limited himself to food and water for three days.